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Sombra: An Overwatch Guide

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JediJerboa's Avatar JediJerboa
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
Greetings, player. I am JediJerboa. I will be taking you through the guidelines on how play the character Sombra. Before we get started, I must ask you to refrain from boasting about your kills as Sombra. However, if it is possible to get a team kill with this character, I advise you to submit it in the comments below. Now, let's begin your training in the arts of hacking.

Your Equipment

First, let's take a look at your standard equipment. As an attack character, you are equipped with a machine pistol to defend yourself with. This gun will fire 20 rounds per second in a range of 15-20 meters. However, do not rely solely on this weapon, as each bullet can only do 2.4-8 damage to an enemy and your small clip of 60 bullets will cause you to reload frequently. And with a 1.5 second reloading speed, you are left vulnerable to any attack. To avoid a costly reload, be sure to reload when you start running low on bullets, which can be indicated by the ammo counter on your gun turning red. While this gun may be powerful, it's best to use to eliminate a weakened foe rather than charge at one with full health. This gun's speed also makes it efficient at removing turrets placed by an enemy Symmetra. The spray of this weapon can also make it difficult to hit a small target such as Genji or Mercy, so close confrontations are key when using these weapons on smaller opponents. This gun is, however, a good match against many tanks, specifically Roadhog and Reinhardt. Another thing a player must perfect while playing Sombra is the ability to hit headshots, for the machine pistol can melt opponents just as fast as Tracer can if a player can perfect their aim. But while this weapon appears average on its own, using the machine pistol alongside side your stealth equipment will grant you the most success in any match.

As Sombra, you must do as your name suggests. Translated as "shadow" in Spanish, this character is meant to stick to the dark corners and narrow passageways of a fight. In order to keep yourself hidden in the heat of battle, Sombra is equipped with Thermoptic Camoflage, allowing her to become invisible for 6 seconds. When you activate the camouflage, Sombra will run at a pace of 8.8 meters per second, a speed which allows you to slip away very easily. Use this as a chance to find cover or quickly sabotage an enemy. However, it should be noted that you can reload your gun while the Thermoptic Camouflage is active, so any Sombra player should make a habit of this to prepare for any confrontation he or she may stumble upon.Note that you cannot use any of your equipment while you are invisible, for it will deactivate once you use another item in your arsenal. It should also be good to note that being invisible does not make you immune to damage, as a foe could injure you if they time their shot right. For this reason, people playing Sombra should be unpredictable in their movements, especially if they are looking for cover. However, there is a good alternative for making a quick escape.

The Translocator is a device that can teleport you to its location almost instantaneously. To properly use this device, throw the translocator beacon to the area you want to teleport to. Then, you may activate it within a 15-second window to teleport to the translocator's position. Many players simply utilize this tool to teleport away from battle where they can heal or hack an enemy's defenses. However, some players use the translocator to hurl themselves into the air to hack a Pharah or Mercy to render them incapable of flying or will save themselves from falling off a cliff. Another great strategy that utilizes the translocator is using it as a fallback position where you can escape from a fray and heal up with a health pack. You may also throw the translocator into the air, go invisible and confuse your opponents as to where you went. You may use this tactic to make an escape or contest a point without being detected. However, the abilities of the translocator are pointless without the use of Sombra's greatest skill, hacking.

The use of hacking is pivotal to anyone playing Sombra, as the range of what she can sabotage can turn the tides of any match. It only takes Sombra 0.8 seconds to hack anything from a health pack to an ultimate. Health packs are a very important and sometimes rare item in a match, causing other players to grab them whenever possible. Sombra can use this factor to her advantage, as the player can hack a health pack for 60 seconds and cut off the other team from healing. Hacking health packs can also give you a healing bonus towards your ultimate as the packs can restore much more health at a much faster pace. You are also encouraged to guard your health pack, for you can keep yourself healed while still fighting back your foes. Sombra is also vital in tearing down an enemy team's defenses, as she can give her teammates a 10-second break from turret fire, giving your allies plenty of time to destroy it and march toward their goal. However, one of the most ideal things that Sombra can hack is the equipment of the other team, disabling abilities, numerous ultimates, and the health bar of an enemy. However, merely hacking one enemy is not the ideal course of action in many cases, so you are equipped with a much stronger version if such an event occurs.

