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The Cryptic Rebellion | PMC: War on the Nether Chapter IV

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Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Last time we saw them, the Soda Strike Team had arrived on Morbid Island to aid the Cryptic Family in fending off the piglins. The tide of the battle was turned when Sgt. Porkus and his Crimson Butchers arrived. With their help, the piglins secured control over Morbid Island and imprisoned the Cryptic Family Military, including the Strike Team and Fear Priests, who had split up to battle the Butchers and try to convince former Aspect of Horror Guts N. Pixels to join the fight. Sadly, Guts refused, but we last saw him reading the Cryptic Morbid and summoning the monsters he once wrote about...

In the village, the prisoners talk quietly amongst themselves as they watch the Crimson Butchers and the rest of the Nether Army scramble around, setting up security teams across the island to ensure no one disturbs the coming events. IGEBM sees Private Hoghead grab the chained up Chaos and drag him up to a stage Sgt. Porkus and the other piglins have set up. He sees Private Fungar and Private Hellsnout dragging up Lord of Terror Firestar and the other Fear Priests, and then he turns and sees Private Chainhoof grab him and drag him up to the stage with the rest of the Cryptic Family government. "Ella, do you know what's going on?" Pig whispers to his teammate. "Not at all." Ella whispers back. "You two, shut up!" a piglin guard snaps.

Meanwhile, on Mt. Aranaktu, Guts has just finished reading the entire Cryptic Morbid, right before his only swiftness potion wore off. (He had taken a potion of swiftness to speed up his reading in case something bad was about to happen to his friends.) Around him is a crowd of monsters he has created over the last few years. "I've never been able to rid myself of this God-forsaken book." Guts says to himself before putting it down and turning to the crowd of monsters. "You are all my creations." he says. "Thus, you will aid me in rescuing my friends and liberating this island from the scourge that is the Nether Army." The monsters nod. "Remain here for a moment." the former Aspect of Horror continues. He opens a chest next to him and pulls out a pickaxe, which he uses the mine a hole in the wall behind him. Inside is an armor stand, which is holding Guts' old set of Dark Angel armor, a hellish creation forged by Forgemaster Chaos for him, complete with wings granting it flight, a series of unholy enchantments put on it by a now-deceased dark mage, and the accompanying scythe and bow, which also have unholy enchantments on them. Guts puts on the armor, puts his sword and bow on his back, and also grabs a necrotic arrow for the bow (which has Infinity). Then, he leads the monsters to cave entrance, sending them down the hill while he flies down from the cliff.

Back in the village, Porkus reveals his plan for the Cryptic Family government. "My fellow piglins, I stand before you today so you, alongside the people of the Cryptic Family, can witness the execution of their government." Porkus says. Each of the Butchers stands behind a member of the government, who are each standing in chains: Private Hoghead readies his golden sword to stab Aspirin, Private Acidus gets ready to melt DarkRob with an acidic potion, Private Fungar prepares to blow up Ghostly with some blast fungus, Private Chainclove oils his mechanized sawblade before he cuts up IGEBM with it, Private Hellsnout lights up his flamethrower in preparation to burn Firestar, and Sgt. Porkus is swinging his mace around before he crushes Chaos with it. However, as Porkus is talking about his plans for Morbid Island, he's too busy running his mouth to notice what the soon-to-be-executed see: Guts, clad in the Dark Angel armor, flying down and landing before the stage.

As he lands, Porkus notices the former Aspect of Horror in his menacing armor, standing alone before an army of piglins and chained-up members of the Cryptic Family. "Who are you and why are you here?" Porkus says as he steps off of the stage and moves towards Guts. "My name is Guts. N. Pixels, former Aspect of Horror of the Cryptic Family, and thus former leader of the Cryptic Family and Morbid Island." Guts responds. "I have come to rid this peaceful land of you and your troops." "Oh yeah?" Porkus asks snobbishly, thinking he can take Guts alone. "You and what army?" He gestures to the Butchers to execute the government anyways. "This army." Guts responds, firing a single necrotic arrow in the air. All the monsters from the Cryptic Morbid charge out from the woods, swarming the soldiers, who weren't ready for the army.

On the stage, the Butchers start to move their weapons to execute the Cryptic Family government, but before they can, IGE finishes picking the lock on his chains. He shoots his leg cuffs with a small light blast and sweep kicks Chainclove, making him drop his sawblade, which IGE grabs. He also takes the spinblade, before shooting each of the Crimson Butchers, distracting them from executing the rest of the government, which gives IGE enough time to free them with light blasts. Free from the power-inhibiting cuffs, the other Fear Priests use their powers to fight the Butchers. DarkRob creates a portal under Acidus feet, and then the portal opens high in the sky, sending Acidus falling headfirst from 10000 feet in the air. He lands and dies from the impact. Ghostly enters ghost form and Fungar's explosives go right through him, before he walks through the Butcher and returns to normal form, kicking him off of the stage. Aspirin raises more skeletons soldiers and zombie toads, which begin to swarm Hoghead. Aspirin also summons undead, gas masked soldiers, who run and free the people that were chained up. Firestar's hands light up as he burns the armor of Hellsnout, who responds by firing his flamethrower, but, with his powers now active again, Firestar is immune to fire, and walks through the beam of flame and punches the pyromaniac.

