This Blog is an entry in the completed What Makes You a Minecrafter? - Blog Contest #7.

Minecraft Blogs / Article

Once Upon an Eli (Eli's Minecraft Legacy!)

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Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar Eli the Zeratoed
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Do you like Minecraft? Well that was a dumb question, of course you do! It's exactly why you have an Account on here! Did I just break the Fourth Wall? ...Yeah Sorry about that!
Once Upon an Eli (Eli's Minecraft Legacy!)
Anyways, Minecraft. Dang, what a game! You go punch wood, make a house, beat up mobs... Right? Is it really what Minecraft is about? Well, Surprisingly no. Minecraft was intentionally an indie game where you create things and make whatever your mind desired. It seemed like a cool concept, but when the Mobs were added to Survival, everything changed. But what is the true story? We have debated for years on what the story would be, but the truth is, there is no story. It's your Own story, where you make your own path, and share your Legacy! But Wait, what's my legacy? Well, it's way different than punching wood and mobs. For me, it's a Staff Hunter/Traveler Story.
Once Upon an Eli (Eli's Minecraft Legacy!)
Woah there! Hold your Pants! Being a Staff Traveler isn't necessarily bad! There's a difference on what a Staff Hunter and a Staff Traveler is. Now what's a Staff Traveler? Well, it's a person who applies on servers, and helps others in need, and doesn't mess around with his/her position. On the other hand, a Staff Hunter has no regard for the safety of others, and just applies just so they can mess around with the commands, which can lead to severe Griefage in the end. Now what's my story about Minecraft in General? Well I'll tell you!
Once Upon an Eli (Eli's Minecraft Legacy!)
Long ago, back in 2011, I was just an 11 year-old kid, messing around with Beyblades and Bakugan. Eventually, my brother showed me Minecraft. When I first saw it, I kinda hated it. It was so blocky and 3D that I just wanted to stare at my Nintendo DS to get those thoughts away. I ignored it for a while, until in 2012, when my brother introduced me to ChildDolphin. I wasn't introduced to SkyDoesMinecraft when I was shown what Minecraft was, and you heard me right, it was ChildDolphin who made me like Minecraft. His skin was a Derpy Dolphin who played Factions all the time, and since I loved Dolphins, even back then, I decided to get into Minecraft. Concerned as my brother was, he said no. I begged and begged to let me play Minecraft, but eventually he said he will quiz me. I was quizzed every day about the Mobs and Items of the Minecraft World, and I gained almost better knowledge from a MAD Parody called "Criminal Minecraft".

After I got quizzed, I was handed the Pocket Edition of Minecraft. And let me tell you, I played the crap out of it. I've made my own worlds, but eventually, the game got too easy, as I could just make a house, hide in it, and leave the game. I soon discovered Multiplayer, but before I could do that, I needed a name, some Alias that I could be recognized by. I Liked Dolphins, and I was considered a Teen by many, and the word "Elite" seemed like an epic name, and what do you know, the name EliTeenDolphin was born!

Soon I went onto Multiplayer, and it was intense. I couldn't go onto any Factions Servers yet because my brother claimed "Those are my servers!". I decided to go onto a kinda Huge Vanilla Server, and it was chaos. People left and right wielding... Bones!? Yeah, ridiculous as that is, it was an actual glitch where it was way more powerful than a sword, and in 3-4 hits you would die, depending on if you had armor on or not. I do remember a dude named "Mushroom", and a bunch of other people helped me out too. I said to them that we could "team" and be some type of Fake Faction, since my brother won't let me onto any. We eventually became the richest people on the server. After a few months, the server was reset by the Owner (who was unknown), and it was down to me and Mushroom, since the server was in chaos. I don't know what happened to the server, but it's dead now.