Your ultimate, the EMP, allows you hack all enemies within a range of 15 meters of your line of sight, effectively opening your foes to all kinds of attacks. The EMP can also destroy any regenerating shields and barriers, including the shield health on an enemy Symmetra's teleporters and shield generators. Note that this hack will only last for 6 seconds, and your gun will not be able to eliminate all of the opposing team in this time frame. However, this can open a lot of targets for your team, allowing you to slip back into the shadows and pick off easy prey from your teammates. And while this seems like a boring strategy, working in unison with your team makes Sombra extremely effective in recon and opening the gate for attack.


Due to your lower damage output, you should refrain from fighting on the front lines with the rest of your team. Instead, many players focus on spying on the other team, as Sombra has the ability Opportunist to see the outlines of enemies with health at about 50% or below. Communicating this kind of information to your team can allow them to eliminate any lurking threats within the area. Sombra is also very efficient in taking down campers, making her especially useful in taking down a pesky Widowmaker or Bastion. Support can also be a prime target for Sombra, especially Mercy, as she can disable her Guardian Angel wings and Resurrect ultimate, allowing you to eliminate her before she can try and fight back or call a teammate. This can allow your team some time to recover and reach a goal before the enemy can catch up with you. The use of hacking can also be utilized greatly against tank heroes, including the dreaded hook which ends Sombra instantly. Many of their abilities can be deactivated, allowing your teammates to eliminate them easily. However, Sombra cannot always be used as recon, but another strategy allows her to help her teammates in a very different fashion.

Due to the fragility of Sombra, many players use her as bait to lure in unsuspecting foes. While Sombra is capable of pulling off a successful trap by herself, none can deny the effectiveness that is the cooperative Sombra trap. Heroes like Junkrat, D. Va, Reinhardt, and Bastion are excellent teammates to set up this trap, allowing them to snatch an easy kill thanks to the Sombra that lures the prey in. While a similar trap could be set up with Tracer or Lucio, Sombra's inability to mount an effective counter-attack makes her more alluring to chase, especially since she cannot run very far. While this may come at the cost of Sombra's life, the pay-off can allow your team to turn the tides in an intense match.

Sombra is definitely not a terrifying character to go against mano y mano, but she can be psychologically destructive to the other team if a player utilizes the hacker's skill set to effectively play mind games with the other team. The ability to disappear out of sight and away from the enemy's grasp gives Sombra many ways to control the actions of her opponents. Annoyance is a simple emotion to force on the enemy team, a feat that can be achieved by contesting the point while invisible, hacking an opponent and translocating away, or just simply taking the health packs a foe wanted. Anger is another emotion Sombra players toy with, often deactivating ultimates that could just turn the tides of the game or taking that last bit of health out of already weak foe when they stumble upon a hacked health pack, making Sombra one of greatest nuisance heroes second only to Tracer. No strategy exemplifies how much a pest Sombra can be like the Peek-a-boo strategy, where Sombra will just hopping on and off a control point with her translocators, leaving the enemy team to grit their teeth and wonder where that irritating brat of a hacker ran off to. Feel free to chuckle if they can't figure it out. However, Sombra can get deeper underneath the enemy team's skin, making it crawl with goosebumps at the mere sound of her signature cackle.

