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No Winners, No Losers | The PMC World War Chapter VI | Finale

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Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
During a peace conference held by King Elightin Elytra in Thanjavur, things got heated between the Chaos Legion-Cholan Empire-Illager Clan alliance and the Great Monster Empire. Things came to a head when Elightin went ahead and launched a nuclear missile containing poisonous gases without permission from the rest of his war council at Castle Großmonsterstein, violating two articles in the PMC City Conventions. Emperor Wither Storm II called an Imperial Committee meeting in the castle ruins after all was well, and a retaliatory strike was planned. In Thanjavur, a trial was held on short notice, presided over by Supreme Commanding Legionmaster IGEBM, during which Elightin was convicted of his war crimes and sentenced to 10 years in prison. The Emperor demanded a formal apology, and after the blog was posted by IGE, he realized Elightin was the only one who did anything wrong and canceled the strike. He later privately contacted IGE the day after as the war was sliding into an undeclared ceasefire, saying that they needed to make peace.

Supreme Commanding Legionmaster IGEBM was shocked at what Emperor Wither Storm II had said. He immediately went into Anarchist Si's office. "Hey, Si, the Emperor just messaged me." he told his commanding officer, before showing him his chat with the Emperor. The ruler of the Great Monster Empire had told him they needed to negotiate and that he was planning for peace. "I'm- I'm shocked." Si said after re-reading the messages. "He actually wants to talk peace." "I'm surprised too." IGE added. "Though I guess it makes some sense, seeing as his castle just got nuked. I imagine he wants this war to be over as fast as we do. I'm thinking we negotiate tomorrow afternoon, what with Rob and the Cholas having to figure things out and the Illagers still rebuilding after the hurricane." It had been two days since the nuking of Castle Großmonsterstein and the war was three days into an unofficial ceasefire. The Illager Clan ha destroyed a weather machine set up by the GME several days prior, which finally ended the terrible hurricane that was wreaking havoc on their island, and the Legion had done the same with the one set up near Anarchy Island. "I think tomorrow afternoon is a good time." Si agreed. "Noon?" IGE nodded in agreement before leaving to send invites.

The next day, IGE, Si, and Field Marshall Rob, the de facto ruler of the Cholan Empire until he could be crowned king, gathered around the holo-table in the center of the command room at the top floor of the Chaos Center. Miniature holograms of Arch Illager and Emperor Wither Storm II appeared on the table. A hologram of King Elightin Elytra appeared a few minutes later. (He had been permitted to join by Rob.) "Let's get this started." IGE said. He then explained the Emperor's messages. "Peace... he can have it." Elightin said. "I just hope most stuff can get back to normal." "Agreed." IGE responded. "I'm sick of this war, I'm sick of this fighting; I just want it all to end. No winners, no losers - that's all." "Agreed." the Emperor said with a nod. "No winners, no losers." "If Si, Rob, and Illager agree, these can be over as fast as possible, and the war can be over as fast as possible." IGE noted. "Not so sure about Si giving up." Elightin commented, knowing this wouldn't be as easy as IGE made it out to be. "If he wouldn't forgive, why would he surrender?" "True, true, but we have hope." IGE agreed. "Plus, what's the point of more fighting? It's basically just allowing more to die..."

Si finally spoke up after taking in everything. "I don't forgive him, and I am not his friend, but my goal is peace, so if I have to agree to this to create peace, then I will." he said, keeping his cool. "And I've won." "No, Si." IGE retorted. "No winners, no losers. We both suffered casualties. We both did equal damage to each other." "And for what reason?" Si argued. "Peace. In war, you either fight for peace or power. So yes, I agree to a ceasefire, and maybe in your eyes that means a draw, but I've won my peace." "He may have nuked us repeatedly and unleashed a virus, but we still did something just as bad." IGE reminded him. "Plus, a declaration of winners and losers would only make relationships between the Legion and GME more tense if one of us was the winning or losing side. Also, a ceasefire isn’t exactly peace between countries… that means the war isn’t over…" "Well, if it's not over, then all we're doing is reloading." Si responded, continuing to keep his cool in this situation. "We're trying to agree to peace." IGE said. He had begun to lose his calm demeanor, as evident by him raising his voice.. This was a common occurrence when he argued or debated with Si. "So far, 3/6 of us have agreed: me - agreed, Elightin - agreed, Wither - agreed, Rob - hasn't spoken yet, Illager - hasn't spoken yet, you - wants a ceasefire. While the Emperor did ask for a ceasefire, all we've talked about is peace so far." "'Peace without a treaty.' - the Emperor." Si quoted. "I will agree to the terms, but the peace will be broken again, just know that, but if it's the one way to stop the war, even temporarily... I agree."