Meanwhile, Chaos and IGE have reunited with Ella and Pig, and the four of them draw their weapons - with IGE using the weapons he stole from Chainclove instead of his normal laser rifle and electro-machete - and prepare to help Guts battle Porkus. However, Chainclove runs up behind IGE and wraps his arm around his neck, preparing to choke him. Luckily, IGE can now enter light form, which he does, and then falls right through Chainclove, before returning to normal form and cutting off the Butcher's head with his own mechanized sawblade. With two Butchers dead, there are now only four remaining, plus their leader, who are all sustaining injuries from the Fear Priests and the Lord of Terror. The Cryptic Family Military is battling the Nether Army with the aid of Guts' monsters. As the Soda Strike Team fight piglins trying to get to Porkus, Ella sees the Shambler - tall enough to stand out in the crowd of soldiers fighting - rip a piglin in two, and then throw their remains at another piglin.

Guts and Porkus battle each other, with Guts being aided by a few cultic miners, but even the former Aspect of Horror is having trouble fighting a massive piglin brute. He gets a chance to rest for a moment when Porkus is hit in the back by IGE's new spinblade. He turns around to see the Soda Strike Team, combat-ready and standing in front of a field of dead piglins. "Soda Strike Team, attack!" IGE orders. While the Soda Strike Team attacks from the front, drawing the attention of Porkus and his huge mace, Guts fires at him with necrotic arrows from the back. The arrows would, on a normal basis, instantly kill anything they hit, but Porkus saw the arrow on Guts' back and drank a potion of necrotic protection, brewed for him by the best clerics in the Nether Empire in the event Guts was on the island during the takeover, and now the arrows only give him very sharp pains whenever he's hit. Meanwhile, the Fear Priests and Firestar have successfully knocked out the remaining four Crimson Butchers and are now helping the Cryptic Family and the monsters of the Cryptic Morbid battle the Nether Army.

After several more minutes of fighting Porkus, he has managed to overpower the Strike Team, kill the cultic miners and several Hell axolotls. Guts is also wounded, with his Dark Angel armor having several cracks in it. However, he's not willing to see Porkus kill his friends. Fueled by his love for his friends, and his anger against Porkus for trying to take over his island, Guts starts to transform. He becomes a shadowy figure, including his armor, and rises into the sky. The armor's outline starts to disappear, as the shadowy figure starts to return to a normal being, but this time, it's Guts in his Creator form - a form he hasn't transformed into since he left the Cryptic Family. The Creator, with the strength of all of his creations, charges at Porkus from the sky, before beating the living crap out of him. He rips off the end of his mace, throws some punches, and then swings the large piglin brute around and around. This battle gives the Strike Team enough time to regain their strength, get up, and join the fight just as Guts throws Porkus into a tree. IGE throws his spinblade, Pig and Ella toss some grenades, and Chaos fires a few laser blasts. Porkus, beaten and scarred, cries out, "ABORT MISSION!!!" He weakly gets up and slowly runs to the ship.

Guts returns to his normal form. "I'll let him live." he says. "I may be cruel, but I'm not evil." The Strike Team laughs as several piglin medics from the Butchers' ship carry the other four Crimson Butchers to the ship, along with several wounded piglins. Those that survived the battle against the Cryptic Family and Guts' monsters and are still able to walk make their way back to the ship, while the Cryptic Family piles up the bodies in the center of town. It's nighttime, and the Cryptic Family has a big ceremony to celebrate their victory, during which Firestar burns the pile of dead piglins. They have a big pork feast, which the Strike Team and Fear Priests found funny, and the night ended with Guts, Firestar, and the Fear Priests saying goodbye to the Soda Strike Team before they left. "We're gonna keep on fighting in this war." Firestar promises. "And I'll help." Guts says. "I've done some thinking, and I realize that there are more important things in life than atoning for sins I should've forgiven myself for a long time ago." Chaos hugs his mentor. "We'll be back." he says, turning to the Fear Priests. "I promise." "Same here." IGE says. He hugs the Fear Priests. "And Aspirin, be sure to take care of Spike." "That dog has been driving me nuts for a month now, but okay, IGE." Aspirin responds. "See you guys soon." Ghostly says. "Bye!" DarkRob says as he waves to the Strike Team, who are now on their boat sailing away.