Fear is a powerful tool in a fight, both in real life and in video games, so it should come to no surprise that Sombra has used to manipulate her foes into defeat. With a few patches, Sombra has become more of the stealth character Blizzard wanted her to be, a lurking danger who can utilize the shadows to dispatch her foes in silence or take away any hope of retaliation. Masters of this hero have learned to use fear to gain the upper hand, often robbing certain characters of the ability to fly away and causing them to fall to their deaths, striking down weak foes in hiding, and taking away any shield and watching as their teammates mow down the vulnerable prey. A favorite fear tactic of mine is something I like to refer to as the Predator strategy, after the famous movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Often on the defending team, there is one player separated from the rest of the group, usually a sniper or other defense character. Their attention is usually drawn to the incoming enemies, not the invisible foe creeping up behind them. Once you deactivate your camouflage, stand still for a few moments to assure your prey has not caught wind of you. Once this can be assured, quickly take your machine gun pistol and ram a couple rounds into their head. If you want to perfect this strategy, you can find a Predator game mode in the custom arcade games that will force you rely upon fear tactics and stealth skills.

Character Strategies
In order for any Overwatch player to be successful, one must know not only the ins and out of their main hero, but other heroes as well, allowing them to utilize their teammates' strengths and exploit their enemies' weaknesses. Sombra is no different, and her skill set forces communication and varying strategy, so anyone with an interest in playing as the infamous hacker should get the dirt on every hero and villain he or she can get their hands on.

Ana- Ana is a perfect healer companion for Sombra, as she can heal Sombra discreetly and will often communicate opponents she has weakened to her teammates, just as Sombra would. Sombra can also use the advantage of Ana's Sleep Darts, as she can melt an opponent quickly or hack an otherwise rowdy and energetic opponent who often escapes Sombra's view. Ana's Biotic Grenade helps a lot while running around invisible, but it is a nightmare if an enemy Ana uses it. If you try and sneak up on an Ana who is healing herself with a Biotic Grenade, not only will you be revealed, you will have the anti-heal debuff and will have taken severe damage. If you must go against an Ana, always have a translocator placed in a safe location, particularly near a health pack. Ana is also a sniper, so she may also be too busy to notice a Sombra creeping up behind you. While their normal kits benefit each other, their ultimates can barely help either hero. Sombra is not a character that should be nano-boosted while Sombra's EMP really only helps Ana's boosted companion ensure that nobody is safe.

Bastion- Oh, poor Bastion. While he is so busy mowing people down, he is too blind to see the Sombra that is melting him. His only hope would be to have a Mercy by his side, but alas, he does not. That poor Omnic is dead to rights. Sombra can hack him out of his Sentry Mode while also robbing him of his ability to repair himself. And while his Recon mode has given him a bit of buff, it still isn't quite enough to get him out of trouble this time. Well, at least she cannot take him out of his Tank Form! Yet, she still escapes and once your ultimate is finished, she comes back to finish the job. You try to make friends with her, and you succeed. Your enemies are now vulnerable just as you once were. And as you hear her activate her EMP, you triumphantly cry out like a battle bugle and destroy all your enemies before you, unable to protect themselves from your wrath. Maybe she isn't so bad.

D.Va- Ah, a Sombra main's favorite prey. Hacking D.Va's Defense Matrix makes her completely vulnerable, and her hitbox is pretty huge, so D.Va will have a rough time staying out of the range of fire. Her fusion cannons are very dangerous at close range though, so try to circle her in order to avoid a nasty shot to the face. When out of mech, D.Va's tiny frame can make her a hard target, and that pistol can be lethal if you are not careful. If you are accurate enough, you can kill her quickly, but sometimes, it's best to let another teammate deal with her. Just be sure to hack her so she can't call her mech again. Another one of D.Va's weaknesses is hacking her while in mid-air. If a D.Va tries to fly away over a ledge, a mischievous Sombra can hack her mech and cause the poor girl to plummet to her death. When D. Va is on your side, your role shifts into helping D.Va chase down prey and keeping them open to attack. One of the best ways a Sombra player can do this is to coordinate their ultimate with D.Va's, as the EMP provides insurance that no one can protect themselves from the explosion.

