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Planet Minecraft Interviews Nitgo

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Level 100 : Transcendent Cake
This interview was our eighth PMC Weekly Interview, featured in Volume 72! In this volume, we interviewed Nitgo! Nitgo is a very active member of PMC and has been here for about 2 years! During his time here, he's made over 200 submissions, given over 13,000 diamonds, and is very active on the forums. You may know him for his amazing pixel art and Skins. Because of their impeccable art, we wanted to know more about their creative process, what drives and inspires them!

Minecraft/Personalized Questions:

•́How did your Minecraft experience begin? Do you still play?
-It started almost 7 years ago when I used to be scared of the idea that zombies might be hiding in that fog that Minecraft used to have, and when the world size was 256×256. I started playing on bedrock edition, but I'm on java now. I still do play, but not as often. I play a couple of times every month now.

•́You’re an amazingly talented skin/pixel artist and are constantly sharing your creations with us. How did you learn the art? Tell us your secrets!
-Well, I wouldn't say I'm talented, but I plan on improving my art over time. So far all I've learnt is just through boring trial and error, but I plan to start watching some instructional videos soon if I finally get the time. One of the quotes that I use when I'm not sure about my work is "When you see a mistake, or don't like what you made, then you at least know where to improve.".

•́What tools do you use for your pixel art?
-I use paint.net. Though I might upgrade if I need more tools.

•́What inspires you when you’re creating? How do you come up with such beautiful color palettes?
-Every skin, or drawing that I put a lot of thought into turns out great. mostly I start by simply asking myself what theme I'll do, then I move onto mood and colors, then character, then style, then design, then I finalize my sketch, then I draw and color the final drawing, lastly I add the finishing details.

•́Do you prefer creating HD or standard resolution skins?
-Well, the pros of an HD is that it is more detailed, and you can fit more ideas, and details onto there, but the cons of HD skins is that the 2nd layer doesn't line up properly with the first one, the further you are from the center of the head, the more the 2nd layer diverges from the body, and the other con is it takes too long to finish it, and if you don't like the result, well you'll just have to throw hours of work into the trash. I like regular skins more because even though it's less resolution you are challenged with that idea of limited space. It challenges you, and it makes failure to portray what you have in your mind onto the canvas of a skin a bit more barrable. Though if I had to choose one to work with for ever, then I'd choose HD skins.

•́How long does it take you to create an HD skin?
-It takes around 2-4 hours depending on if I already have a clear mental idea of what the skin will look like, or not. Usually if the skins takes loner than that then I do it over days. such as [Ancient stone full of feelings], [The phoenix above the mountains], and [Hell strider].

•́We know you’re also quite a talented sketch artist, as seen in your art blog. Did you (or are you planning on) going to school for art?
-I am planning on taking programming, but if I improve my art skills then I might go for art school, or graphic design. I have some other routes planned, but those three seem the post plausible.

•́How do you think your artistic skills have improved over the years? What are you hoping to prove upon?
-It has improved, but I still need to practice. I need to draw a lot to actually start improving a whole bunch, because drawing something good is nice and all, but being consistent is more important. I'm currently busy so practicing isn't a daily thing for me, but I'll find some time for practice. I plan to be able to firstly draw the human shape, then the features of the human, then movement, then clothes, and if I learn those then I feel like the rest wont be as hard.

•́We noticed you’re a fan of sci-fi. Do you have a favorite sci-fi artist? What’s your favorite sci-fi movie?
-I am a huge fan of the idea that one day traveling into space will be the same as sailing a ship through the vast empty ocean, hoping to rest a foot on undiscovered planets, and solar systems. I'm a fan of the idea because it has a lot of potential, and because it's just cool. I don't watch movies a lot, but "Alien: covenant" really did it for me with scary mood it had.

PMC Questions:

•́What is your PFP inspired by?
-Honestly I don't show my face, so I made a character to take my place. The inspiration for the design didn't come from a character, but instead came from my desire to finally be able to draw robes, and I think it turned out well, and the rest is just from my head.

