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Interview with DigitalNeko ♡

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Winds_'s Avatar Winds_
Level 36 : Artisan Bunny
everything stays

Hello, and welcome to my interview with DigitalNeko! ♥ They are a talented skin creator who is quite active both here and on the Skindex. They are known not only for their beautiful skins, but also for their popular adoptable raffle bases, which you can find on their alternate account DigiAdoptables. x I hope you enjoy our interview!

My questions are in blue; their replies are in lavender. x

F2U Moon devider

1. What inspired you to start making Minecraft skins?

1. I've loved Minecraft pretty much since elementary school and long before I even had the game. In sixth grade, somehow I stumbled onto Skindex and started making skins that I didn't save just for fun. It's been probably 7 years since then and I was very on-and-off about skinmaking until nearly 3 years ago when I became more active in the community. In the in-between stages it was a drive to be unique. To represent myself with something I created myself -- but the thing that inspired me to really start skinning, to upload, to be a part of the community, was the community itself. I'm definitely not the most active when it comes to uploading skins, but I love working on things like contests, events, raffles. The thing that keeps me here is being able to spark creativity and inspiration in others.

2. How did you discover PMC? What attracted you to the site, and what is one of your favourite early memories?

2. I joined PMC during a time where a lot of creators were leaving Skindex and coming here due to a better environment. I wanted to still be able to see content from creators I liked. The site had a huge learning curve for me from the editor (which to this day, I still only use to access the opacity feature) to the profile customization to the "social media"-like aspect of wall posts. The community here is a lot more friendly and genuine than Skindex and I still need to make more of an effort to get involved here.

I don't have a ton of memories here, but I'm excited to make some more finally. One of my favorite early memories is probably the "Cranberry and Brie" skin I made from a dare during Skinners' Truth or Dare. It was something that happened a few times on Hypixel Housing with creators from Skindex and PMC and I was dared to make a cheese-themed skin and upload it to PMC. To this day, I think it's my only PMC-exclusive skin haha-.

3. Do you have a persona? If so, what inspired you to create them?

3. I do have a persona! I'm technically answering this before my new persona is uploaded, but it should be out by the time this interview is. The persona I had for about 2 years was actually never meant to last that long. It was a placeholder until I eventually made one but "eventually" turned out to be quite a while. Over time, the OC who I was using as a persona was tweaked and changed little by little until it was not the same character anymore and I decided it was time for an actual, genuine persona. I even made a send-off skin fixing the OC first.

My new persona is an amalgamation of a lot of things. They were made to represent not only my account but the kind of skins I create, the colors I use, the designs I make, and me personally. Even if it's just a bunch of pixels, part of creating this new persona was being able to come to terms with my own identity, to admit something I've known but that took years to accept. Uploading it is finally saying I've stopped doubting who I am, even if I'm still not ready to tell everyone in my life, even if I am still working on feeling comfortable. I'm probably going to be super attached to my persona because of that haha

4. Do you have a favourite submission you've made? Your favourite that someone else has made?

4. That's a hard question! I do really like my new persona and the skin I made of Faith, but other than those I really loved working on the design for "viral" and I loved the way "hey lucid dreamer" turned out. As for anything earlier than that, it would be hard to say because I was really unhappy with my style prior to when I went on break to move house. For other people's skins, it's an even harder question. I see so many skins on a daily basis and love so many of them!

5. Who would you say has influenced or inspired you the most on PMC?

5. One of my favorite things about PMC is being able to see so many styles of skins in my feed. I think there's things to learn from every person, from every style of skinning, no matter how different they or their skins are from you and yours. I probably take passive inspiration from a metric ton of people and sources, but if I had to name a few people who I find myself looking at constantly as having a style I constantly admire and aspire to be more like it would probably be DevilsOfLaPitufina, Monca, and habearry in no particular order. Aside from skinning, though, EleanorRosereally inspires me to participate in events and in things like PMCSMP (which I haven't been on in a while,,).

6. If you could add one feature to PMC, what would it be? What already existing feature would you remove?

6. Hmm.. I honestly think PMC is a super well-organized, well-maintained, well thought-out website that the devs and staff put a lot of work into. I do think it would be cool if the event calendar had a more prominent spot. I only remember it exists a few times a year then I immediately lose it haha-. I don't think there's anything I would get rid of, though. It's a good website with a lot of good features and ideas.

7. I know you enjoy making adoptable outfit bases and such for skins, as well! What made you decide to try that? Do you have a favourite base that you’ve created? A favourite style of base to make (grunge, cottagecore, etc.)?