Eventually, years later, my brother said I was ready, so he gave me a PC account with the name of "Tintin (insert numbers here)". It was his friend's account, and since I didn't have $20 (Enough for a PC Account in America), I was stuck playing as Tintin for a while. When I eventually got 20 Bucks, I setup my account, and a legend was born! My brother said to get on The Archon and help him out, and I did so. Eventually I got bored and decided to go onto the servers his Friend had setup already. One of them was Mineplex. It was fun, sure, but that all Changed when I saw a Staff Member. I couldn't remember his name, but he was basically an OP, and it came clear to me what I wanted my legacy to be, not a Factions PvP guy, but a Server Staff Traveler (This was before the term "Staff Hunter" was Invented, so please stop splashing at me!).
The first thing was choosing a server. I had to start small, as this will make or break my Minecraft Career. I chose a Small Factions Server, and let me tell you, being on a small server is different than being on The Archon or whatever. People greeted me with nice things like "Welcome!" and "Hi There!". I said "Thanks!" in cheer, as I walked around spawn. The Owner, who was literally a Magenta Panda Bear, greeted me and said "Would you like to apply for staff?". I immediately replied "Yeah!". He gave me an Enjin Link, and I was curious. Little did I know that my Curiosity killed me in return. Enjin looked bleak, and I wasn't old enough to have a personal email yet, so I passed on the Offer. I decided to just play on the server and have fun. The People of the server knew I was new, so they helped me out on every little thing that was going on. We had the biggest Faction on the server, and we became popular.

The Owner noticed this, and said "Since you're so kind, I'll give you a Book and Quill!". I was hyped, as this was my first app ever. Although I never knew what Applying was, I was determined to get any rank. After quite a while, my hands got tired, sweat oozing from my head. I handed the app to the Owner, looking nervously at him. He peered at the Book, and then glanced at me. He said "You know what I think of this app?". I was nervous, but extremely hyped at the same time.

But alas, he threw my book into the lava. I felt devastated, as my dreams were flushed down the toilet. The Owner smirked at me while I was moping, and said "Don't worry! I've got copies!" and threw a bunch of Book and Quills at me. I laughed at the Joke in spite of myself, as I never knew what the Dupe Glitch was back then. He then gave me Dev, which is a ridiculous rank to give to a person who's never Dev-ed before. "GG!"s filled the room as I stood proud saying "Thank you all!". You would think I would just leave with the position, right? Wrong! I worked my butt off to retain my position, and we even made a PvP Arena!

But Unfortunately, all dreams come to an end, as the server shut down because of the switch to 1.8. I was playing 1.7.10 at the time, so this was heartbreaking. I didn't give up, as I applied on many servers. As time went on, my Journey took me to a tiny Factions Server I'm currently working on to this day. I'm not going to advertise, because that's just a dumb thing to do.

Overall, Minecraft has left an amazing impact on me. If Minecraft didn't exist, I probably either would've played either Skylanders, Angry Birds, or just sit there, bored while my brother is doing Magic Tricks. Pokémon Go exists, but nothing compares my love to Minecraft than any other game. I've made people's lives a whole lot better, made tons of friends, and most of all, bring the community together. You guys have so much heart, even if there are some jerky people out there who are absolute clods! Haha, yeah. There's a Peridot Reference you don't see from me everyday! Steven Universe references aside, I love Minecraft. Thanks for Making this game, Notch. You left us a game that we go to when we're bored, or when we just want to play together or fight mobs.


Thank You, Notch. <3

(Can you name all these people on the Globe? Let me know if you named them all! If you name them all, you get Praise on my Profile!)


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07/27/2016 9:34 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Miner
Teddey_Bear's Avatar
Hi there!

You've got yourself quite the talent for writing! It's very nice to see a story that is actually fun to read, and to have your own illustrations as well is quite nice. I'm sure you'll get far in the competition, maybe even win! (Although I'm entering as well, so maybe you'll have to settle for second XD )

Jokes aside, I figure I would give you a heads up- your story is a little bit over the 1500 word limit and I wouldn't want to see you get knocked out of the contest over a silly rule! Thanks for the enjoyable read, and good luck!
Eli the Zeratoed
07/27/2016 10:17 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Wow! Thanks for the Constructive Criticism! And lol, I probably didn't expect myself to get even that far into the competition, because as the wise Qui Gon Jinn said: "There's always a Bigger Fish". I'd say the only person who would come close out of all the entries is Nautical Nonsense. He's really good, and I would suggest checking out his entry. I don't care if I win, because I don't care for the Prize, and I'll be giving it away. I already have loads of stuff in my room anyways! xD (And lol, I definitely want to see your entry! We shall see who'll take the gold or silver! >:3 But Seriously, good luck!)

I did know that There's a 1,500 Word Limit, but I never count my words, unless there's a Word Counter, and I can't find it anywhere if there is one, lels. I'll try to subtract some sentences/filler from the blog just to shorten it. (If it really is "a little" over the limit, then I'll definitely take out filler sentences! :D)

Like seriously, just... Thanks for the Wonderful Criticism! When I first read your Comment, I was expecting a lot of negatives (Because Critics just Love to Point out negatives, don't they? xD), but just one is enough for me to improve myself for the contest! :D And yes, I agree, That's a Dumb Rule. x3

I'll be awaiting your Response!

