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GatKong's Avatar GatKong
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
For 1.17 and above, this datapack has been updated and merged into the KitchenPack Datapack, available click --> here.

The Useful Cauldrons makes use of the useless cauldron.

Sure, you can already do your laundry in the cauldron, or sneak water into the nether...

But now you can summon up all kinds of trouble.

To begin, tossing anything into the cauldron makes a splash!

But get a fire burning under your water-filled cauldron and bring its magical powers to bear.

Seriously. You need to have a fire going under your cauldron if you want its magic functions to work. You gotta get it cooking.

Jesse Pinkman says of this data pack, "This cook is good, yo."

So, when you're cooking, tossing in the right combination of ingredients makes things happen.

extract enchantments into a book: enchanted item + bottle o' enchanting + book + fermented spider eye
-cauldron full of water: extracts all the enchantments into the book
-cauldron partially full: extracts the last enchantments off the item into the book

refreshed beef: rotten flesh + potion of regeneration + coal block + blue orchid

summon the killer rabbit: potion of harming + nether wart + redstone + one live rabbit

spawn egg: one spawner (needs my silk touch datapack for this) + mundane potion + bonemeal + special
Lastly, hold an egg over the brewing concoction.
*the special item specifies which spawn egg to make, typically related to that mob's drops.

summon player: potion of swiftness + golden boots + beetroot seeds + feather, and the summoned player must be holding onto beetroots.

summon thunder storm: potion of water breathing + lily pad + water bucket + redstone dust.

I may add more functions to the cauldron, if any decent ideas come to me that make sense in the big picture of Minceraft for a cauldron to be doing.

If you enjoy this datapack, please give it some love with diamonds and favorites >^_^<

Be sure to check out some of my other fun packs found here.
  • GatPack DataPack, packed full of all kinds of fun enhancements to the vanilla experience.
  • GatSilk Silk Touch DataPack, allows picking up spawners and infested blocks.
  • CTM Generator DataPack, makes any world into a Complete The Monument world.
  • GatPack Texture Pack, makes vanilla Minecraft 3D, animated, and algebraic.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13
toMinecraft 1.16

1 Update Logs

Updated for Minecraft 1.15 : by GatKong 12/15/2019 10:31:21 pmDec 15th, 2019

added recipe book upon first crafting of cauldron
added recipe for Potion of Experience
added recipe for thundering rain
deleted recipe for vex spawn egg, conflict with rubycraft use of egg
changed namespace id from Gatinh0 to GatKong

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02/10/2020 1:03 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
Eatruse's Avatar
Can you update it for 1.15.1? I try it on mc 1.15.1, extract enchantments into a book did not work.
02/10/2020 11:41 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
GatKong's Avatar
Yeah, 1.15.1 broke the ability to alter the nbt of held items. I’ll update it to get around that.
02/05/2020 9:16 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
Luis_Ur's Avatar
I always thought it would be fun to use the cauldron for Mundane and Thick potions, which could be adding the ingredients under a lit cauldron, and to balance it out from not being a brewing stand, each potion would have a positive and negative effect. You get Speed/Jump boost for 20sec, but your hunger bar will drop hard and fast for 25sec. Water breathing 20sec, Mining Fatigue 25 sec, Fire protection/slowness that sort of balance. I would make potions available early game, but still not as good as going to the nether and making a brew stand. I've seen other packs, but they keep blaze powder as an ingredient which if you are collecting blaze powder you might was well do a brew stand.

It also be fun way to add potion effects to armor or books, which could last for 20min boost or have periodic cool downs for the some of the effects before they kick back in. Not sure how easy that is to do, but you seem to have the skills it may be possible. I'd love for armor with Health boost, or helmet of night vision for sure in a survival friendly way.
03/22/2019 1:33 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Dragonborn
ThytonMC's Avatar
please, make it so you can make potions with the cauldron, and possibly add in custom potions you can get only from the cauldron.
03/22/2019 7:58 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
GatKong's Avatar
All good ideas. If you look at my GatPack Datpack, the witch does drop new special potions, including a flying potion, spectral potion, magic books, and more!
12/19/2019 3:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
koolade446's Avatar
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