Minecraft Blogs / Interview

My {Requested} Interview with NewGirl_MC! {Pop-Reel!}

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AnimeFanFTW's Avatar AnimeFanFTW
Forum Moderator
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Hey guys, AnimeFanFTW here and it has been a while since I made a interview blog!
But now, I'm back interviewing people!!!

Today, I interviewed NewGirl_MC, who requested to be interviewed (Ages ago...)

You can see NewGirl's Stuff here - http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/newgirl_mc/

This is how the interview went!

(Words highlighted Green is me and words hightlighted Pink is NewGirl)

AnimeFan - Hello, NewGirl_MC! How are you today?

NewGirl_MC - I'm fine, I'm working on skins at the moment. How about you??

AF - I'm going great! And thank you for your time to be interviewed!

NG - Yes, of course! <3

AF - Great. Now let the interview begin!How did you discover PlanetMinecraft?

NG - Well, I found a picture of a skin (just the picture not the skin) and I tried googling it and found it on PMC. :33

AF - Oh so you found it by accident? Hahaha! xDHow did you discover Minecraft?

NG - Hahaha I did..xDD Just last year when I was exploring youtube, I found a video of someone doing a commentary on Minecraft. I checked It out, and totally played the game after 2 months :">

AF - Oh you discovered Minecraft by Youtube as well? Awesome!Now what made you want to post stuff?

NG - You did too?! Cool :33 I wanted to post stuff because I didn't want to be the one who downloads and gives a diamond and I knew how to make skins, I want to share it all to the crafters <3 <3 <3

AF - That's awesome! (Also, I discovered Minecraft by my brother, not by Youtube...xD)When you play Minecraft, do you play on Survival, Creative or Servers the most?

NG - Ohh.. I am most likely to play on servers but on servers I play survival.. haha..xD

AF - That's pretty cool.Now the signature question - Do you love anime? And if so, what anime do you like the most?

NG - Yes!! I don't watch much these past months, But I have watched a lot: Detective Conan, Dragon Ball Z, Azumanga Daioh, One Piece, Lucky Star, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Toradora, Yamanato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge, Bleach, Hamtaro and last but not least and also my favorite CardCaptor Sakura. <3 <3

AF - Ahh, I have heard of alot of those anime! Nice! xDWhat are your favorite PMC members and Youtubers?

NG - You know, skinners like sugarbun, fluticasone, a builder MrMikos20 and You. I'm not much into mods :33

AF - Oh cool! (Yey, I'm a favorite!)And Youtubers? xD

NG - Oh yeah.. A lot!! SkydoesMinecraft, MunchingBrotato, Bodil40, LDShadowLady, iHasCupquake, GoodTimesWithScar, Deadlox, ItsJerryAndHarry, CraftedMovie, HuskyMudkipz, Mitch/BajanCandian, NoahCraft, MinecraftUniverse, Sundee, CaptainSparkles, Smallishbeans, JeromeASF and last but not the least, Double and guess what?! I watch them all especially Bodil, Sky, Brotato, Lizzie, Scar, Noah, Joel and DOUBLE!! :33 Sorry I get excited at times!

AF - Wow...that is alot! xDWhat is your favorite block and mob in Minecraft?

NG - Well If TNT is a block, I guess tnt <3 and mobs umm.. JEFFREY!! (Pig)

AF - TNT is a block! Just so you know! xDDo you play any other games other then Minecraft?

NG - I don't, I'm just too addicted to minecraft <3 <3 But I will try though, sometime.

AF - Ah ok! xDNow if you give advice to any new PMC members, what would it be?

NG - To any new PMC.. Stay original, Ignore haters, Friends, Friends, Friends!! And learn as much as you can..!! Hehe :33

AF - Haha, good advice!Now, is there any shout-outs and thank-yous you want to say?

NG - Yeah :33 Follow me on twitter and instagram yow >.< TW: TheNewGirl_MC ** IGN: Jessica_Dawn13 <3 And thank you for interviewing me.. Bless you >.< haha

AF - No problem! Have a good day!

NewGirl_MC is a nice skinner. Check her stuff out.

I will not accept interview requests for a while now. You can still submit requests though. I'll just interview you muuuuch later. I want to interview people I know for a bit.

Until the next interview...

This is AnimeFanFTW, over and out!

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11/27/2013 6:44 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Prince
Shanery's Avatar
Love the interviews :) dia+sub yoloswag
11/27/2013 7:06 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Aww yus. Thanks! :D
11/27/2013 7:09 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Prince
Shanery's Avatar
If you ever want someone to interview, im here yo. Good luck ^_^
11/27/2013 7:17 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Oh, that's a good idea! Want to be interviewed now?
11/27/2013 7:36 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Prince
Shanery's Avatar
Well yeah sure if you want? xD
11/27/2013 7:40 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
I'll PM you questions.
11/22/2013 11:02 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Jupiiterr's Avatar
No interview meh ohtay iz cool with dat xD
11/22/2013 11:13 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
If you want to be interviewed, you can still request one.
11/22/2013 11:14 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Jupiiterr's Avatar
nah i dont do interviews xD XD
11/22/2013 11:17 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Ooh ok! xD
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