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Escape the Past III - Trap

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BiCrafter752's Avatar BiCrafter752
Level 18 : Journeyman Scribe
Here it is, the moment y'all have been waiting for... the third instalment of Escape the Past! I hope you folks enjoy it, and please leave a diamond if you want to see more stories from me!

Word of our little adventure in the caves has gone all around town. Everyone got properly informed about the Warden, and the underground city has been made safe. All is well.

It was a sunny morning, and hints of summer were in the air. The town was busy, much, much busier than normal. I see someone on a stage, and the crowd cheering below them. Jodie sprints towards me, a look of absolute horror on their face."You need to see this... I still can't believe it." they say, and pull me into the crown until we are near the front. A man is on the stage, showing an explosion on a huge diagram. Panda, towards the back of the audience, yells, "Mr Wifies! Do you think this trap is unbeatable?" Wifies grinned, and said "Yes. This trap cannot be beaten. Anyone who try to take this block of diamond will die. Anyone may attempt to defeat it, but they will fail." I move until I am a few feet from the stage, and yell "Wifies! I accept your challenge." The crowd falls silent, and even Wifies looks surprised. A gap appears in the crowd, and I make my way to the stage. Jodie and Panda are yelling for me to not do it, to turn back. Surely they know I cannot resist this challenge, surely Jodie knows that at least. I feel a memory coming from the back of my head, and zone out as Wifies hands me a book with a blueprint and instructions.

I walk through the square, people going about their lives hopping out of the way. The creed is well respected here, and I am one of them. A man stands at the street corner, throwing flyers through the air. One lands by my feet, and I take a closer look. It is looking for volunteers, creed members in particular, to attempt to escape a new prison called Poseidon's Vault. I've escaped a prison in the past, how hard can it be? I scribble my name on the front, and put it in the wooden box outside the creed headquarters. On the back is a list of the people who helped build it. Only hours later, during my escape, do I realise that Sven's name was on there too.

A dull thud brings me back to the present, and I find myself on my back, several feet from the stage. A circle of worried faces surround me, Jodie and Panda included. They pull me to my feet, asking if I'm alright, and how that happened. They explain to me as we walk home, how I just fell off the stage after I took the book from Wifies. We approach my house, and they bring me inside. We sit down and tell Panda everything, from the Gladiator pit to those days before the caving trip. She listens, rapt and wide-eyed, as we tell her about Chase, Sven, Pumpkin, Melon and more. By the time we are finished, the sun is beginning to set over the fields. Panda says, "Wow... that explains a lot, you know. I live rather close to town, and I heard a lot of commotion that night. I'm glad you finally told me, and now I know about what was killing my pumpkins. Thank you." I see Jodie and Panda off, and wait for midnight, when I will meet Wifies for the escape.

I get off the chair, and check the clock. It's time. I put on my armour and walk out the front door. I silently stalk through the wheat field, to the remote plains field hundreds of blocks away. I skim through the book as I walk, and try to formulate a plan. The book says I will have 30 seconds to collect anything from the creative menu, and I decide what to get. The trap is extremely extensive, involving two seperate explosions and even a chunk ban. This is not going to be easy. It never is. All I need to do is take the diamond block and escape alive. I pore over the blueprint and the rulebook, making a plan as I go. By the time I arrive, I know exactly what I need to do to take this trap down.

Wifies is waiting for me beside the cage the diamond block is contained in. I place all my gear in the ender chest, book included. Wifies types a command in a window, and says "Your 30 seconds start now." I open my inventory, and I have access to every block imaginable. I take an anvil, an enchanted book, a netherite pickaxe, a lever, some bottles of enchanting and some golden apples. I throw the bottles of enchanting on the ground, and enchant the pickaxe with Efficiency V. Suddenly, the Creative menu disappears, and my 30 seconds are up. Wifies steps back several steps, and it is time for me to take the diamond block. I count the blocks from the edge of the cage, and start digging straight down. I begin falling down the hollowed out area for the red stone ladder, and throw an ender pearl at the bottom of the shaft. I creep along the redstone line a mere block above the void, careful not to activate the sculk sensors, and snatch the TNT and water from the dispensers, disarming the chunk ban. Using a glitch, I climb up a depilate pillar using a handful of ender pearls, and start mining into the wall. Finally, I snip the piece of redstone that connects to the main bomb, and climb up the shaft. Wifies is waiting at the top, looming over me as I climb. I reach the surface, and immediately start building at a diagonal to reach the top of the cage. I land on top, and break the top of the cage open. I will need to time this perfectly, or it will all be for nothing. I scoop up the diamond block, and throw an ender pearl through a hole that was blown in the cage from the first explosion. I need to get out of range quickly, or I will be caught in the main explosion or the chunk ban. The ender pearl lands several dozen blocks away, just as the main explosion goes off. Something clearly went wrong with my plan, and I throw another ender pearl high into the air to try escape the blast. I fly into the swamp just as the ground disappeared beneath my feet, somehow still holding the diamond block. Something must have got wrong with the bomb, causing it to detonate, but I'm not complaining if I'm still standing on my feet. Wifies walks over to the swamp, and the second phase of my plan goes into action. He gives me Creative access, and I fly over to the gaping abyss where the trap once stood. You see, when I removed the TNT from the dispensers, I didn't actually deactivate it. I made it permanent. Wifies follows me over to the edge of the trap, and I place a lever from my inventory. I take a single look a Wifies, and flip the lever. Wifies goes wide eyed, realising what I did, but it is too late. Wifies soars up, and up, until I cannot see him anymore. I did it.

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