Genji- Genji is often a nuisance to many players, so Sombra should know how to deal with him and prevent him from distracting your teammates. Genji's abilities are what make him such a threat, and once those abilities are taken away, Genji players often panic and will start hopping around like a rabbit. However, if you can hit your shots, Genji can't do much counter you. You can ensure your survival by finding a small health pack and hacking it, and while you are sitting on it, Genji cannot do enough damage to counteract the regeneration of your health. When Genji is your ally, hack a lot of health packs and make sure he uses them, as this can save the healer on your team some time and sanity and you can quickly build your charge. Sombra's EMP also makes Genji's Dragonblade extra-deadly, possibly giving him the chance for a team kill.

Hanzo- Hanzo is a sniper, but he isn't as vulnerable as Widowmaker is when it comes to dealing with Sombra. Hanzo is a lot more mobile, able to be on both the backlines and frontlines in battle due to how fast he can charge his arrows. This makes him able to switch his focus from a dawdling Pharah to a prowling Sombra in an instant. His Sonic Arrows are a nightmare to Sombra players, as they can allow Hanzo to see you even while you are invisible. Scatter Arrows are also another danger, as Hanzo can simply pull one out of his quiver, shoot at his feet, and kill you with ease. Hacking to prevent Hanzo from using these arrows can only do so much, as Hanzo’s ability to fire arrows rapidly will definitely whittle away your health. To avoid this, often move in a serpentine motion to make yourself a harder target, for if you charge at him headfirst, especially while invisible, he will put you down with an easy headshot. Hanzo won’t really need your help when he’s on your side, nor will you need him, as he just needs you to keep them distracted. If you can do that, you won’t need to use your EMP, as Hanzo’s Dragonstrike already eats through shields and walls.

Junkrat- To a Sombra, Junkrat is your worst enemy above anybody else. His traps are the death of any Sombra unfortunate enough to be caught in one. Try and look for these traps, especially while you are invisible, as it will force you out of your camouflage and into the view of the Junkrat or any other enemy that may be standing nearby, and will watch as you are blown to bits by Junkrat’s Concussion Mine. If you are very, very lucky, you can translocate away and heal up, but more often than not, you are pretty much toast. Junkrat players also have a nasty habit of putting traps on translocators, just waiting to blow you up as soon as you come in. So if you are going to leave a translocator for a long time, please put it on a health pack. His bomb projectiles can make navigating a battlefield a challenge when you are invisible, forcing you to swerve and dodge to miss them. But if you are in close quarters, health pack or not, pray for Mercy as he will out-damage you and there is no escape from his bombs. You must also be wary when killing a Junkrat, as his ability will cause him to drop a belt of deadly grenades upon death, which will definitely kill a squishy character like Sombra almost instantaneously. To avoid this grisly demise, players are advised to keep a good distance and avoid using a melee attack to finish off a Junkrat. While he may be a pain as an enemy, the two heroes make great allies. If Sombra hacks a popular health pack, a devious Junkrat can take the opportunity to place a trap and catch an unsuspecting enemy. Sombra’s hacking ability allows Junkrat to run rampant and blow the entire enemy team away, especially when it comes to opening gate for his Rip-Tire.

Lucio- Lucio is another good healer for Sombra. She can dash through his aura to get some quick healing and his speed boost can Sombra places faster than she could before. He’s a great support character if you and a buddy want to slip behind enemy lines and take the point while your foes are distracted. He can also help Sombra contest a point, as he, like Sombra, is extremely difficult to catch if played correctly. However, on opposing teams, both will find it difficult to kill the other, as Sombra’s translocator prevents Lucio from booping her off the edge while Lucio’s speed and mobility makes it impossible to keep him in Sombra’s range. Lucio’s ultimate, Sound Barrier, is extremely useful when taking points, and allows a Sombra to stay on a point for a longer period of time, allowing both players to complete the objective with ease. Also, don’t forget that they both say, “Boop!” It’s always a nice finishing touch after taking a point.

