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What's the point of villagers?

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_Hellcat_'s Avatar _Hellcat_
Level 32 : Artisan Toast
Minecraft has always been about being alone in the wilderness, fighting for survival. Then, they bring in these big headed Squidwards who ruin the game.
Villagers have been poisoning the game for a couple of years, littering worlds with ramshackle villages, walking around all day for no reason.

Let's start with the basics. ALONE. A massive part of the game. It started off with no living humanoids but Steve. Now, Minecraft has pointless human-like creatures who are basically people.

Now, their physical appearance. I'm sick of those big heads and noses. Don't even get me started on their robes. (They need to see a fashion desginer IMMEDIATELY.) If they're adding these monsters to the game, make them look like, well, so you don't want to throw up or run away screaming every time you see them.

Onto their daily life. All they do is walk around all day, it's true they farm better in later updates, but they think you harvest vegetables by trampling them. NOT A GOOD BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. Who wants to eat food trampled on by dirty villager shoes? They have massive heads, so they should have massive brains, but I'm wondering if they'd cave in if you dropped a feather on them.

Coming up, professions. Now, villagers who trade emeralds for diamond armour and the like are okay, because emeralds can be traded for items more useful then green rocks. Farmers, on the other hand, think it's a good deal to trade emeralds for bread. I mean why, they have like 40 wheat plantations per village. The player can trample them, and make bread cheaply.

So there you have it, villagers are pointless, ugly and unbalanced traders. What is the point of having them around. 

Please don't post hate comments, either report it if it is surely necessary, or contact me.
CreditMojang, Jeb and possibly Notch, for making something I can make a blog about

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04/13/2015 4:42 am
Level 32 : Artisan Toast
_Hellcat_'s Avatar
I just realised. I was critisicing the villagers trampling their crops, but then I said that players could trample them for free food. Weird.
08/12/2014 2:01 am
Level 43 : Master Artist
knuckles5577's Avatar
You can change them with mcedit (trades/unkillable) or mods(everything about them), but normally they are useless and ugly. can't they replace their  models with steve's? then do them over with randomly spawned guys and girls. but even if they can't/won't change their looks, they should change their walking/trading ai.
08/10/2014 2:01 pm
Level 25 : Expert Scribe
MissWriter's Avatar
There are a lot of mobs that are specifically not there to be helpful--like silverfish. The villagers are not exactly the most good looking or helpful mob--but they pretty much look the same as witches, but don't actually hurt you or do anything to be half as annoying as the more hostile mobs.

They are hard to find, but so are a ton of other things in Minecraft. They're ugly ... but there are texture packs. Also, you can see a village before a villager and you don't even have to stare one down if you don't go there.

If you do got there and don't want to look at them--there's no reason why you can't just kill it. They do have annoying trades, but there are also ways to breed them, or just find the items on your own. Or just don't bother altogether. They are, like most things in Minecraft, meant to be an option to the many play styles that people have in this game. There are so many features that people don't use because of similar reasons. 

I feel like this rant is true, but only half-true and mostly for humour purposes and not really as a solid argument for taking out villagers.
08/11/2014 5:30 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Toast
_Hellcat_'s Avatar
Yeah, I only made it for a laugh, although, like Chetcat said, they need a better AI.
08/12/2014 7:41 pm
Level 25 : Expert Scribe
MissWriter's Avatar
Yes, very true.
08/10/2014 12:06 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Archer
Chetcat's Avatar
Haha. I can't say I agree with everything here, but you made me laugh and that's good enough. I definitely think that villagers could use an upgrade. Some sort of basic AI would be nice - they fight back if attacked, confront you if you steal, and actually harvest and replant crops. A better system of trading is almost necessary if Mojang ever expect people to actually trade. Honestly, almost all of Mojang's new features are used about 90% by mapmakers, 10% by normal players. All villagers are really used for nowadays is for custom trades in adventure maps. Maybe they'll be improved soon, but so far it looks like Mojang just added them for the sake of fulfilling their promise of pigman villages in the Adventure Update, which were never fulfilled. It's really a shame - there's a lot of potential to them, if Mojang would act on it.
08/09/2014 8:45 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Button Pusher
aipoduhfoaifh's Avatar
Villagers are Mojang's attempt at RPG
08/09/2014 7:54 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Robot
TheEnderCat5's Avatar
Yup. Agreed! I never liked them anyway, and villages are so goddam hard to find. The only thing that's REALLY useful in a village is the blacksmith, and the bookshelves in a library. That's the only reason I even go into villages at all :P
02/17/2015 12:18 am
Level 32 : Artisan Toast
_Hellcat_'s Avatar
You, my friend, have common sense. Thankyou for understanding what I was talking about.
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