"Are you threatening him, because how do you know the GME Will attack again?" IGE asked. He had gotten a hold of himself after realizing he was getting angry, but he still feared that the peace he wanted so badly was at risk. "And yes, he said that, but also, he did agree to 'no winners, no losers,' which implies ending this war. Now we just wait for Rob and Illager to respond. I have a feeling they'll agree to peace." "Try your luck with Rob; both of us Commies know that if we allow peace to some monsters, we'll end up being backstabbed." Elightin said. Rob still hadn't said anything. "Only reason I'm saying this is because I'm imprisoned. If I wasn't, I would've never released the nuke and would've sent someone into their territory instead." "I didn't threaten anyone." Si said, responding to IGE. "Honestly, I feel more threatened than anyone else. All I was implying was that even though the war has stopped I'm not lowering my defenses. I will not attack them in any way; I just want to be prepared in case they don't share the sentiment." "I also feel that there'll be a Legion civil war over this decision." Elightin commented with a slight laugh.

"If you say you're a winner, Si, the empire has no means of having peace with you or your allies." the Emperor finally said. "The Chaos Legion will never have a civil war." Si responded, speaking to Elightin while also taking in the Emperor's comment. "Never. I agree to the terms. Let's end it there." "Yeah, I doubt we'd have a civil war." IGE added. "That just leaves Rob and Illager to give their opinions. Sorry for accusing you, Si, just the way you phrased it sounded threatening. I do think we should keep our defenses ready just in case, so if we are backstabbed like Elightin thinks we’ll be, we’ll be prepared." "I would really advise you to strengthen your defenses because I think about Marshal GrossDeimosStein's reaction." Wither interrupted. "The fact is that - how can I tell you correctly - Marshal does not want peace and perhaps he will arrange some kind of provocation." "Funny, he said the same thing about you." Si responded. "That you wanted a war." "We'll keep our defenses ready, but keep your Marshal in line and keep an eye on him." IGE said.

"The Marshal was the main culprit of this war." the Emperor began. "During the meeting of the Imperial Committee, which was on the eve of the start of the war, he said, and I quote him, 'We need to exterminate and destroy representatives of this inferior race. We need living space. On the ruins of this world, we will build our own.' The Marshal is a complete racist and chauvinist, and after that I have a question: why did he need to say that the emperor was crazy and why did he stage a coup?" "Ahem, he is the racist?" Elightin asked, surprised at Wither's words. "Why was your empire built then? If you weren't racist, you would've stayed among the PMCers." "Now, the question is, who do we believe?" IGE asked, curious. "You... or him? I must admit, I was the one who suggested the coup repeatedly after hearing his claims of you schizophrenia and the fact that the war was started because you forgot to take your pills for it. I was urging him to overthrow you since he seemed to want peace and you sounded like a - no offense - crazy lunatic who wanted to kill every last one of us." "In the Empire, there was a group of aristocrats who raved about these ideas." Wither explained. "The Marshal was their informal leader at that time; this group of aristocrats was close to me. My question is, what did this group of aristocrats tell me and how did they justify the idea of starting an aggressive war? Doesn't this remind you of anything? I would like to ask your to help me eliminate Marshal, if you really want peace."

