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A History of TheCrypteral (3 Year Anniversary Special!)

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TheCrypteral's Avatar TheCrypteral
Level 50 : Grandmaster Blacksmith
It feels good being able to proudly wear this 3 year medal (:

A History of TheCrypteral (3 Year Anniversary Special!)


In early 2020, I found PMC.

At the time, I was younger and had an aspiration to become a mc youtuber, and the name I wanted at the time was DiamondGapple9k (the dumbest thing I could have thought up), so that's what I made my username.

At the time, things were fairly basic, and the main things present on the site were skin contests and build showcases, and many things on the site were quite basic.

I made several skins and entered a few contests, not winning of course XD

It was also this time, a few months after I joined, where I discovered the PMC chat function.

I'd occasionally hop on and talk to the various comers and goers.

I never really made any connections, but I enjoyed the casual conversations that could ensue.


Then I lost access to PMC-

This was due to my computer breaking, and being unable to access this wonderful site.

I took a several month long break and completely forgot that this existed-

Fast forward several months later-

In either late 2020 or early 2021-

And I found a google doc where I had some passwords saved-

Y'know, in case I forgot them-

And my PMC login info was there.

That brought me back here, where I found quite a few changes.

I also changed my name at this point-

This time to Ebony_Warrior.

It was due to my obsession with skyrim, and I really liked the aesthetic of the ebony weaponry-

I had a pfp this time too-

It was this random picture off of google XD

A History of TheCrypteral (3 Year Anniversary Special!)

During this time I invaded the PMC chat once again-

And found my first friend-


We became best buds quickly, and were practically addicted to the chat-

I also met some others soon after-

Namely :

Wannabe Technoblade
Wannabe Wilbur
Wannabe Tommyinnit
And MoonAstraea, who was known as Mooniium at the time-

I also reintroduced myself to the idea of community contests-

Specifically through the Community Event Calendar

A History of TheCrypteral (3 Year Anniversary Special!)

Not only did I make a fair few not-so-successful contests-

But I entered quite a few as well-

Due to this, I came into contact with some skinners, and even DinowCookie-

But after this things stayed pretty basic-

Not much happened-

My most successful contest at the time was the ReImagining ~ A Skin Contest event-

It was the first time I made custom trophies too-

Around this was when I changed my pfp again-

This time to something that fit better-

But during this point in my history-

My pixel art journey began-

It all started when I saw a post by ZappyGru showcasing his pixel art character-
And I was quite impressed-

But also fascinated-

So I tried it for myself-

And made my first ever pixel art-

It looks disgusting even though I spent 3 hours on it XD

If it wasn't for ZappyGru, I probably would have never started doing pixel art-

But anyways-

During my time on PMC as Ebony_Warrior, I barely did any pixel art-

I only made, like, 3 things-

And I wasn't very involved in the wall post section of PMC-

I only had 6 posts until recently-

But alas-

I left PMC again-

I don't remember why-

But it took nine months to return-

And this time, nearly everything had changed-

Nothing was the same-

Most everyone I know was inactive-

So I restarted-

First I changed my name-

I wanted something meaningful and impactful and special

So I went to a random word generator XD

After a few runs, it came up with 'crypteral'-

And I quite liked it-

So here we are!

The next thing I wanted to change was my pfp-

I looked around for a bit and found one-

And soon after it was animated by eyhoffi-

This remained my pfp for a while-

And around this time I found new friends-

Most notably :

And Retro Boss Oogway

I grew some connections and made some skins-

But even though I stopped doing pixel art during the time I was gone-

I got a request from Jupit3r-

She asked for a pfp-

So I went back into pixel art-

And I did shockingly well-

This was a HUGE improvement from my other stuff-

It gave me a lot of motivation to keep making pixel art-

But what should I make...?

Or rather-

Who should I make?

I pretty quickly began remaking people in pixel art form, and pming it to each of them-

I had already made a few-

But when I came to the one for Papa Enny-

And sent it to him-

He gave me the idea of making a blog about it-

And thus the Pixel People series began!

I made people in groups of 3, adding little descriptions of them and posting it in a blog-

I made them rapid-fire, with my skills improving little by little-

But at one point I ran out of people I wanted to do-

So it took a while for me to post another-

Now one of the things I tried to pick up again was community events-

But unfortunately the calendar had kinda fallen off-

So it was hard to make one-


I then found out about groups-

A feature that was added while I was gone-

I had an idea for a group I wanted to make-

One tethered to the idea of spamming people with appreciation-

A lot of people were on board-

And after some things got figured out-

I made an application-

Fast forward to a couple moths later-



It wasn't accepted-

So I had another idea-

You see, I'm a blacksmith-

I like fantasy, especially things that revolve around high-fantasy-

So I decided to make The Forge!