McCree- McCree and Sombra don’t seem to have any advantages over one another, however, Sombra can excel at pestering him to no end. This especially comes into play when McCree activates Deadeye, as Sombra can hack him to prevent him from using his ultimate, and it will reset his charge back to zero. Sombra still has to be careful when entering close quarters with McCree, because if he can hit her with his Flashbang, Sombra can kiss her sweet life of hacking goodbye. But while they tend to be stuck in a stalemate as enemies, they can decimate opponents as allies. With the new buff, Sombra can act as McCree’s eyes with her Opportunist ability to find the best time to activate his ultimate. Once McCree has taken his position in the high ground, Sombra can run into a large group of enemies, activate her EMP, and keep the enemy team distracted as McCree wipes out his vulnerable opponents with Deadeye.

Mei- Mei is a living hell for all characters, and Sombra is no exception. While Sombra usually likes to fight in close range, that is not an option when going against Mei. If you do try and fight toe-to-toe with her, you will most likely end up frozen with an icicle stuck between your eyes. It is also pivotal that Sombra hacks Mei, as it not only prevents her from healing but takes away all her defensive walls, perfect for when D.Va wants to nerf her opponents. Being on the same team as Mei only has some minor advantages, like Mei will find it easier to take the lives of others with Sombra’s hacks and Sombra can steal a few kills with Mei’s Blizzard.

Mercy- Mercy is a prime target for hacking and then subsequently eliminating for Sombra. Mercy can make any hero impossible to kill, so a sneak attack from a Sombra can put the enemy team at a huge disadvantage. Hacking can also disable Mercy’s ability to fly an ally, which can result in the doctor slowly descending into a deadly pit. Sombra is also responsible in preventing Mercy from resurrecting her team. However, if you end up in close range with an angered Mercy, the wisest move is to disengage and find a safe range to eliminate her, for Mercy’s Caduceus Blaster is dangerous in close quarters. As an ally, it’s always nice to have a Mercy heal you when a hacked health pack is not an option, but try to avoid pleading for healing, since there are other people who can’t heal themselves as easily as you can. It’s also nice to be resurrected, but no one will benefit if Mercy solo-resurrects you, as you cannot protect her nor push back the incoming enemy team.

Orisa- Orisa players seem to have the same flaw as Bastion players. They’re too busy trying to mow people down to notice the Sombra creeping up behind them. And even when they do notice, Orisa is too slow to keep up with Sombra’s agility and constant barrage of fire, often being melted before Sombra even thinks about healing. Orisa’s Halt! ability can throw most players off ledges, but Sombra can save herself from a steep grave with a simple throw of a Translocator. Hacking Orisa can keep her from being a big threat, however, it must be noted that while Sombra can take away Orisa’s Fortify ability while it is inactive, this is not the case while she uses it. Sombra’s EMP can be a death sentence for Orisa, as it not only takes her abilities away but breaks any shield she may have up at that moment. Orisa and Sombra give each other minor benefits, with Sombra having a damage boost from Orisa’s Supercharger and Oria will have an easier time mowing down opponents with Sombra’s hacking ability.

Pharah- The advantage of the air makes Pharah a difficult opponent for Sombra, but if you play your cards right, your hacks can eliminate her from the equation. Sombra’s machine pistol is more capable at taking out opponents in close range rather than opponents high up in the air. It is advised that Sombra players should keep their eyes ahead rather than up to fight her, for if you try and shoot straight up in the air, you are more likely to stay still, making you an obvious target. While Pharah is up in the air, she will have a hard time shooting you, and once you go invisible, she will be unable to pinpoint your location. Use this confusion to hack her, as this will keep Pharah closer to the ground. It is also imperative that you hack her while she is using Barrage, as it will make her ultimate cease instantly and she most likely drop to the ground. It is not advisable to fight Pharah in close quarters, though, for even with a health pack, her rockets will outpace how fast you heal. Sombra’s hacks can ensure a more successful Barrage for Pharah and communication from Pharah can help pin down low-health enemies.

