Minecraft Data Packs / Magic

(FR & EN) Sorcellerie dans Minecraft ! Wizardry in Minecraft ! [ Matlyce Sorcery ] (V1.1)

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Matlyce's Avatar Matlyce
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Network
Matlyce'Sorcery is a data pack allowing you to cast multiple spells, these are quite powerful and will allow you to defeat your enemies in PVE or even in PVP

Magic Cauldron

To make it, put a cauldron filled with water on the ground, and throw in it:

- fermanted spider eye
- golden carrot
- glistering melong slice
- gunpowder
- nautilus shell

Mana Upgrades

You can make a mana upgrade, to improve the maxmana limit.

To make it, throw into a magic cauldron:

- lapis lazuli
- heart of the sea
- diamond
- glass bottle
- dried kelp block

You can improve the speed mana reloading.

To make it, throw into a magic cauldron:

- turtle egg
- diamond block
- emerald block
- nether star
- heart of the sea

Staff of Sorcery (recipe)

To make it, throw into a magic cauldron:

- stick
- gunpowder
- rabbit foot
- ender pearl
- ghast tear
- phantom membrane

then you must enchant your staff, to do so, throw it on an enchantment table.

/!\ you can switch the selected spell by squatting down and throwing the stick.

Staff enchantment

Spell : FireBlaze (recipe)
This spell allow you to cast blaze fireball !

To make it, throw into a magic cauldron:

- firework star
- dead fire coral fan
- fire charge
- flint
- coal

Consume : 50 Mana per cast

Spell : ShulkerShoot (recipe)
This spell allow you to cast Shulker bullet !

Unfortunately this spell is only available if you play at 1.15.X or less, if you are at 1.16 you simply cannot use the spell!

To make it, throw into a magic cauldron:

- lead
- name tag
- nether wart
- purple dye
- shulker shell

Consume : 100 Mana per cast

Spell : LightningBolt (recipe)
This spell allow you to cast lightning bolt !

To make it, throw into a magic cauldron:

- iron bars
- zombie head
- redstone block
- iron trapdoor
- bell

Consume : 500 Mana per cast

Spell : SeismFangs (recipe)
This spell allow you to cast evoker fangs !

To make it, throw into a magic cauldron:

- emerald
- cobblestone
- diamond ore
- obsidian
- iron axe

Consume : 200 Mana per cast
Spell : DragonShoot (recipe)
This spell allow you to cast Dragon Fireball

To make it, throw into a magic cauldron:

- dragon head
- dragon breath
- firework star
- fermanted spider eye
- ender pearl

Consume : 400 Mana per cast

Spell : Heal (recipe)
This spell allow you to heal yourself!

To make it, throw into a magic cauldron:

- dragon breath
- nether wart
- glistering melon slice
- sugar
- enchanted golden apple

Consume : 400 Mana per cast
Spell : FastTravel (recipe)
This spell allow you to move quickly!

To make it, throw into a magic cauldron:

- ender chest
- ender pearl
- ghast tear
- totem of undying
- diamond

Consume : 400 Mana per cast

To be able to use a spell that you have just made you must first learn it, for that throw your Staff Of Sorcery on an anvil and then throw your spell in question!

Spell : GodSword (recipe)
This Spell allow you to cast a lot of sword which deal a lot of damage!

to make it put an enchantment table on the ground and make 8 magic cauldron lay out in this way (screenshot)
refer to the first recipe on the site to make the magic cauldron!
recipe 01

Then throw your Staff Of Sorcery on the enchantment table then throw a gold block wthere!
As you can see, all the cauldrons become gold cauldrons!

In the 4 remaining cauldrons, throw gold blocks at it, and the recipe will begin!

Consume : 10.000 Mana per cast
There is a boss in this datapack, a spider, this one in three tier.
They allow you when you kill them to give you extra MaxMana!

Tier 1 :
drop 100 maxmana on death.

Tier 2 :
drop 200 maxmana on death.

Tier 3 :
drop 300 maxmana on death.

These bosses naturally spawn in the map. so you can easily find them during your explorations!

UPDATE Matlyce-Sorcery(V1.1) :

- Bug fix

- Bosses spawn more often
- Bosses can now destroy lava
- Bosses can no longer spawn in caves

- Bosses now spawn in the air (they fall from the sky)

If you find any bug please report it in the project comments, Thanks !

CreditBy Matlyce
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.15
toMinecraft 1.17

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03/02/2021 6:29 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DGBoiiiii's Avatar
i got a permament health boost by killing alot of those glowing spiders so uhh im asking: is this also part of the datapack?
09/05/2020 3:17 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
Lordphiphi's Avatar
Coucou Matlyce j'ai des idées de maj,
Pourquoi ne pas nerf un peut GodSword

Et afficher en doré les bars d'absorption des boss

faire en sorte que les couleurs du FastTravel soient les même que celles du ManaMax

J'avais pensé a un système de BossBar qui fait office de rechargement de sort car full lightning
c'est OVERCHEAT donc 8 secondes de rechargement ca parait bien (ou plus c'est toi qui voit c'est ton datapack c'est toi qui voit)

Apres un sort de toile d'araignée avec slowness (comme les boss araignée) tu reprend juste le système des boss araignée.

En parlant de Boss araignée pourquoi pas un tier max qui fait +10000 ManaMax et a des particules de Ying-Yang (Blanc et noir) comme le manaMax le plus haut possible et il est TRES TRES TRES FORT

Ensuite un système de laser de guardians mais bon j'ai concience que c'est pas facile a faire

Voila 2 3 idées de mise a jour
J'epere que sa sera ajouter sa fait du contenu en plus
10/26/2020 6:40 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Network
Matlyce's Avatar
Merci pour les propositions !

Pour l'instant je ne suis plus sur ce projet, je verrais si je concrétise toutes ces idées x')
09/05/2020 2:45 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
Lordphiphi's Avatar
Par contre sur certain monde (mon monde solo) l'animation du craft de GodSword se lance et se fini jamais
09/03/2020 4:23 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
Lordphiphi's Avatar
Pourais-tu ajouter des sort suplémentaire
Ex: laser de guardiens

et pourais tu faire en sorte que l'on ai des éffets en plus des coeur avec le ManaMax
Ex: Dolphin Grace

Voila quelque proposition a ajouter si tu le veux bien et si tu pense que c'est une bonne raison
08/28/2020 8:30 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Taco
King_Doge2k's Avatar
07/20/2020 1:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User3152725G's Avatar
matlyce peut tu nous donner la comande pour gagner en mana
07/26/2020 6:14 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Network
Matlyce's Avatar
Pour te donner du mana il y as plusieurs commandes, à savoir :

/scoreboard players add @s sorcery-maxmana <nombre> (la réserve maximum de mana)

/scoreboard players add @s sorcery-mana <nombre> (ton mana en lui même)

Voilà !
07/01/2020 9:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
GreekDemiCrafter's Avatar
how to do you change spells or can you only have 1 spell at a time
07/02/2020 7:26 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Network
Matlyce's Avatar
you can switch the selected spell by squatting down and throwing the stick.

(sorry for my english i am french)
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