Very simply, it was a blacksmithing-themed group that focused on community events-



It grew faaaaaaaaaaast

It might just be one of the fastest growing groups on all of PMC-

And when the Jam function came out-

I was personally invited by Cyprezz to make a beta jam!

It was certainly an honor, and it followed the massive success the forge had-

The jam was The Embers of The Forge, and had many fantastic entries that did great, with the end winner being MisterGriimm!

A couple other things happened around the beginning of The Forge-

For one, I made a new pfp, which was a screenshot of the head of my mc skin (I don't have a image of it)-

But there was another thing that happened-

So basically, the main person I talked to on here was ShadowOnTheLoose-

She's a wonderful person, and I happened to grow romantic feelings for her-

But I was way too nervous to tell her-


A few days after the forge opened-

She ended up confessing her love to me-

This came as a shock, as I didn't think I was good enough for her-

But apparently we both crushed on each other-

So we quickly ended up together as a couple-

I have never been as happy as I am when I'm with her-

And fortunately-

We're still going strong (:

A bit later-

Soon after jams started opening up to everyone-

I entered cloudkitty's art jam-

And returned to pixel art!

I made this blog, and while I kept the same style, I added some features and finally got it to be a png-

Then I made more-

This time it was a PMCer yet again, namely DreamWanderer, but I added some shade and shine, which ended up well-

It looked better!

So I expanded-

And looking at other's pixel art, I noticed that they would have large splotches of shade difference instead of what I did on the edges of stuff-

So I implemented that with my pixel person of Cyprezz-

The final product was SO much better than before-

It improved my art a lot-

But I still continued-

I didn't make many changes-

But I noticed improvement-

I was able to do more complex things like wings or cloth-

It sure wasn't proffesional-

But it was pretty dang good-

I started trying a new technique after a while-

I started to make my outlines-


not black-

And it worked well!

I made some things that weren't humanoid-

And I was satisfied how they turned out!

That all brings me to my most recent pixel people creation, my art of ShadowOnTheLoose-

It turned out quite good-

Pretty, even-

Which makes sense, considering it was made from her E:

Anyways, I made more pixel art, switching styles-

I made some that were more akin to terraria-

I also tried some still life-

And even tried out blockbench-

It was valentines season, my simping had a reason

And along all of this was also me entering more contests, making general wall posts, making new friends-

But also-

The Forge eventually slowed down-

And stopped growing as much-

And all of that leads to today-

I'd like to thank all of ya'll-

The ones that were there since the beginning-

And those who only came up recently-

You guys are the reason I've had such a great time here-

And the reason I've grown so fast-

I mean, seriously-

Ever since I came back and became TheCrypteral-

I've only grown exponentially-

It took less than half a year to go from 20 subs-

To over 320-

And go from level 23-

to level 46-

And even though I'm not very popular-

I've had over 100 site features-

Which is insane-

Because of ya'll, all I've had is improvement-

Thank you, truly (:

Happy Valentines Day-

And happy 3 years!


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03/25/2023 12:38 am
Level 37 : Artisan uwu
Payaa's Avatar
03/25/2023 7:13 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Blacksmith
TheCrypteral's Avatar
03/15/2023 9:13 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
Scribblez01's Avatar
Very interesting story, that's a lot you've done in 3 years.
03/15/2023 9:15 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Blacksmith
TheCrypteral's Avatar
Thanks lol
03/02/2023 1:08 pm
Level 41 : Master Lego Builder
LegendaryConch's Avatar
[​Two weeks late to the party] Man, congratulations on Three years! That’s kind of crazy, and the story along with that is just amazing. You and your pixel art are just awesome so yeah
03/02/2023 1:21 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Blacksmith
TheCrypteral's Avatar
02/20/2023 7:11 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc4072473's Avatar
02/20/2023 7:10 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc4072473's Avatar
02/17/2023 7:40 am
She/Her • Level 62 : High Grandmaster Botanist Witch
autumn's Avatar
Wow, congrats!
02/16/2023 9:33 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
DarkRob333's Avatar
I'm lazy to change account but: Wow, this is amazing, your story here is awesome
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