Reaper- Reaper is a close range character that can out damage Sombra, but thankfully Sombra can manage at a safer range to deal with him. Hacking Reaper is a must, as his abilities can allow him to escape and find healing, but once he has activated Wraith Form, it is impossible to hack him. It should be noted that Reaper will try to get into close range with opponents, so try to avoid any corners and keep backing up to prevent into entering his shotguns’ insta-kill range. Reaper’s ultimate, Death Blossom, is also hackable, but it’s quite a feat to hack it without dying before finishing. As allies, Reaper is dependent on Sombra to take down any obstacles in his way, her EMP allowing his Death Blossom to reap more souls safely and efficiently.

Reinhardt- Reinhardt is one of Sombra’ prime targets when it comes to hacking, particularly more than other tank heroes. Reinhardt’s shield can take a lot of damage, so hacking this ability helps make him more vulnerable. A good Sombra player should also have a keen eye and watch for Reinhardt’s Charge, for if you can pull off a successful hack while this ability is active, you can save the lives of your teammates very quickly. Reinhardt is also a hero you need to check if they have their ultimate charged, which can be indicated by the checkmark symbol that appears over them once an opponent has been hacked. Preventing this ultimate can save the entire team, so be sure to keep Earthshatter disabled for as long as possible. While on the same team, Sombra and Reinhardt do not gain any special benefits from one another, but they can definitely help each other out.

Roadhog- When it comes to facing off against Sombra, Roadhog is a very vulnerable tank. While Sombra cannot interrupt a hook, she can prevent him from using it and save the lives of her teammates. She also can prevent him from healing, making Roadhog a very squishy tank. Even if a Roadhog manages to grab his healing ability back, Sombra’s machine pistol can outpace this healing and finish off this pesky foe, a simple task considering Roadhog’s size. Sombra can also annoy any Roadhog players by shutting down their ultimate, Whole Hog, with one simple hack. While his ultimate is active, Roadhog is vulnerable from the back, so Sombra players should try to obtain this crucial position when fighting a Roadhog. As allies, the two heroes can support each other, but no special benefits can be acquired.

Soldier: 76- Soldier: 76 is a character that most Sombra players should avoid due to his mobility and wide range of abilities. Soldier is a high DPS character, with a rifle that can out-damage your machine gun and any chance you have at healing yourself, and that’s without Helix Rockets. His Biotic Field can also heal much faster than you can do damage, so it is imperative that you hack Soldier. This will not only affect his health, but it will take away his ability to sprint to cover. When Soldier is on your team, your EMP can help boost the effectiveness of his ultimate, Tactical Visor.

Sombra- When it comes down to fighting another Sombra, it really comes down to who has the better aim. When you know there is another Sombra in the match, try and take the most advantageous health packs before your enemy can. This task is quite easy on defense, but make sure to check on the packs frequently so you do not lose them to the attacking team. When you find another Sombra, hacking only does you so much good, as you are just as fragile as they are, leaving you both just as desperate to come out on top. Your best chance will be to hit some headshots and not waste any precious time by trying to hack. If it is possible, try and lower their health to at least half and escape. Once you have a bit of healing, you will have the other Sombra marked and can call out her location. When two Sombras are on the same team, you can pretty much monopolize most of the health packs on the map. And if the two are coordinated enough, they can keep hacks going for a long time, especially with subsequent EMPs.

Symmetra- Symmetra is nightmare for many heroes, but for Sombra, Symmetra is an absolute pain. Symmetra’s Sentry Turrets are good at eliminating squishy characters like Sombra, but can be bypassed if Sombra activates her Thermoptic Camo and can easily take out the turrets with her machine pistol. It should be noted that while you cannot hack her turrets regularly, Sombra’s EMP should disable them for a short while. The only issue Sombra has with Symmetra is that she cannot attack in short range where she is most effective, because once Sombra enters Symmetra’s short range, she is sure to be melted in zero time. When on the same team, Sombra can help Symmetra melt things faster with her hacks, especially her EMP.