"This has been a crazy couple of days." Pig says. "Yeah." Ella responds. "First we fight hoglins at the Forge, then we help liberate Morbid Island from the Nether Empire's control. What's next?" "I know what's next." IGE says. "What is it?" Chaos asks. "Well, I told General Axo that we had completed the mission, and he told us he wants us to convince Lord Piaccu to allow the Ender Army to help us in the war, since he's, well, you know, a pacifist." "So we're going to the End?" Pig asks. 'I guess." IGE says. "Well, I'm gonna chart a course for the mainland, then." Chaos says. "We're going home!' Ella cheers.


Cast (in order of appearance)
Private Hoghead
OrderOutOfChaos as Chaos
Sgt. Porkus
Private Fungar
Private Hellsnout
Firestar2477278 as Lord of Terror Firestar
DarkRob333 as Fear Priest DarkRob (I'll also tag his main: Rob333)
GhostlyBit_57 as Fear Priest Ghostly
Aspirin60 as Fear Priest Aspirin
Private Chainclove
TheMcPig as Pig
Pixella_9487 as Ella
Guts N Pixels as Guts
Private Acidus

TheCrypteral as Forgemaster Chaos
AxolotlArmy as General Axo
LeLovesJazz as Lord Piaccu of the End

Writing completed 3-25-2023 at 1:58 PM ET
Published 3-28-2023 at 3:35 PM ET
Written by IGEBM

As with the previous chapter, I used a random number generator (the number list will be included below) to determine who would get early access to the story. I generated 3 different numbers between 1 and 7, with the plan being for the last one that was generated to be the person who gets early access, and on the third generation, I got 3, which was DarkRob333, so I PMed him the story on 3-25 and he got to read it 3 days early. I'm gonna do this for every story, if I complete it at least 2 days before the usual release date of the coming Tuesday.

1 - OrderOutOfChaos
2 - Firestar2477278
3 - DarkRob333 / Rob333 - WINNER! (Also, apparently his favorite number is 3. I should've expected that, since, well, you know.)
4 - GhostlyBit_57
5 - TheMcPig
6 - Pixella_9487
7 - Guts N Pixels

(I didn't count Aspirin60 since he got early access to the previous chapter, and I also didn't count the people whose characters were mentioned, since they didn't actually appear and I was only counting people who physically appeared in the story.)

Sorry that I didn't post this last week, but I was at my dad's and didn't have any time to write this chapter because we were busy. Luckily, this should be back to a weekly series now.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by IGEBM 03/28/2023 3:53:25 pmMar 28th, 2023

Linked Aspirin’s skin of Sgt. Porkus

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04/03/2023 7:26 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar
Also, here’s a tip:

When the writer has a character in the story, they tend to make their character more powerful than others. This is fine, unless it’s from their point of view. This makes the story feel like the odds are in their favor.

Something to consider. I’m terrible at this, so I shouldn’t be talking. Love the story!
04/03/2023 9:41 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Yeah some of my powers have cooldowns (teleportation, light form) and I can only make certain weapons

I’m planning a blog about me honing my light magic skills - they require training

(Plus we have to make it so we can win)

And thx
04/03/2023 7:22 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar
I’m going to try making a logo for you.
04/03/2023 9:41 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar

(just wondering - why?)

I’m excited
04/03/2023 10:11 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar
Wanted some practice. I’m still a beginner, but I want to get good at landscapes.
Guts N Pixels
03/29/2023 7:08 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Collective
Guts N Pixels's Avatar
Thanks for including me in another part of your story, I enjoyed the transformation part. But a bow? I'm more of a Big Bonk type of guy... Lol
03/29/2023 8:28 am
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar

Fun Fact: The Dark Angel armor is based on this Blockbench model my Dark Alt was gonna post to the Forge, but after teasing part of it, I may or may not have lost the file for the model…
03/28/2023 10:21 pm
Level 84 : Elite Jarl
Aspirin60's Avatar
Thanks a lot for each link to my skins! You write this story with so much power, love, and fantasy! I'm a ljttle bit
proud that you included me in your exciting story...Keep it up!!
03/28/2023 10:41 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Thanks a lot, man. I used to love writing stories, and eventually my passion for it just slowly died. I have a bunch of Google Docs full of unfinished stories and the beginnings of series that I never finished. This is the first time in a while that I’ve put this much thought, effort, and creativity into a story, and I think part of what’s motivating me to keep going - because, trust me, there have been a few times in the last few weeks where I wanted to stop writing these chapters and let you guys know that the project was coming to a halt - is the fact that I know you guys are (hopefully) waiting for the next chapter, and I want to deliver that to you.

Now, let’s hope that the sequel series doesn’t end up becoming another discarded project.

(Also, the reason I linked you and Guts’ skins are so the readers can visualize what the characters look like. I don’t link personas because I don’t have skins of the characters in their soldier uniforms and I also think people know what most of them look like since the cast members have their persona skins on their already-linked profile pages.)
03/28/2023 5:46 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Warrior uwu
Firestar2477278's Avatar
That was AMAZING!! X3
I love it! Made me laugh a lot too, good job! :D
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