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Plugin idea - FreeForAll

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Ambassador Pineapple's Avatar Ambassador Pineapple
Level 30 : Artisan Scribe
This plugin allows you to create Free-for-all minigames and arenas, and uses the Worldedit plugin to work. Here's how to designate an arena:
fff.use.designate/fff designate <arena name> <max players>Set up an arena and how many to play on it

The command above only works if you have selected the corners of the arena with the Worldedit wand, so keep that in mind. The plugin also has a few other commands, too:
fff.use.save/fff save <arena name>Saves the current version of the selected arena
fff.use.reset/fff reset <arena name>Reset the selected arena to the last saved version
fff.use.purge/fff purge <arena name>Deletes the selected arena
fff.use.spawnset/fff setspawn <arena name> <player no.>Set the spawns for the players
fff.use.endsend/fff ending <arena name> <destination coords.>Choose the place for the end of the game meeting

There is one other command that stands out for its special purposes:
fff.use.type/fff type <arena name>Select the type of free-for-all

A list of the types:
SlaughterKill the opponents and get the most kills.
InfectionKill zombies to get flesh, but don't die, whether to zombies or others, or you lose it all!
SilenceMelee only, for the jocks.
OITCYou know what to do.
Survival of the fittestGet the most kills, but the person with the least deaths might win, so watch out!

Here's ways to set them up, because they are configureable:


fff.use.slaughter.kills/fff slaughter kills <no. of kills>Determine the kills needed to win
fff.use.slaughter.primary/fff slaughter primary <sword type>Choose the primary sword type
fff.use.slaughter.secondary/fff slaughter secondary <weapon>Choose the secondary weapon


fff.use.infection.flesh/fff infection <no. of flesh>Set the flesh needed to win
fff.use.infection.primary/fff infection primary <weapon>Set the primary weapon
fff.use.infection.secondary/fff infection secondary <weapon>Set the secondary weapon
fff.use.infection.zombie/fff setzombie <spawn coordsSet where zombies spawn in the arena


fff.use.silence.kills/fff silence kills <no. of kills>Set the kills needed to win
fff.use.silence.weapon/fff silence weapon <weapon>Set the weapon for the game


fff.use.oitc.kills/fff OITC kills <kill no.>Set the kills needed to win


fff.use.sotf.kills/fff sotf kills <no. of kills>Kills needed to have a chance at winning
fff.use.sotf.primary/fff sotf primary <weapon>Set the primary weapon
fff.use.sotf.secondary/fff sotf secondary <weapon>Set the secondary weapon
fff.use.sotf.deaths/fff sotf deaths <no. of deaths>Set the maximum number of deaths needed to have a chance to win

TA-DA! We're done!

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Majora Unmasked
05/23/2014 1:50 am
Level 24 : Expert Modder
Majora Unmasked's Avatar
From my understanding, you want a plugin that can automatically generate arenas for specific games. And we'd have to code the games ourselves as well. I guess it's doable, but I won't be able to start for a while. Do you offer anything in return? :p
Ambassador Pineapple
05/23/2014 6:42 am
Level 30 : Artisan Scribe
Ambassador Pineapple's Avatar
I'm offering love and adoration from the fans, plus maybe a cookie.
05/10/2014 3:29 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Programmer
fillpant's Avatar
Well this looks awesome but 
its TOOOO HARD especially for me, and I think none will do it for free :S
sorry dude...
Ambassador Pineapple
05/10/2014 3:39 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Scribe
Ambassador Pineapple's Avatar
I know, which is why it's called an idea. If you want, I have other plugin ideas that you could check out.
05/10/2014 4:54 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Programmer
fillpant's Avatar
Yes please
Ambassador Pineapple
05/10/2014 5:04 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Scribe
Ambassador Pineapple's Avatar
Just look through my other blogs. They're nicely labled "Plugin idea - ".
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