Torbjorn- Torbjorn is a must-hack for Sombra, but the steps to doing so are a bit more complicated. Torbjorn’s turret can be a great annoyance on the battlefield, so temporarily disabling it is quite helpful to your team. However, it can be quite a challenge to sneak up on a turret, for if it is not preoccupied with another teammate, it will target you and will most likely kill you. Make sure that you also hack Torbjorn himself, so he will not be able to set up another effective turret and make him more vulnerable to elimination. Torbjorn’s Molten Core is another obstacle to watch out for, as his turret nor Torbjorn are affected by a hack once it is active, and can reactivate a hacked turret. As teammates, Torbjorn and Sombra don’t share any real unique benefits, but her hacks can definitely help Torbjorn out.

Tracer- Tracer can really disrupt a team, but Sombra has a few tricks that can help eliminate this little pest from the situation. Normally, Tracer is a pain to hit with all her abilities active, able to escape without a second thought. But if you can catch a Tracer off guard, you hack her and take away her abilities. Without her Blink and Recall, Tracer pretty much becomes a sitting duck and can be easily taken down. This hack can also prevent a Tracer from using her Pulse Bomb, which can often result in a Tracer scrambling to escape, which can open her up for attack. Being allied with Tracer means that you are responsible for creating an opening for her Pulse Bomb, whether it be with a normal hack or an EMP.

Widowmaker- Widowmaker is an easy target for Sombra, as her scope can often limit her surrounding awareness. If you use your Thermoptic Camo and Translocators effectively, you can sneak up on an enemy Widowmaker with almost no difficulty. Be sure to look for Venom Mines, as they will uncloak you and alert your enemy. But even if she does notice you, Sombra will out-damage her SMG and then be on her merry way. Even when she’s not in close range, Wdowmaker will have a hard time hitting this agile hacker even without her Thermoptic Camo active. The only way for this sniper to combat Sombra’s invisibility would be to have her ultimate, Infra-Sight, active, so be sure to listen for her ultimate line so you know when to play it safe. Sombra can’t really offer Widowmaker much as an ally other than the occasional shield hack.

Winston- Winston is good at eliminating squishy characters, so Sombra players must be cautious when engaging him. Hacking Winston can help prevent a Winston from stalling or escaping, but it isn’t the best strategy when he is coming to attack. If you need to escape, a Translocator should be used rather than the Thermoptic Camo, as Winston’s Tesla Cannon can easily uncloak an escaping Sombra. But if you must fight, hitting headshots on Winston is not a difficult task, but should not be engaged on full health. As allies, Sombra can create a safe spot for Winston to activate his ultimate with her EMP, giving him the ability to throw back the enemy team with little consequence.

Zarya- Zarya is very helpful tank on any team, so it is Sombra’s job to take out the most vital players for victory. Zarya, like many tanks, can be crippled by Sombra’s hack. Without her shields, Zarya cannot charge her weapon nor shield herself from damage. It can tedious to fight Zarya in short range with her Particle Cannon, but if you can keep your aim consistent, you can take her down. This hack is also vital when preventing Zarya’s ultimate, Graviton Surge, which could make your entire team vulnerable to attack. If a Zarya is on your team, be sure to avoid her at all costs. If Zarya gives you a shield and you activate Sombra’s Thermoptic Camo, the bubble shield is visible to the enemy team, giving away your position and most likely getting you killed. The only helpful thing between this pairing is Sombra’s EMP adding a bit of insurance to Zarya’s Graviton Surge that nothing will escape alive.

