Minecraft Blogs / Other

MY thoughts on EVERYTHING Blogs! [Concerning all my thoughts about blogs]

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-Rusty-'s Avatar -Rusty-
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator
Hello it's Rusty here, and I've decided... Screw single subject blogs, were going to include ALL my opinions concerning things about the blog's section, so prepare to get punched in the face by my brain. Everything...

Warning!: This entire blog is an opinion (most of it is a common opinion), so if disargee with anything, you'll just have to find the will to accept that it's my opinion.

What the blog section is to me

To me? Well in my opinion, the blogging section is a place where you go to share your strong opinion on something. It is also where you go to make tutorials and teach people how to do certain things, like building, modding, or even a simple beginner's guide.

The blogging section is like any other blogging site, let's say for example wordpress, you post a blog in the sea of blogs, in which you hope some wandering soul will stumble across your works, subscribe to your work, and continue to give likes/views/diamonds. However the one thing that wordpress doesn't have, it tons of useless blogs that don't serve too much purpose, and sure there might be some crazy spam blogs on wordpress, but PMC has way more.

Personally, I do always hope that the blog section could be saved, because I know there's some great bloggers! But let's face it, the blog section is a little insane, and on most days the number of useless post's is increasing. But we need a better word for this, so we'll use a acronym I like to use, C.R.A.P, which stands for:

Copied stuff,
Poorly written blogs

So the blog section has a whole lot of C.R.A.P if you look closely. In fact there are also those moments where useless post's on the popular reel if you can believe it! Wow, that really changes the meaning of the pop. reel for you, Doesn't it? Not only is astounding to see these poor work's on the reel, but it's even more surprising to learn most made it to the reel because people looked at it just to see how "crappy it was". Views views views, man all those views feed 'em.

Now most good blogs make it to the pop. reel, unforchunatly, unless they maintain a steady increase of diamonds/views, there usually pushed off by other blogs. Infact most user's, without the aid of hundreds of subs ever get most good blogs some recognition without advertising. No, I'm not saying subscribers matter, I am simply saying that all post's are in the blog section is usually pushed downward by other posts being published. I bet maybe 100 somthing blogs are being made simultaneously around a certain time of the day.

"Levelism", Sometimes it really does come down to it:

I'll most likely get the most harsh feedback here, so to start I am not a "levelist", I know many great people on PMC who are level 1's or low.

But let's get real (no, not on the pop. reel), when you first join this site, you either do two things:

1. Unknowingly or Unwittingly make spam or break the rules because you didn't read the rules
Either you read the rules and are a good user or you just have common sense.

Now let's picture someone on option 2, because that one is a whole lot simpler. In option 2 you know the rules, and you try your best to follow them, you also learn to report people and you also occasionally will point out rule breakers on forum posts your viewing. They have big and sometimes important views on topics, heck they could even change PMC as we know it, but they are somtimes let down by real "levelists".Now lets get to option 1.

Option 1'ers are a mix of trollers, #yoloswag'ers, noob's, and just dumb people, preferably self centered people. Most of this Option 1 class is composed of the noob, so we'll go to this.

When I say noob, I'm not talking Minecraft wise, I'm talking mature wise. I don't think these people even know the different of a forum post and a blog, because so many times I see questions asked in a blog. The rules at the top when editing a blog specifically say Do not upload Questions. Post them on the forums. I really don't like these people, and they seem to have a disregard for the rules, despite there young almost innocent nature of unintentionally breaking rules because they didn't want to even FIND THE DARN RULES PAGE.

My opinion on petty Grammer Nazi's (see what I did there?)

A certain issue in the blog's section, even the forums section, those petty little people who point out every little mistake.

Don't get me wrong, I believe it's fine to tell someone they misspelled "throughgot" when they should of put "throughout", that's perfectly fine (yes, thats just being OCD or ADD :P). But what makes these 'petty folk' so petty and different from these guys is that they seem to be just a little rude in there response, even criticising a person for one grammar mistake. Again let's follow an example, for the title of this section of the blog, I did misspell Grammar, this is what I think each type of "corrector" would say:

A Helper: Oh, I had noticed you misspelled grammar! It's actually spelled with an a not an e, for future reference :)

Grammar Nazi: You misspelled grammar you know, you should really fix it, it doesn't make the blog look good at all.

