Minecraft Data Packs / Extensive

Tectane's Trading Transformations

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Tectane12's Avatar Tectane12
Level 18 : Journeyman Crafter
Tectane's Trading Transformations

Have you ever been disappointed by the items available in villager trading? Ever felt like the value of emeralds makes no economic sense? Ever made a trade by mistake, and wished you could convince them to accept returns?
This datapack aims to address those disappointments. It seamlessly overhauls villager trading, replacing the vanilla trading tables entirely. Items have a consistent price, a much wider variety is traded, and in most cases they can be both bought and sold. Now, you can mine diamonds and exchange them for cobblestone to build your castle. You can purchase weapons and armor, then sell the monster loot you get from using them. Trading is transformed from a fun but limited mechanic to a viable yet fair alternative to the grind that can make the late-game frustrating. Soon enough, you might regret playing with villagers any other way!

- All villager professions have a modified and expanded trade possibilities at all levels. >280 different items are traded!
- Some villager professions renamed, villagers now show their profession name over their head.
- Coins! Ferrins (Iron Nuggets) and Aurins (Golden Nuggets) (with custom NBT) are now the only currency villagers will accept. They are uncraftable, so trading is the only way to acquire them. 1 Aurin is worth 8 Ferrins.
- Every item traded has a consistent price, but villagers will always pocket some change. (Gossip is no longer a factor, but Hero of the Village is!)
- Cartographer's explorer maps work as normal
- Enchanted armor/weapon/tool trades now require an unenchanted version of the item, but are otherwise unchanged.
- Librarian's enchanted books work as normal
- There are unique iron/chain weapons/armor/tools sold by the weaponsmith/toolsmith/armorer that steadily increase in enchantment level, up to just slightly better than netherite (with worse durability)
- Not a feature exactly, but: wandering traders use Aurins instead of emeralds.
- Nitwits (green robes) will purchase emeralds and give Aurins in exchange, making emeralds still useful to mine and loot.

1. Download the pack and add it to the datapack folder.
2. Reopen the world you're in or run /reload.
3. It should be working from then! All villagers will automatically gain the new trades when they level up instead. Strongly recommended for new worlds, rather than old ones - vanilla emerald trades coexisting with the new ones is a recipe for exploitation.
If you'd like to give yourself any of the coins to play around with:
- /function traders:helper/give_aurin will give you an aurin
- /function traders:helper/give_ferrin will give you a ferrin
From there, using the 'pick block' key in the inventory in creative mode will let you create more.
(Note: this datapack uses the minecraft:load.json tag to run setup and begin the repeating schedule-loop. If you're using this pack with another, that conflict might need to be resolved!)

- You may be worried, 'but this will break (in a balance sense) my game!'. And yeah, this is a work-in-progress, without the tremendous amount of tweaking and stress-testing necessary to be sure every number is perfect. If introduced into a tightly controlled, highly exploitative atmospheres; yeah it'll probably break the game. I can't be sure there's no way to dupe money (though I'd be very impressed if someone manages it) and several items become accessible before they otherwise would be, bypassing the planned progression. In several cases this is intentional - this is designed to give trading a major boost, and make it a viable alternative to elements of the game that players might rather avoid. A peaceful game now has access to monster loot like gunpowder and tridents, for instance. Shulker boxes, though extremely expensive, don't require battling through the End Islands, so players can use those features earlier. And large quantities of basic building materials like cobblestone, dirt, sand, dyes, blackstone, terracotta, etc. that are normally locked behind a few day's of grinding are now available to trade. Diamonds to castles, in Equivalent Exchange style. So, don't expect perfect balance. Don't expect the game's progression to be the same - in fact, expect the opposite. But I encourage you to give it a try, to judge for yourself the impact it has on your experience!
- This is my first time publishing something like this, so if I've missed anything obvious or done something wrong I apologize, and will do my best to address it quickly!

Thank you for reading this far! I really appreciate any comments, questions, bugs found, etc. Can't promise to be too active in responding as this is very much a side project, but I'll do my best. Have a lovely day!
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.15
toMinecraft 1.17

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03/10/2021 6:24 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MateuszPL476's Avatar
Are these usually nuggies?
02/07/2021 8:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
stuperon's Avatar
could be down to my fiddling but i found a few master traders offering 34 aurins for 12 lapis..
just redownloaded to make sure i'm using a clean up-to-date version and it's the same offer on a trade with the first master librarian, offered 34 aurins for 12 lapis. considering this unintended
02/10/2021 8:41 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Crafter
Tectane12's Avatar
Well, it's not unintended! But it may still be a bad idea. If it helps to show my work, this mod is very fundamentally built on Equivalent Exchange, or ProjectE as it has come to be known. Lapis' value (somewhere between iron and gold) is based on their tables relating items to each other, and that's what Lapis turns out to be worth in that system. It's a way to make a lot of money, yes - which, in my opinion, is what mining should be - but without much playtesting (the server this was supposed to be used on, to give me some test results, has had frequent delays) I don't know what's economically 'fair'.

There's quite a few things like it (clocks are another big one, and of course individual diamonds are worth an awful lot) where we're used to treating items that don't have much 'high use' in game as worth less than items that get used up all the time, even though lapis is a valuable gemstone in real life. Part of the datapack is all about making it still worth it to collect lapis when mining if you want to because you'll be able to sell it to somebody, rather than ignore it because you already have all you'll ever need.

But, if you find it breaks the experience significantly in practice, I'll put it on the list of tweaks for next release. Thanks for finding that and giving your response to it.
02/12/2021 11:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
stuperon's Avatar
right, that's probably a good launch point :) i've adjusted the rarity of lapis to make a bit more sense on the server side so that's cool, also having only really fiddled with the librarian so far so don't know much about the others, although i am seeing cleric has "nether star dust" for sale, which is custom sugar.. is that from here too? i couldn't find mention of it in the scripts
02/19/2021 8:44 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Crafter
Tectane12's Avatar
So that's a bug! Bit of backstory this is actually a single piece of a larger set of datapacks for a the server mentioned above, that I developed to work together. There's a 'proficiencies' system which is about letting people choose 3-4 things to be 'slightly' better at (ex. athletics gives you a small speed boost when you have already sprinted for a little while, acrobatics gives you a small jump boost when you crouch, etc.); there's a 'spells' system which is your standard click-text-in-a-book spell system... and the nether star dust comes from the spells. You get 64 nether star dust from a nether star, and you can use it to craft spell scrolls. Since all the systems were entangled together, I also included the cleric option for those who would rather not have to kill the wither, which is why that trade is in there - when I separated out this to make into its own data pack, I removed all the spell scrolls the librarians would sell, but forgot to remove the nether star dust! Feel free to remove it or leave it in as a novelty overpriced tchotchke!

I'm really glad you're able to get what you want from this out of changing the code :) apologies I've not the time at the moment to make the system as configurable on its own as ideal it would be. Let me know if you're ever hung up trying to find something, I can probably remember where it's at!
01/30/2021 10:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
stuperon's Avatar
any way to use this to essentially lock out/remove trades for enchanted books with librarians?
02/04/2021 8:28 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Crafter
Tectane12's Avatar
Not at the moment, no. It uses the existing enchanted books trade generation algorithm to determine the books, to ensure there is nothing from vanilla these villagers don't trade. If you're willing to go into the code of the datapack itself, there's a 5 lines you could comment out that would do the trick, but at the moment, it's not capable of that. Sorry!
02/07/2021 8:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
stuperon's Avatar
cool thanks, i have had a little fiddle with the scripts, been trying to add an item to change the look of aurins and ferrins too
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