Zenyatta- Zenyatta is a very quick healer that can also put up a good fight if you are not careful, so Sombra should plan to take out this Robot Gandhi as soon as possible. Stealth attacks are important when it comes to dealing with Zenyatta, because if you don’t use stealth, he will. It’s also quite hard to do a lot of damage when you are faced with a barrage of fire from Zenyatta, forcing you into a serpentine that will throw off your headshots. Hacking Zenyatta can definitely give Sombra and her team the upper edge, lessening your allies’damage intake and preventing healing for the other team. Hacking his ultimate can also reap benefits, as not only can it prevent the other team from gaining massive amounts of health back, it may force other players on the enemy team to hold off on their ultimate, allowing your team to swoop in and eliminate the threat before it can wreak havoc. As allies, Zenyatta can easily heal Sombra discreetly, but this might take away precious time that Zenyatta could spend healing someone less fortunate. But if a health pack is not available, then you can ask. Zenyatta players also appreciate the occasional shield hack or two in order snag a kill every once in a while.

Thank you for your cooperation in this training. If you'd like you can refer to this guide again, or submit your own strategies so I may improve the training for future trainees. I wish you the best of luck in your future matches.

Also, come talk to other Overwatch players here on PMC: https://www.planetminecraft.com/forums/overwatch-discussion-thread-t584664.html
CreditBlizzard for making such a great game.

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by JediJerboa 06/25/2017 1:03:22 pmJun 25th, 2017

- New tactics added
- Finally added the buffs
- Sombra isn't as fragile anymore
- Added Character Strategies guide
- Videos and Pictures soon to come! I promise!
- Added link to Overwatch forum.

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02/07/2018 10:45 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Skinner
Fandomstuuck's Avatar
I've honestly started becoming more of a Sombra main than a Mercy main rather. Me being me I don't ever really speak in voice chat though, as I usually play a lot of QP rather than taking it too seriously. Even though despite the fact that I don't even communicate, it's always so much fun to mess around with people and keep hacking them~
02/07/2018 11:45 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
Yeah, hacking is way better than healing. I used to be a Mercy main, but once I got to play Sombra, I wondered why I hadn't played her before. I love being the thorn in my enemy's side, taking away their special abilities, and striking down my opponent at their weakest moment. It makes me quite glad to see someone who enjoys Sombra for the same reasons as me. I would also like to thank you for reminding me to update this. Not only have I missed a ton of updates to the game, I've got so many more tactics to share. Also, this blog definitely needs some organization. Anyway, it's good to see another Sombra main and I wish you the best of luck in your hacking ventures.
Anxiety Opossum
06/27/2017 1:14 am
Level 74 : Legendary Pixel Painter
Anxiety Opossum's Avatar
hooooolyyyyyyyy words

I'm saving this for later lol
06/27/2017 9:04 am
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
lol I really need to cut back on the words, don't I? Probably gonna make a video version some other time. Right now, I'm gonna start focusing on a Mercy guide and possibly a Reinhardt guide.
04/15/2017 11:15 am
Level 42 : Master Engineer
Cagrimanoka_TR's Avatar
02/19/2017 4:14 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Botanist
Olly's Avatar
i just thought how you could add the importance of camping your hacked healthpacks when 1v1-ing. i just had a game on route 66 where i was able to 1v2 a genji and a tracer, despite sombra's gun that is basically a pea shooter, because i didn't budge off my healthpack :'). felt pretty satisfying
02/19/2017 5:49 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
Hmm, never tried it myself. Might have to add that once I get the chance!
02/08/2017 8:56 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Skinner
XFuntimeFreddyX's Avatar
Didn't read it but still gave Diamond! <3
02/09/2017 5:24 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
Thanks anyway! Many people don't read through my content entirely since it's very lengthy.
02/08/2017 12:34 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragon
Wyvern's Avatar
I have a few hours on Sombra, and really the way I've been playing it is through team work, say I'm sombra and i'm playing with a team that communicates, I'll tell the team that I'm about to hack Rienhardt, then when his shield is down, the entire team shoots him and he's dead in no time, also use her to stop potential ults or abilities, i.e hacking a pharah so that she cant escape, and she's dead, or hacking a lucio before he drops the beat. etc. I really like the blog though, not many people appreciate sombra as she is, so good on you.
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