"Hmmmm, that would be tricky." IGE said, weighing out the options. "We'd have to send in Legion soldiers somehow. Perhaps you could give us permission to enter GME Territories? Or we could lure him out into the open and snipe that son of a biscuit." Si chuckled upon hearing what IGE called GrossDeimosStein. "I could try to eliminate him myself, without unnecessary noise." the Emperor suggested. IGE thought for a minute. "How about this?" he offered. "You allow us to send a squad - which I'll lead myself, and yes, I'm finally going into the field - into your territory on standby, as a back-up in case you fail to eliminate the Marshal, or he tries to escape. Elightin, Si, what do you think?" "The security services of the Monster Empire will try to arrest him first, but if this fails, then the representatives of the security services will be forced to kill him." Wither said after a pause to consider IGE's offer. "I am sure that Imperial Security Service will cope with this task on their own." "I'm all for taking him down." Si commented. A few moments passed. Emperor Wither Storm looked away after hearing a beep from his communicator. "I was just informed that the Marshal has disappeared." he said, breaking the silence. "It was as if he had disappeared into thin air. He's nowhere to be found. I have no idea where he is. He probably knew or had a presentiment that he was in danger." IGE frantically turned on the intercom from a switch on the wall. "All Legion forces on high alert!" he shouted into the microphone. "The Marshal has disappeared." He realized the listeners didn't have context and gave a brief summary of what had happened. With everyone on high alert, SI decided to end the meeting and resume it once the potential threat of Minister of Defense Marshal GrossDeimosStein had been dealt with.

In the GME Territories, all special services teams were deployed to scour the entire island for any trace of the Marshal. The search lasted for around 2 and a half hours, until one team discovered the horrible fate that had befallen the Minister of Defense. They were investigating an underground nuclear bunker when one team member reported finding fingerprints on the handle of the door to the kitchen. The team slowly crept into the room, where they found Marshal GrossDeimosStein's body collapsed on the ground between the island counter and the sink. There were blood stains around a bullet hole in his suit, dangerously close to his heart, and his handgun was on the floor a few inches away from him. On the island counter, there was a small vial laying sideways on the table. The cap was near it. The team bagged all materials (which included the bullet they carefully pulled out of him) around the Marshal's body and carried him to their helicopter. They brought him back to Castle Großmonsterstein, where a forensic toxicologist found that the Marshal had ingested poison. Due to his half-demon physiology, he was barely alive, but was pronounced dead in the hospital at 2:59 PM, almost 30 minutes after he had been found in the bunker. The leader of the special services team reported this to the Emperor, and he promptly rejoined the meeting.

IGE, Si, and Rob were all waiting anxiously in the command room for an answer, as were Elightin and Illager, and they were all relieved when they heard a bleep sound indicating that Emperor Wither Storm had rejoined the call. "We have good news: my special services managed to find the Marshal." he began. Immediately after he said this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. "He was in one of the secret underground military installations. Well, he killed himself. He shot himself with his personal weapon, and, at the same time, he took poison. The Marshal likely realized that he couldn't hide for long and that it was over, so he killed himself." "YEAHHHH!" IGE said excitedly. "So, does this mean we're 1 step closer to peace?" "I think that now there are no forces in the Monster Empire that would prevent peace from being made, yes." Wither answered. "Long live peace!" "WOOOOOOOO!" IGE cheered. "I like peace." Illager agreed, having come to his decision during the break. "I agree with this." "Well, that just leaves Rob, but even if he doesn’t agree, the majority of us have…" IGE said. "I agree; I'm glad we finally got it." Rob finally answered. "Alright, that means… me - agreed, Elightin - agreed, Wither - agreed, Rob - agreed, Illager - agreed, Si - agreed." IGE told everyone. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WE OFFICIALLY HAVE PEACE WITH THE GME! THIS BLOODY WAR IS OVER!" "Lasted less than a week." Si commented. (He was actually wrong, as the day of the meeting was day 7 of the war.) "I never use private government conversations in the newspaper unless I ask permission." Illager said. "This is me asking; may I use direct quotes from this meeting?" "I give you my permission." IGE responded. "For me there's no problem." Rob added. After a few moments to rejoice, they ended the meeting. As of Saturday, October 7th, 2023, at 3:13 PM OT, peace was made between the Chaos Legion, Cholan Empire, and Illager Clan and the Great Monster Empire. IGE soon made a public announcement about it on live TV, which was met with great excitement from the members of the Legion who had just battled for 4 days, witnessed the use of viruses and weather machines, watched war crimes be committed, and gone through three days of a ceasefire. Rob returned to Thanjavur in the Cholan Empire-controlled territories of Anarchy Island, where he and his friends prepared for his coronation. That night, Anarchist Si, Supreme Commanding Legionmasters IGEBM, Cloud, and Greief, Arch Illager (as a hologram), Elightin (and a pair of prison guards), Dr. Golden, Cat, Marshall Emmin, Air Military Officer Rylu, and many more got to witness their friend Rob become King Rob of the Cholan Empire.

