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What if Someone Compared Server Players to Animals?

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Punkamoar's Avatar Punkamoar
Retired Moderator
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
So I had this (ingenius) idea of comparing two things, server players, and domesticated animals

Before you get all like "You wuddent now abot ferm aminals" I live on a farm, savvy? I see what these animals are actually like on a daily basis.

So, this insane idea actually correlates in some ways, like:

The Cow
The cow's correlation to server players are the core basis of any good server. The builders

They usually don't get out of line, and if they do, its usually the young ones. They provide a good backbone, and will usually provide some good stuff to the server
The Pig
Pigs are the griefers. 4 pigs without restraint can do a ton of damage in one afternoon to a lawn or a pasture. They root by nature, and rooting is destructive. I just spent all afternoon cleaning up after a few of them getting out into my grandparents yard.

You see how they correlate right? if not, here:
Pigs are destructive, as are griefers, but both can sometimes produce good things (like bacon)
The Sheep
Sheep are the inventive and decorative builders. Sheep are usually docile (if tamed) and are quite beneficial for clothing purposes. People don't need wool clothes, just like people don't need fancy builds, but we want them, so yeh.

They are the fanciest animal on a farm, and usually are the fanciest people on a server
The Chicken
The chicken are the people that will build, and do pretty much nothing else. They don't interact much, they don't do much besides build. But they can get territorial and agitated.
The Cat
Cats (and the players that correlate with them) do not much else but talk. They don't build much, they don't do much, they just talk. They are usually new players to the server, without much else to do but ask people for stuff.
The Dog
The dogs are mods, they keep order, and do aid the admin (to come) in keeping people in check
De Farmer
De farmer be admin - duh
The Horse
Usually very artistic, a lot like sheep, but very refined, always cool, always make good builds, never get out of hand

I might get around to writing more, but, whatever

Okay i'm done, diamond and stuffs

Popular Reel'd
And Home Reeled it too:
CreditThe jerk animals that i put up with every day

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10/25/2015 2:06 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
ABrighterDarkness's Avatar
Imma Horse And A Cat On A Server But, I Don't Ask For Stuff Nor New.
12/09/2014 5:51 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
babbajagga's Avatar
:D good one
09/10/2014 12:07 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Dolphin
Masq's Avatar
Very original, fun idea - I like the concept very much!
09/09/2014 5:46 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Dragon
samkee00's Avatar
I live in a house with two cats and two dogs, and it's nearly the exact opposite of what you had for cats and dogs. Sure, my cats like to eat ALL THE TIME, but they're less annoying (BY A LOT), less "talkative" (in terms of how much they make noise), and my dogs are the instigators who don't give a crap about order.

Yours could be accurate to your life, but I"m just adding my input :P
09/09/2014 1:42 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Network
Galaxy-Gaming's Avatar
Came for the paint-thumbnail, stayed for the funny post. Diamond to you sir.
09/09/2014 12:32 am
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc1325805's Avatar
09/08/2014 6:20 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Geek
iansonwheels's Avatar
That banner though.
09/08/2014 11:24 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
okoloto's Avatar
Pig. Well what do you know! I even have a in game pet thats a pig called Mr.Crappington
Caporal Dxl
09/08/2014 11:23 am
Level 37 : Artisan Ranger
Caporal Dxl's Avatar
I'm a horse, cause I do everything I do very nicely and I'm majestic (uhmm, exept for my too hard voice for my age) and yeah... :P
09/08/2014 3:09 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
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