EDIT: (I Know I can use the Update Thing, but really, who looks at that thing? xD) I've shortened it a bit, and took out the Filler Bits, and it's now exactly 1,500 Words, while still keeping it's goofy fun charm! Yay! :D
07/27/2016 10:59 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Miner
Teddey_Bear's Avatar
Haha well, in a contest there's got to be at least one biggest fish, so we'll see! (And not to be mean to anyone that's entered, but I've read over most of the entries thus far and yours definitely stands out.)

But anyway, after your edits it's still at 1650 words. You can use Google Docs to check word count, it's free and very nice to use for all sorts of writing purposes. It does require a google account though, so it's a tiny hassle. Microsoft word also has a counting feature if you have it. Otherwise I'd be happy to tell you the word count- it's really no trouble at all!
Eli the Zeratoed
07/28/2016 12:33 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Oh my goodness thank you! But yeah, we shall see who that fish is...

And when exactly did you check the blog? I used a site for Word Checking, and it says exactly 1500 Words. I think you checked the blog a little too early, because I made massive edits, even after the small ones (without the Word Checker Site).

Here's a Bit of proof that it's 1,500 Words: Try to Copy/Paste what I wrote into there, and see for yourself! :3
07/28/2016 7:07 am
Level 36 : Artisan Miner
Teddey_Bear's Avatar
Yeah looks like you're good now! I must have checked before the changes, good luck!
Eli the Zeratoed
07/28/2016 5:32 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Lol Thanks! To be honest with you, I thought this was going to be a Loser (Thanks Feudal Japan. xP), but I'm actually hoping for the best on this one. Thanks for the Luck! :D
07/27/2016 1:27 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Sweetheart
Catligraphy's Avatar
Lol I loved this I rlly hope u win :3 good luck!
(imma try to guess... I'm going clockwise)
1. You
2. Peridot
3. Alex and Steve combined their daughter owo
4. A friend on the server
5. Cat (Firestar?)
6. Tater
7. Drago
8. Dolphin
9. Friend (?)
10. Friend (?)
11. Friend on the server
12. Dragon (I just don't know if it's a regular dragon or it's supposed to be from something)
Eli the Zeratoed
07/27/2016 5:32 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Oh My goodness Thank You! :D This was actually the first time any of my Entries actually got Praise (But seriously, I entered the Feudal Japan Contest and I didn't win, probably because I suck at Skinning and I never knew you could do a Real Yokai like Kitsune... :P). By the way, since I never Cared for the Prize of Action Figures and a Plush (Unless It's Peridot, because OH MY GOSH ALL THE HUGS!!), I'm giving it away! Not only is the Globe thing for Praise, but if I do win (Rare Chance), I'll give away my Prize! xD Anyways, Lets see what you got Correct!

1. Yep.
2. Yep Definitely! She's my Favorite Steven Universe Character! :3
3. Wrong! xD Here's a Hint. It's a YouTuber.
4. Lol Not Really... x3
5. Yeah! And you Get The Bonus Point! (Which Literally Counts for 1 Wrong Answer)
6. Correct! What was he Portrayed as Though in the Blog?
7. Definitely a Yep! :3
8. Definitely a Correct! :D
9. Lol! But That's a Nope. He's from a YouTube Series though. Keep Trying! (Bonus Point Counts Here)
10. Okay, Since this was a Skip, he was my Friend, so that's a Bonus Point. :3
11. Lol Yeah, He was Mentioned in the Article, so I'll give you Points there. Bonus Points for what he is in the Article! :D
12. Lol, Wrong, but here's a Hint: He Commented on Here... (Bonus Point Counted Here As Well!)

You Were the Closest Person to actually get Praise, but since you're a Longtime Subbie, You get a Cookie for Now. xD
07/27/2016 5:58 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Sweetheart
Catligraphy's Avatar
yw :D
owo rlly ooh I ALMOST HAD IT x3 and yey I luv cookies (if it has skittles on it x3)
Eli the Zeratoed
07/27/2016 6:31 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Yeh You did! If you got the 3rd one Correct, you would've got the Praise and Prize. And yes, the cookie has Skittles on it! :3
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