Full image of pfp
Planet Minecraft Interviews Nitgo

•́What PMC submission are you most proud of? Why?
-[This] one, because this was my first actual "good" submission, and even if my future submissions will dwarf it I still think I'd remember this as a first step into the realm of decent skins.

Planet Minecraft Interviews Nitgo

•́What do you enjoy most about Planet Minecraft?
-Personally I like the incorporation of the social media theme into this Minecraft based website, because it makes me feel that I'm actually talking to people, and not just looking at numbers, and letters.

•́Do you have any goals on the site
-Well I want to reach level 70, and then I'll kind of slowly give up leveling from there because my submissions' XP won't make leveling up a monthly task, and will kind of take so long that I won't feel as excited anymore about leveling up as I used to. Another goal of mine is to judge an official contest, but I think I need to improve my skills a bit more to reach that level. The last one is to hopefully, one day, and this is aiming a bit too high, but I want to finish my latest texture pack so would become viral one day. The only things that are stopping me from doing so is not having enough time to do work on it, and it also just reaches the point of feeling more like a task rather than a fun hobby, but I started it, and I'll hopefully finish it...

•́You’ve recently surpassed 800 subscribers, congratulations!
-I wish I had that many friends.

•́Is there a specific member that inspires you or you look up to? Who/Why?
There are many that bring me happiness, and inspiration, but honestly the member that surprises me the most in terms of skill is FishyMint. Their texture packs just leave me in amazement. I just want to be able to draw as well as they do one day, it's just amazing. Another honorable mention is VinylReplica, because of their amazing art skills.

Fun Questions:

•́What is your favorite food?
A well made lobster never disappoints.

•́Do you have any pets? (perhaps include a picture?!)
I personally don't have any pets now, but I don't want to disappoint you, so here are some pictures of my cousin's pet cat. I have a fear of animals in general, but cats are the only animals that I don't fear as much as others. And let's be honest, her cat is so cute.

Image of her cute cat
Planet Minecraft Interviews Nitgo

•́Describe yourself in 3 words!
-Oof, that's a hard one... let me think.
  1. Thoughtful
  2. Encouraging
  3. Friendly

•́Are there any hobbies outside of Minecraft that you have?
I am currently taking the first steps to learning programming, I sometimes make shirt designs, I try to improve my chatting skills to maybe be a good speaker, voice acting is something that I might do if I get the chance, I also train swimming every week, and lastly as you already know I'm into art.

•́Is there any new skill that you’ve been wanting to try, but haven’t had the chance to yet?
Voice acting!

•́Favorite quote or words of wisdom for the community? OR Do you have any advice for new members of PMC?
-I have three advice for life in general!
  • When you see a mistake, or don't like what you made, then you at least know where to improve. (already mentioned in the first question)
  • If you'll do something then just don't forget to ask yourself "Why am I doing this, and is there a better way" before doing it.
  • Not everyone has a good intension.

•́Anything you'd like to add?
Is there anything else to say than a thank you? 😉

Credit: my laziness

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03/17/2021 1:31 pm
Level 21 : Expert Waffle
HarperPlaysYT's Avatar
I do have a question tho why is this in my personailzed site feed I do not remeber putting it here but the interwiew is cool
03/09/2021 1:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Mario1020's Avatar
03/09/2021 2:38 am
Level 14 : Journeyman System
Tesday's Avatar
"recently surpassed 800 subscribers"
looks at sub count

1033 subscribers
03/08/2021 10:53 am
Level 32 : Artisan Waffle
TNTFortify's Avatar
I like sci-fi too
03/08/2021 4:44 am
Level 26 : Expert Warrior
ImYourFwend_'s Avatar
His cat is so cute!!!
03/06/2021 12:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
budigod's Avatar
03/06/2021 7:14 am
Level 37 : Artisan Birb
LugiaGal-'s Avatar
Nitgo is one of my favorite PMC members. it is nice to know more about them!
03/06/2021 9:18 am
Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
Imaguy121's Avatar
03/05/2021 9:32 pm
Level 47 : Master Wisp
Whispearl's Avatar
Awesome interview!
03/05/2021 7:02 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
VinylReplica's Avatar
Aye - "Another honorable mention isVinylReplica, because of their amazing art skills."

Thanks Nitgo!
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