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Neue Welt Races

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Level 12 : Journeyman Network

Dark Elves

Their appearance is very reminiscent of the Silver Elves, at a height of 4'8" to 6'4". However, their skin tone has darkened to a deep purple or gray hue and their hair only being silver, platinum, or white. They most often live with the Deep Dwarves, though a few scattered around on the Surface, forming small towns and hoping that the other races don't come after them. Very few have become brave enough to wander into other settlements where the other Races live.

Dark Elf Example


Dwarves were created by the God Proizvodstvo around the year 230. They burrowed into caves and, for the most part, remain in their kingdoms underground. Their culture is entirely based around gathering minerals to make tools and gather more minerals, and when that is over, carving the stone around them into beautiful structures for them to live in. They are always at odds with the Goblinoids, fighting over control of the underground.

Dwarves have large, often braided, beards—both male and female—which they grow from birth and only shave off what gets in the way, which they always try and find creative ways to avoid this, if possible. Clever beard storing is a good way to rate the intelligence of a dwarf. They are never any taller then 4'2" and always have a stocky build.
Deep Dwarves, the only known Subrace of Dwarves, appear no higher than 400 meters below the surface. They look exactly the same, except their skin is a deep purple color. They are unable to see in the light. NOT A PLAYABLE RACEDwarven Example


Gnomes are the most eccentric of all the races, discovering Steam Power in the year 1295. They used this new power for every device they ever made, which are often very dangerous. They are around 3'4" to 4'1" at full growth and have brown or dark gray hair. Gnomes tend to think in a non-linear path. They are very curious and always looking to Steam-ify everything they come across, but are always blown away by how something functions without it. Gnomes tend to live for up to 90 years. A virtually harmless race, they are accepted into most settlements of other races... given that they aren't testing any new Steam gadgets.


Goblins were also created by Proizvodstvo around the year 230. Their culture is very much like the Orcs, but they are far more intelligent and far more feeble.

Goblins also have greenish skin and sometimes have small tusks, usually yellowed. They normally live to be around 50 years old, dying of old age. Orcs accept Goblin cowardice, as they understand that Goblins were built to be the brains of the Goblinoids, giving the Orcs proper knowledge to prosper. Goblins are anywhere from 4' to 4'7" tall.
Goblin Example

High Elves

High Elves were created by the God Orden around the year 230. These were the most devout of his creations, creating Law and Order everywhere they went. They conquered all lands they could, forming two Empires on opposite sides of the planet that have thus far had little contact with the other. Their culture and architecture is heavily Roman and very strict.

High Elves tend to have pale to tan skin and dark hair. They are around 5'3" to 6'4" at full growth. They tend to stop aging around 23 years and can live to be 300, resuming their aging at 250. They are very serious and are often at odds with Koinós Humans due to their frequenting with Silver Elves. They view Half-Elves as Half-Humans, shunning them from their society except as slaves. They have shunned most Human and Gnomish technology, though the weapons from Gunpowder were too tempting to ignore.
High Elf Example


Humans were first created by the Goddess Is (EES) in the year 230. They were created from the Animals that roamed the land, and thus are just as different as the animals that roam where they live. Humans vary the most in culture, architecture, religion, and appearance.

The Koinós are the most abundant of all Humans, with just about every range of height, skin tone, hair color, culture, architecture, and all other manners. This is a term to refer more to the Pure Koinós, though many use it to include mixes of the Subraces with the Koinós.


The Varvari (Barbarian) Humans are very pale and very tall. The shortest Barbarian ever recorded was 5'8" while the tallest was a staggering 8' tall. They are usually very muscular until they age and become Elders at 50 years old. They tend to not live long, and die of old age around 65 if they haven't been killed in the hostile tundras they inhabit.

The Woestijn of Humans tend to range from 4'6" to 6" at full growth, and also tend to have dark hair and skin tones ranging from honey-color to dark brown. They live within the deserts of the worlds and have often been made into slaves by the High Elves or other Humans. They tend to live around 90 years, though some have been known to live up to 134 years.


They have sickly yellowish to greenish, slimy skin. They are only 4'1" at their tallest, usually closer to 3'6". They also age very rapidly, becoming an adult at 3 years old and dying around 23 years old. They are treated as Beasts by the other races, and are often killed on sight. Very few Kobolds become "civilized" and live within settlements of other surface races, which their normal counterparts often eat if given the chance. They are very weak on their own, but often swarm their prey to take them.
Kobold Example


Created by the God Proizvodstvo around the year 230. They tend to live in scattered settlements and in caves, though a relatively small group has settled into the Kingdom of Goblinoids, Rakta. They live in a warlike culture and constantly raid settlements. They are also the less intelligent of the Goblinoids.

Orcs have very tough, green skin. They are very muscular, and are around 5' to 7' tall. Most are bald, but Chieftans are allowed to grow black hair. They have tusks from their lower jaw, often yellowed. Orcs tend to live around 60 years of age, usually fighting for all of it. The oldest Orc that ever lived, however, stayed around for twice that number of years, never fighting once. He was deemed a coward by his fellows.

Silver Elves

Silver Elves were created by the God Orden around the year 230. Their culture, architecture, and mannerisms most closely resemble that of the local Koinós Humans. These two races were created very closely in time to one another and so they became the most similar of different races. The Silver Elves do still have strong ties to the High Elves, but they see Humans as equals to Elves and tend to be the most humble that still frequent with another race.

Their appearance is extremely pale, requiring them to wear cloaks and hoods to protect themselves from the sun. They also tend to have hair closely resembling metals, but most commonly Silver (hence the name) and platinum. Their height at full growth tends to range from 4'8" to 6'4". Silver Elves tend to live for a long time, provided they stay concealed from the Sun. It is theorized that Silver Elves could live indefinitely if they remain away from the harmful rays, and they tend to stop physically aging around 26 years old.
Silver Elf Example

Wood Elves

Wood Elves were created by the God Orden around the year 230. They tend to be one with Nature and usually shun all other races, even Elves that are non-Wood, to keep their purity. However, it is not unheard of for Wood Elves to wander away from their tribes and live within other societies. This is actually a requirement for becoming a Tribal Elder, where one needs to have a wider view of the world to better protect the tribe from the evils it holds.

Wood Elves tend to be very tan in appearance, with only the youngest being at all pale. Their hair color tends to be shades of brown, with the rare Black Hair only from the Bahudure Clan bloodlines. They tend to be from 4' to 5'8" tall and are trained to be Rangers from birth within the Clan, where at 20 years old they can request becoming a Priest. Only Wood Elves born outside a Clan become anything else. Wood Elves tend to lead long lives, living around 230 years and not physically aging past 25 until they are 180 years old.
Wood Elf Example

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