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Why Should We? - Accepting Homosexuality

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Doggle's Avatar Doggle
Retired Moderator
Level 47 : Master Lad
Hello, the is part of my, 'Why Should We?' series, which shall talk about issues of society and how to treat them and why these occur.

DEFINITION: a person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.

Now, homosexuality is a big issue in today's society. A century or two ago, being homosexual (gay, bisexual or lesbian) would mean you would be killed, jailed or tortured. This happening to anyone can be bad enough, but to someone innocent, it is just unfair. This still happens today, even tomorrow we shall see some form of homosexual discrimination.

Now, homosexuality is basically, as the definition says, when a person is interested in someone of the same sex (gender). Some people reading this may not understand about sexuality as of yet but basically, it is 'liking' or having an interest in someone. You date people who you are attracted to (doesn't have to be sexually). Anyway. A homosexual is just like you or I. They don't have eyes coming off a stalk from their butt or anything. They are just like you or I. There are lots of famous homosexuals some which may (or may not be) are:

  • Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Michelangelo
  • Richard Cromwell
  • Many more...

Only since just before the turn of the century we started accepting people who are 'different' than the mainstream society. The Paralympics was held just under 50 years ago. These sorts of breakthroughs are massive. Now we are going through a shift where people are starting to accept homosexuality and some countries are accepting homosexual marriages.

We tend to not accept homosexuality because it is strange, unknown and somewhat 'scary' to certain individuals. Homophobia (fear of homosexuals) is still a massive thing, yet I know a few people who accept they are homosexual (seriously). This too goes with bisexuals (sexuality to either gender), they are not accepted too much either. This is because (mainly), society has feared it. Now it is a mainstream thing to be straight (like the majority of people).

Unfortunately homosexuality is still not accepted by society and should be. Raise a hand and help those homosexuals who are not always accepted. Don't use gay as an insult; who knows, one day you may end up having homosexual feelings (especially around puberty).

Please, read the rest of the series, diamond, favourite and subscribe to hear more philosophical blogs on different issues in society, on the 'Why Should We?' Series.

Thanks for reading,

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03/13/2013 5:38 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Skinner
futureInferno's Avatar
Thank you, Doggle.
Was this ever on the Pop. Reel?
03/14/2013 1:21 am
Level 47 : Master Lad
Doggle's Avatar
As far as I am aware, it did not reach the pop reel, I haven't really done anything on pmc and don't plan on it really, the only real reason why I am still hanging around is 'cos of my friends and to help people on the forums as I am starting to move away from Minecraft now. Although if I do reach another level, I may continue in some blogs, maybe even a bit of vlogging to go with it, idk, we'll see!
01/19/2013 8:04 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pirate
Lorn77's Avatar
Discussing homosexuality on a MC site? You are freaking awesome!

on a rp server and so, as a sort of challenge of acceptance, I made two
characters: one that was lesbian and the other was transgender.
01/19/2013 10:22 pm
Level 47 : Master Lad
Doggle's Avatar
Sounds kind of intriguing for character bios. It would be very hard to know what life is like for them if you are just a standard person. But there a many pains and injuries which they face every day. In some countries you die for being either of them.
09/20/2012 11:57 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Taco
thurgiie's Avatar
leonardo da vinchi? Really?
09/20/2012 3:25 pm
Level 47 : Master Lad
Doggle's Avatar
True. They just weren't allowed to show it or they would die.
09/21/2012 1:44 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Taco
thurgiie's Avatar
09/15/2012 11:40 pm
Level 40 : Master Ninja
ninjameep's Avatar
Very Nice I Think You Are Right I Accept Them Even Though I Am Not a Homosexual Yet I Am Ok With Them But When They Get Around Me Trying To DO Somthing I Just Tell Them Im Not Like That And Sorry Nothing Bad Like Punching Them But I Have Alot Of Bi,Gay,Lebian Freinds So yeah Im Ok With them....
09/15/2012 11:45 pm
Level 47 : Master Lad
Doggle's Avatar
Thanks for the response. If you wanna see any other 'Why Should We?' Blogs then please message me. I will be creating one soon (hopefully).
09/15/2012 11:50 pm
Level 40 : Master Ninja
ninjameep's Avatar
Sure But I Dont Know WHAT To Use As A Topic?
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