7. I do! I've been making raffles and adoptables on Skindex for nearly 2 years and launched a PMC equivalent (DigiAdoptables) very recently. I'm still working on the best way to run raffles on PMC, but I'm excited to bring my designs to the community here! Initially I started making designs as a way to practice design, aesthetics, shapes, colors-- pretty much every aspect of skinning short of shading, hueshifting, and hair. After a while, there were a lot of people who really, really loved my designs (I mean, on Skindex my main and adopts account have pretty much an identical amount of followers at the time of writing this at 741 and 735 respectively) and they're the reason I keep doing it. I wanted to expand to PMC so everyone has the opportunity to enter my raffles, regardless of the platform they use.

My favorite design I've made is probably either "Colorblocked" or "Flutter". Contrary to that though, my favorite aesthetic to create designs for is more likely some derivative of either alternative or dark academia.

8. What would you consider to be your greatest accomplishment here on PMC? In real life?

8. I'd consider my greatest accomplishment to be starting my adopt account here, even if that's still a work-in-progress. I'm determined to make it my greatest accomplishment, at least. As for real life, it would be my participation in my middle school poetry club. There has never been a group of people I knew so casually that I loved so much. I never tried publishing any of my poetry or anything, but sharing such deep parts of myself and connecting on that level was not only an accomplishment for me, but a privilege. It bettered me as a person, and though there's things I've accomplished that many would value higher there is nothing that has meant as much to me.

9. What other hobbies do you enjoy outside of PMC? Is there a particular hobby you don’t do currently, but would love to try?

9. Well, in case you hadn't guessed, I'm a big fan of poetry haha-. Other than that though, a lot of the usual stuff-- reading, writing, cooking/baking, listening to music, playing video games, drawing, food (I'm a big foodie). Some of my less-common interests are archery, debate, and cultural anthropology. My favorite author is Leigh Bardugo and my favorite genre of music is metalcore :)

I want to try calligraphy! I have a book for it and everything, I just haven't gotten around to it. I would also love to design clothes if it didn't involve sewing.

10. Do you have a current goal for your content?

10. Right now, everything is kind of paused. I have a lot of events and contests I need to finish planning and release before I start thinking about the long-term. I do have plenty of ideas waiting on the sidelines for their moment in the sun, though haha-. I'm definitely happier with the skins I create than I used to be but obviously there's always room to improve. I'd like to work more on color palettes, hueshifting, color theory, and hair shading specifically when I get the opportunity.

11. How would you describe yourself in three words?

11. That's difficult, but I would probably say ambitious, stubborn, and self-sacrificing. I am always doing a lot behind the scenes, sometimes to my own detriment. I try to push myself to always be engaging, to make people look forward to seeing my events and my content. It's difficult for me to accept help, even when it's offered, and it's rare for me to compromise on the amount of stuff I'm planning. Even if it isn't announced yet, even if nobody is necessarily expecting it. It's definitely something I need to work on.

F2U Moon devider

everything stays

Thank you again to DigitalNeko for being with us today! I hope you enjoyed our interview. ♥

. . .

Interviews are currently being posted every Saturday.
Stay tuned for next weekend, and I hope you have a lovely day/evening! x

CreditDigitalNeko- For being interviewed, DA artists- All artwork

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05/16/2022 7:43 pm
Any/All • Level 49 : Master Vampire Witch
Crois's Avatar
amazing interview as always! I especially love the colors in all your interviews but especially this one they always match the user well!
05/17/2022 6:35 am
Level 36 : Artisan Bunny
Winds_'s Avatar
Thank you; you are too kind! x
05/15/2022 4:48 am
Level 38 : Artisan Bear
habearry's Avatar
YES GO AIHIE!! also i love the color scheme chosen for this interview, and the questions are very thoughtful!
05/17/2022 6:35 am
Level 36 : Artisan Bunny
Winds_'s Avatar
Thank you very much! :)
05/18/2022 7:52 am
Level 38 : Artisan Bear
habearry's Avatar
No problem! ^^
05/14/2022 5:03 pm
Any/All • Level 81 : Elite Meme Wisp
anxii's Avatar
amazing interview for an amazing skin maker <3
05/14/2022 8:11 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Bunny
Winds_'s Avatar
Thank you! I must agree, DigitalNeko is an excellent creator. :) ♥
05/14/2022 12:29 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
Monca's Avatar
This was so dum to readd slay digii
05/14/2022 8:11 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Bunny
Winds_'s Avatar
Heh, I hope that means you enjoyed reading it. cx
05/14/2022 10:46 am
Level 47 : Master Sailor
DevilsOfLaPitufina's Avatar

such a nice interview
I loved reading this
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