Even later, as Rylu, who was pardoned of her crimes by Emperor Wither Storm II, flew back to the GME Territories, she saw a small shuttle flying upwards into outer space. Little did she know that in that shuttle was none other than Marshal GrossDeimosStein, who, thanks to a cover-up done by the Emperor and the doctors in the hospital, had faked his death and was now going on a secret mission for his leader to negotiate with the Great Alien Empire in their astral fortress...

THE END! (Or is it?)

Cast (in order of appearance)
IGEBM as Supreme Commanding Legionmaster IGEBM
LegendarySi as Anarchist Si
Rob333 as Field Marshall Rob
illager as Arch Illager
Tovarishh Vizer Shtorm as Emperor Wither Storm II
Elightin_elytra as King Elightin Elytra of the Cholan Empire
Marshal GrossDemonStein as Minister of Defense Marshal GrossDeimosStein
cloudkitty as Supreme Commanding Legionmaster Cloud
Greief as Supreme Commanding Legionmaster Greief
GoldenScientist as Dr. Golden
ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy as Cat
Emminlk12 as Marshall Emmin
RyluSpark as Air Military Officer

Writing began 11-21-2023 at 7:01 AM EST
Writing completed 11-22-2023 at 2:31 PM EST
Published 12-12-2023 at 5:00 PM EST
Written by IGEBM
Edited by LegendarySi
Cover art by IGEBM


These are all the songs I heard on the second day of writing, which is basically when I wrote everything besides the recap at the beginning; thought you might like to see 'em (and anything in italics is before I began):

"Christmas Truce" by Sabaton
"Tortuga" by Alestorm
"1741 (The Battle of Cartagena)" by Alestorm
"Brave New World" by Iron Maiden
"Brothers of Crail" by Gloryhammer
"Starlord of the Sixtus Stellar System" by Angus McSix
"Starlord of the Sixtus Stellar System" by Angus McSix (live at Wacken Open Air 2023)
"Masters of the Galaxy" by Gloryhammer
"Angus McFife" by Gloryhammer
"Gloryhammer" by Gloryhammer
"Rise of the Chaos Wizards" by Gloryhammer
"Fly Away" by Gloryhammer
"Holy Flaming Hammer of Unholy Cosmic Frost" by Gloryhammer
"Sword Lord of the Goblin Horde" by Gloryhammer
"Wasteland Warrior Hoots Patrol" by Gloryhammer
"Keeper of the Celestial Flame of Abernethy" by Gloryhammer
"Mighty Wings" by Gloryhammer (which I heard twice, and then I turned off the music to write the final two paragraphs)


This story is not in any way meant to paint any groups in a bad light. While I will admit that it's hard to shake my "Legion equals good guys, GME equals bad guys" mentality while writing this series, I try my best. If anyone thinks this is being biased by saying something about a "bad" thing one of the parties did, just know that I get all the major events from actual things that happened during the war (see the next section), and thus, it's not propaganda-like stuff, just facts.

Based on Real Events

Here's a list of stuff based on real parts of the roleplay:

- everything said during the peace conference (sans the minor edits)
- the Marshal's suicide
- the time peace was made (aka when Rob finally spoke)
- the Marshal faking his death and going on a secret mission

People I'm Tagging So They Can See This
Zibonzi, ShadowZibonzi, Firestar2477278, DarkIce8727742, Aspirin60, GhostlyBit_57, Silabear, DarkRob333, TheMcPig, violiie, Greief, Sp3nc3r_, Rakkitatoru, LeLovesJazz, CrownDeluxe, AxolotlArmy, BigFatPotat, ShadowOnTheLoose, WhisperOfTheWild, The Last Kirbalorian, Purpl3_, GoldenScientist, ClayMan1077, Bubblez705, CrystalRuby, KaiOceansword, Darkfap, Panda_Tyger, Katfoo10, PsioPsia001

IGEBM Publishing Subscribers

If you would like to "subscribe," read and comment on this thread.

