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Darkness Rises, Chapter 2 (Read chapter 1 first)

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The_Cake_A_Lie's Avatar The_Cake_A_Lie
Level 17 : Journeyman Dragon
Finally, after much time and brain-pouring, I present to you Chapter 2! Enjoy!

Chapter 2: Vizian

I couldno t count how many minutes I had wept. 10...20...30...40... Soon enough after that, the minutes changed into an hour.

I rubbed my nose and stood up. My eyes were puffy, and I have a nose that feels like it is full of cotton. Sprouting around the trees are clumps of golden dandelions. Iriao s favorite kind. I walk over to the dandelions, pick at least 12, and walk back over to Iria. Kneeling beside her, I lay the small bouquet on her chest. And ever so gently, I place her arms above it.

A sly fox creeped toward me, barely making a sound. I snapped at it, and it darted away, back into the forest from whence it came.

Plucking a dandelion from the bouquet, I placed it behind her ear, making her look like a princess.

Another wave of sobs hit me. I had cried so much that white crust was starting to form on my face. I wiped it away.

The town priest once taught me how to bless a spirito s journey to the afterlife. I took both my hands and, using my index and middle fingers, touched Iriao s forehead gently. My hands rose to the sky, where a full moon was already rising, and the stars visible. The entire forest seemed to go silent. Iria loved the animals in here, and the animals trusted Iria. A pack of wolves cried out in the distance, giving an eerie howling sound. The birds stopped chirping, and the woodpeckers stopped pecking to grieve over a lost friend.

I stood up, my turquoise dress rising up with me.

o Goodbye, Iria,o I whispered, holding back sobs. I tear managed to break its way through, and it rolled down my cheek.

I fled deeper into the forest. The sweet air, scented with pines, used to make me feel safe, like there wasno t a worry in the world. It didno t soothe me now.

I stopped in a small glade, at least a mile from where I started. But it was not sadness I felt, or even grief. It was anger. I was angry at the Orcs that had invaded my home, killing everyone I had known and loved. Eisaf, King Orrik, Jula, and at least 40 other people whom I had known all my life. I I swore that someday, I would track down the Orc that shot the arrow at my sister, and make him pay dearly for what he had done.

Panting for breath, I sat down on the branches and grass that were scattered over the forest floor. Having no flint and steel to make a fire, I lay down on the grass and go to sleep, hoping that this was all a horrible nightmare.

I wake up to a crackling fire a meter away from where I lay, a cloaked figure crouching over it. I was still in the same glade I had fallen asleep in, and the sun was on the horizon, so I guessed that it was dawn. But I dono t recognize the figure. It was crouching, as if ready to jump into action at any moment.

The figure was prodding the fire with a wooden stick when it saw me. It wasno t an it. It was a he.

o Finally, you woke up!o He said with a smile.

He removed his hood.

I was awestruck by the color of his eyes. They were as gray as the center of a storm, deep as an abyss. It was no doubt that he was of a different race.

The rest of his face was smooth, almost delicate. He had skin as pale as snow, which I found odd. Thin lips and a nose complete his face. His ears curved to a tip, resembling an elfo s.

I was immediately frightened. Who was this person? Did he wish to harm me? No, if he wanted to hurt me, he wouldo ve done it while I was sleeping.

o Who... who are you?o I asked softly, my voice hoarse from crying.

o I,o he said, standing up, o am Vizian, son of Lifaer and Diaria. Ambassador of the Clan of Dracona.o

At his full height, he was at least 6 feet tall, if not 7. Long black hair kept in a band went down his back, reaching a quarter of the way down his spine. A blade was at his side, contained in a meter-long sheath decorated with flames. He was garbed in leather armor of superior craftsmanship, with a cloak that fastened with an decorated silver clutch. It was engraved with a Dragon in surprising detail; flames, scales, and all. Its eyes were two rubies that shone like the fire he was tending.

I musto ve took at least 5 minutes staring at him. Finally, he said, o I dono t think I caught your name. What was it again?o

I hadno t told him my name yet.

o I am Alura, daughter of Thane and Rita,o I said.

Viziano s lip curled a little, producing a half-smile.

o A fitting name for one so beautiful,o he said, as if in a trance.

