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Wrote my entry of Hex-‘s horror story contest at 12:30 am bc insomnia

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BookWyrm_'s Avatar BookWyrm_
Level 25 : Expert Procrastinator
The Endless Dance

By: BookWyrm

Trigger warning because this is a horror story and has disturbing topics and whatnot


I’ve been stabbed, so I don’t have much time left, my family, my friends, they’ve all gone dancing, I have nothing left to leave behind, and nobody to leave anything to, so I might as well leave this, a short record of what caused all this, just in case we somehow survive.

At first it was thought to be a joke, an elaborate ruse, something some idiot with too much time on their hands came up with. Unfortunately we realized too late that it wasn’t, it was real, and it will kill us all. The origin is unknown, but the first reported instance was well over a hundred years ago, when some villages had an outbreak of a mysterious disease that caused the infected to dance themselves to death. In the early days of the outbreak, when most still thought it was a joke, they found that it wasn’t a disease, but a parasite. It interferes with the nervous system, and affects the brain. The symptoms vary, but three were always the same, the first is a low fever, and delirium, the second is the smile, a constant, inhumanly large grin. And the final of the deadly trinity, the dancing, technically it’s just muscle spasms, but with the grin it looks just like they’re dancing, even when they fall to the ground, unable to continue, you can see them twitching, grinning, trying to “dance.” And the parasite itself is something straight out of a horror film, they start out small, really small, just a few cells, almost always less than 20, then they bind to the inside of your spine, making them nearly impossible to remove, and start growing. They stop by the end of 48 hours, it looks like long black roots growing outward from the spine, and by the end of 50 hours they’re dancing, dancing until they die. And then once they do the real fun begins, about 10-20of their adult form burst out of their back and look for more prey, they’re about the size of a small mouse, and look like an unholy union of a spider, scorpion, and octopus, and have only one purpose, to spread. They find a target, and use the numbing poison they secrete to climb near their spine, and stab them with their tail-thing, and by that point, the target is practically dead already. We don’t know how they exist, we don’t know how to stop them, and now all we can do, all I can do, is to wait for the end.

There it is, my account of the apocalypse, not that anyone is going to be left alive to read it. I suppose I’m just writing this to procrastinate, to put it off, just like I always did with schoolwork, back when that mattered. I don’t want to to die slowly, I don’t want to die dancing, I have a gun I found an abandoned house, if your reading this there should be only be on used bullet, and extra ammunition next to my body. Good luck.

I’m not sure if it’s good, it probably isn’t, I’ll need to improve and practice writing more, but this was fun to write whilst sleep deprived. Also, if anyone who read this has any feedback it would be much appreciated. Thank you and have a great day!

Edit: Yeah I probably Should have improved more and done more with the concept and submitted it in late January after making at least 1 draft instead of just thinking it all up at 1 am but that was still fun. I regret much, but will change nothing.

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12/24/2021 9:50 am
Any/All • Level 49 : Master Vampire Witch
Crois's Avatar
This is a great story :D
Beautiful writing :)
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