Panda Gocarts3

Author's Note

Another series done... I honestly didn't think I'd finish the fast. Granted, it was only 6 chapters, and I did finish it after 3 hours of nonstop writing on a day when I had no school, but still I got this series done really quickly. I've been so involved in Chaos Legion lore recently that I guess it makes sense. (If you're wondering when I expected to get this done, I thought wouldn't be complete until the week after I finished writing it.)

Anyways, I had a really fun time writing this. Yeah, I have a fun time writing any story, but I really enjoyed working on this series because it was fun to take all the bits from the roleplay and put them together as a story. I liked showing the Legion forces fighting to defend our island in detail, and it was fun to transcribe all those diplomatic conversations, especially this issue's peace conference. There was a sad moment, that being the death of Storm in chapter 4, but you've gotta admit that it was a pretty dramatic and epic way to kill him off.

Now, I've never been in a war, and the only knowledge I have of them is the stuff we learn in History class and anything Iron Maiden's written a song about, but this feels like a good depiction of war compared to my past series about one. While PMC: War on the Nether was just full of awesome fighting, this series blended together the combat and politic parts of the conflict, and I personally think I did a good job balancing them out.

I'm gonna stop talking now and let you go, but I hope you enjoyed reading this series. In terms of more Legion lore, there was an update to the lore blog where I detailed what we've been up to since the war, and then there's the obligatory epilogue chapter on the Tales From PMC anthology blog that's gonna be coming out soon. There's also gonna be a standalone story called "The Convoy" that should be coming out soon; it's set two weeks after the end of the war. Finally, in either January or February, my next lore series will begin, and it's called The Birth of the Chaos Legion (I'm not explaining the plot because the name already gives it away).

See ya in the next story,

No, there won't be a sequel series to this as far as I know. The cliffhanger ending is based on something that actually happened, and the GME entered an alliance with the GAE after the war ended, which happened thanks to the Marshal, but we're in a non-aggression pact with them until next September, and the group's going inactive for a bit (sorta), so I doubt any new stuff involving us all fighting again is gonna happen.

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12/14/2023 3:56 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Cow
Gustofer10's Avatar
12/13/2023 4:10 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Birb Birb
JustaFlqmingo's Avatar

Dang, this was such a fun story to read :D

I plan to be more involved in the next big tcl thing, and I think with my spartan unit, it'll be fun :D
12/13/2023 4:18 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
thx lol

and yeah, I can't wait to see Fireteam Phoenix in an RP
12/13/2023 4:52 am
She/Her • Level 57 : Grandmaster Ranger Mountaineer
PsioPsia001's Avatar
I appreciate that you had Alestorm in the soundtrack
12/13/2023 7:36 am
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
You know about ‘em too?
12/13/2023 11:19 am
She/Her • Level 57 : Grandmaster Ranger Mountaineer
PsioPsia001's Avatar
Yes, I found "Keelhauled" and then I listened to some other songs
12/13/2023 3:21 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Surprising lol

Ever heard “Zombies Ate My Pirate Ship?”
12/13/2023 3:33 pm
She/Her • Level 57 : Grandmaster Ranger Mountaineer
PsioPsia001's Avatar
Not yet, but I'll listen to it
12/12/2023 6:34 pm
Level 45 : Master Sweetheart
SpartanHarv's Avatar
Did all this stuff actually happen? lol
Like- actual RPs?
12/12/2023 7:35 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
It’s all based on real events that occurred in RPs

Most of the stuff that happened between chapters 1 and 4 happened on the thread, while the main event of chapter 5 happened over PMs and in a wall post

As stated in the “Based on Real Events” section, everything said during negotiations was actually said by the people who said it
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