Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Legit Commands

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AgentShieldjj's Avatar AgentShieldjj
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Hi, Minecrafters. I'm setting up a Blog that allows people to see Legit/100% working commands. I've seen other people give out a command that doesn't work, and I want to make sure that that doesn't happen on my blog. These commands will be useful/fun commands. please use the command that I post if you want.
If a command doesn't work pls tell me by messaging or leave it in the comments.

please, tell me what kind of command you guys like, and if you need help with a command pls contact me.

Please leave feedback in comments, thank you!

My First Command Post: put this command in a repeating command block then power it.

execute @e[type=snowball] ~ ~ ~ /summon minecraft:fireball ~ ~ ~ {ExplosionPower:3,direction:[0.0,0.0,0.0]}

This command allows the player to shoot Ghast fireballs.
To shoot the fireball just hold a snowball in your hand and throw it. when the command detects the snowball it will summon a Ghast Fireball. when the normal fireball is summoned it just float there until an entity hits it. So what happens is the fireball is summoned where the snowball is so the snowball hit the fireball (and breaks) and the fireball goes flying to destruction. (you can also change the explosion power if you want just change the 3 to a bigger number.
check out these pictures
Legit Commands

Legit Commands

My Second Command Post: Either do this command manually or in a command block.

/summon armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"%",Invulnerable:1,NoGravity:1,Invisible:1,CustomNameVisible:1}

This command allows the player to set Floating Text.
The Floating Text is really invisible/invincible Armor Stand; but you can see its name (floating text). To set the Floating Text fist you need to set the text. to set the just replace the % with what you want. then fly to the place where you want to set it and click enter or set its coordinates.

check out these pictures

My Third Command Post: This command has to be put in an impulse/normal command block.

summon minecraft:Vex ~ ~2 ~ {Invulnerable:1000,ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Amplifier:0,Duration:2147483647}],Passengers:[{id:"minecraft:creeper",Invulnerable:1000,powered:1,CustomName:Ghost,CustomNameVisible:1,ActiveEffects:{Id:14,Amplifier:0,Duration:2147483647}]}]}

I hope you enjoy my spookay Ghost command, this Ghost attacks nearby players, can go through walls and blows up when close to you. this is a simple command that HAS TO BE IN A COMMAND BLOCK. It is an awesome looking too.
Check out these pictures
Check these

My Fourth Command Post: These commands have to be put in separate repeating command blocks (then power them)

1. entitydata @e[type=armor_stand,name=invisible,tag=!invisible] {Invisible:1,Tags:["invisible"]}

2. entitydata @e[type=armor_stand,name=visible,tag=!visible] {Invisible:0,Tags:["visible"]}

3. entitydata @e[type=armor_stand,name=float,tag=!float] {NoGravity:1,Tags:["float"]}

4. entitydata @e[type=armor_stand,name=arms,tag=!arms] {ShowArms:1,Tags:["arms"]}

5. entitydata @e[type=armor_stand,name=plate,tag=!plate] {NoBasePlate:1,Tags:["plate"]}

6. entitydata @e[type=armor_stand,name=point,tag=!point] {Pose:{RightArm:[270f,0f,0f]},Tags:["point"]}

Please, have fun, playing with these armor stand commands. I'm going to explain each command.

First, you need to get six name tags and name them. I'll tell you what to name each one below (No Caps)

1. invisible 2. visible 3. float 4. arms 5. plate 6. point.

Command 1: the first command here allows the player to make an Armor stand invisible (not the armor) just name the armor stand with nametag 1.

Command 2: this command just undoes Command 1, by naming the armor stand with nametag 2.

Command 3: this command turns off the armor stand's gravity, just name the armor stand with nametag 3.

Command 4: this command gives the armor stand arms, (armor stand with a sword, yay!!) just name the armor stand with nametag 4.

Command 5: this command takes away the little light grey plate under the armor stand, just name the armor stand with nametag 5.

Command 6: this command points the armor stand's right arm (so give it arms before this), just name the armor stand with nametag 6.

My Fifth Command Post: This command can be put into a command block or done manually.

/replaceitem entity @p slot.armor.head minecraft:glass

This command allows the player to put any item or block on their head. have fun looking like a unicorn, tnt head and much more. I have glass in the command Because it looks like a space helmet; but can do much more, just change the glass to anything. Plus You can put them on mobs by changing the @p to @e[type=mob]

My Sixth Command Post: This takes 2 command blocks 1 repeat and 1 chain(which is on conditional) place them like this.


After that put this command in the Repeating Command Block.

execute @e[type=endermite,name=Miner] ~ ~ ~ /fill ~2 ~ ~-2 ~-2 ~-50 ~2 minecraft:glass 0 destroy

After that put this command in the Chain Command Block.

kill @e[type=endermite,name=Miner]

This Command will not work under block 48.

Name a endermite egg [Miner]


This Command allows the player to quickly mine. By placing the Miner (endermite egg) it will /fill glass destroy making Item float to the surface.

3 Update Logs

Suicidal Ghost : by AgentShieldjj 02/22/2018 4:36:32 pmFeb 22nd, 2018

My Third Command Post: This command has to be put in an impulse/normal command block.

summon minecraft:Vex ~ ~2 ~ {Invulnerable:1000,ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Amplifier:0,Duration:2147483647}],Passengers:[{id:"minecraft:creeper",Invulnerable:1000,powered:1,CustomName:Ghost,CustomNameVisible:1,ActiveEffects:{Id:14,Amplifier:0,Duration:2147483647}]}]}

I hope you enjoy my spookay Ghost command, this Ghost attacks nearby players, can go through walls and blows up when close to you. this is a simple command that HAS TO BE IN A COMMAND BLOCK. It is an awesome looking too.
Check out these pictures




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05/17/2018 5:14 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Strature's Avatar
Pretty cool this could help alot of new map creators!
Cardinal System
03/04/2018 7:38 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
Cardinal System's Avatar
I think you would be better off posting this under the tutorial category rather than other.
03/12/2018 11:56 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
AgentShieldjj's Avatar
Can I change it?
Cardinal System
03/13/2018 12:33 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
Cardinal System's Avatar
Yeah, just click the edit button at the top of the page.
03/13/2018 9:39 am
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
AgentShieldjj's Avatar
Cool, Thank you.
02/24/2018 12:40 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Nerd
pencil1991's Avatar
well this seems fairly helpful, i sure wish for it to be a successful project, the idea seems really good imo.
02/24/2018 12:42 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
AgentShieldjj's Avatar
thank you!
02/24/2018 12:38 pm
Level 40 : Master Button Pusher
Gover217's Avatar
It's nice! I can use these commands!
02/24/2018 12:40 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
AgentShieldjj's Avatar
oh yes use anything that I post
02/23/2018 3:02 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
AveryFoxx's Avatar
Nice ideas! I will certainly use these!
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