I also can apply the same idea when it comes to good and constructive criticism vs just being rude and insulting a user for his/her mistakes.

What makes a good blog?

I think a good blog is one which includes a good format, is easy to read, and something that others can relate to.

I believe all good blogs have an idea from the start, that time has been taken in order to insure that they are there best. A blog in which the author constantly try's to improve on his drafts, and he put's all his effort and all his power into making the blog.

Now in order for you to fully understand what I believe a good blog is, you must know what I believe a bad blog is! For one, C.R.A.P is one of them, as well as blogs that don't seem to really flow right. In a blog, I believe flow is everything, the placing of certain things, when to phrase something, and how. If a blog does not all connect and flow smoothly together, the blog becomes hard to read, confusing even.

Second, I believe a bad blog is defined by how much effort he put into it. We all know this one, weather it be blogging, skinning Texture-packing, or even modding, effort is what makes everyting better, if something doesn't have enough effort, then don't even publish it.

Of couse you can put effort into something and it can still be bad, because if you lack another thing, your blogs can be bad, and that is experience. Now I know what most of you will say, that if your new you have no experience, there are other blogging sites apart from PMC! You don't have to join a Minecraft community in order to blog about Minecraft stuff, you can do it anywhere (I mean, maybe not on like a crochet group forum or something...), it doesn't really matter.

Save the blog section? Impusibur!

Many bloggers are uneasy on this topic, mainly because blog's are there only source of XP. A recently very high debate, I decided to give my opinion (finally) on the topic.

Like I said at the start, the blog section is full of C.R.A.P, and a wise moderator once said (no just forgot who it was :u):

"We try hard to remove all the junk from the blogs section, but it's constantly replaced with new one's..."

Many people try hard to say that there's hope for the blog section, in fact most people might go as far as to say "put a limit on the blog section!", but if that were true, how would new bloggers get the chance to start up there career (yes, I'm talking about the awesome ones)? We will just have to live with the fact that the blog section will always be full of spam due to the constant flood of new users who don't read any rules and make things against them.

For now, if your a blogger, all you can really do is keep making good blogs, inspire young bloggers to stop the spam, and maybe, just maybe we could save it!

Well just for fun, let's set some examples!
The day that there is no more spam in the blog section is either:

1. The day PMC is unpopular.
2. The day Minecraft is unpopular.
3. The day the world is ending.


So I hoped you all enjoyed reading my crazy thoughts, and remember This is not a rant! It's simply me sharing my honest opinion about several points in the blogging section...

I hope you all enjoyed read, have a good day,
Ninja on!


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10/04/2013 11:39 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Pirate
Endercraft-Youtube's Avatar
So cool but, I make blogs that have videos
are they one of the C.R.A.P ? xD
Tell me your opinion :)
10/04/2013 11:55 am
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator
-Rusty-'s Avatar
people don't WANT my opinion

I can be rude...
10/03/2013 7:35 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Blockhead
Dafaria's Avatar
Great blog :)
10/03/2013 7:40 pm
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator
-Rusty-'s Avatar
Thanks ;u
10/03/2013 7:47 am
Level 25 : Expert Hunter
bigf's Avatar
I thought rant was a synonym for blog... but okay.
10/03/2013 12:30 pm
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator
-Rusty-'s Avatar
uh... no, a rant fall's under the category (you were close, bandi) of blogs, it just seems that when I see one rant topic sprout, tons of other rant blogs on the exact same topic arise...
10/03/2013 4:51 am
Level 22 : Expert Grump
Arty's Avatar
Generally, grammar Nazi's correct grammar, not spelling.
10/09/2013 7:05 pm
Level 28 : Expert Scribe
Alt_F4llout's Avatar
Well, spelling is a part of grammar and quite an important part at that. So, he's not entirely wrong. Plus, that being said the G of your first grammar should be capitalized, due to the fact that it is an adjective of a proper noun.

Yes, I know. You can thank me later. ;)
10/09/2013 7:51 pm
Level 22 : Expert Grump
Arty's Avatar
an adjective, sweetheart.
'An' follows a vowel sound.
10/11/2013 6:04 pm
Level 28 : Expert Scribe
Alt_F4llout's Avatar
Of course, of course. Thank you for noticing that for me. :)

But I'm not your sweetheart. Mike is the only man for me. ;)
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