I was shocked. Vizian is not human, yet he is trying to capture me with words! The unspoken rule of love is that races not of the same kind cannot be together.

o Whatever do you mean, Vizian?o I ask innocently.

o What do you think I mean, Alura?o

I frowned. My attempt at outsmarting him had failed.

o Why are you here?o I asked.

o I couldno t help but noticing a strange... aura around you. The animals seemed interested, too. It seemed like every natural being in a five mile radius was attracted to you. I couldno t help it but to investigate.o

o What do you mean o aurao ?o

He sighed.

o Do you believe in Magik, Alura?o

o Magik? I have heard tales of it, but I have never seen it with my own eyes.o

o Do you believe in it?o

Did I believe in Magik? I had never seen it, but I had heard great tales of it.

o I dono t know.o

Vizian held out his right hand, palm exposed upward. A flame burst into existence on his palm, dancing around his fingers. After five seconds, he closed his hand, and the flame was extinguished.

o That,o he said, o was Magik. Now do you believe?o

How was this possible?

o Are-are you some kind of sorcerer?o I stammered.

o Sorcerer? Bah! No, all sorcerers can do is manipulate other peopleo s minds. Bend their thoughts, and make them do what the sorcerer wants. Evil? Yes. Necessary? Of course not! I despise sorcerers.o

o Then how can you do... what you just did?o

o Training, Alura.o

I quickly became not interested in Magik after that. An awkward silence passed between us. Finally, Vizian broke the silence by saying, o Why are you out here, alone, in the middle of the forest?o

o I... I dono t want to talk about it...o I said.

o Well, if you dono t tell me, I cano t help you. And by the condition I found you in, it looks like you need help.o

I hesitated, wondering if I should tell him what happened last night and risk crying, or if I should lie. I know that lying is wrong, and if I wouldno t do it to Eisaf, Iria, or others that I loved, I shouldno t do it to Vizian.

I recapped the events of the past day. Walking through the town, looking at people put up the last of the paper lanterns for Midsummero s Eve, looking at the ocean with Iria, Tura singing, King Orrik calling my name to sing. I hesitated again at the part where the Orcs invaded Undaga.

o ... And after I had sung, I heard a sound like metal crumpling, and a human scream. The Orcs invaded my town. I called Iria over to me, but as soon as she reached me...o I felt a tear run down my cheek. In choked sobs, I finished what I was saying, o ... There was an Orcish arrow coming straight out of her back. I fled, carrying her with me, right then and there. I never looked back. I...Io m sorry, Vizian, but I cano t continue...o

I looked up at Vizian, and saw sadness, deep within his eyes.

o I am sorry that you had to experience that, Alura. Truly, I am.o

I sniffed and wiped away any stray tears with palm.

o I... I just dono t know how to cope with it... it was all so sudden. Now, my village is destroyed, and all those who I have known are gone. I have nowhere to go. I am lost. My purpose unclear.o

o Every being, living or other, has a purpose, Alura. Stick to your path, and you will find yours.o

Words of encouragement from a person I had met not even 10 minutes ago? Odd.

o Why should I trust you?o I asked softly.

Vizian hesitated for what seemed like an eternity. I was afraid he wasno t going to answer when his voice became serious and judgemental.

o I have no reason for you to trust me, Alura. However, I give you an ultimatum. Either you stay here, in the middle of the forest and I leave you, or I can take you to the Capitol of Yarut, Portani. I know that it is a far journey, but if you come with me, I will ensure your safety. I will give you thirty to decide, and not a second more or less. I hope you choose well.o

With that he walked through the river and the the other side of the glade, from where he disappeared into the lush forest. Right then, I knew that I did not need thirty minutes, or even ten, to decide. I had made my choice.

o Come back!o I cried.

If he heard me, he most likely ignored me. I quickly felt that I was alone. All I had was the fire crackling beside me, and the river running not 5 meters away.

I got to my feet, brushing the grass and dirt off of my dress. I was barefoot, which I now regret. The ground was studded with rough stones of all sizes. I roughed through it; which I was good at doing, and went in the direction that Vizian had traveled.

I now realized how beautiful the glade was. It was, indeed, a gem of nature. It was not located far from the ocean, yet almost immediately to the northeast was a large chain of snow-capped mountains. Although it was in the middle of summer in the valley, it was always winter in the tall mountains. A waterfall gushed out of one of the mountains, falling into a safe-looking river that ran across the middle of the glade. Large, pink salmon swam against the current of the river, which was deep enough to cover me up to my head.

Sharp rocks threatened to cut my feet like shards of glass, but I persevered. Slowly but surely, I made my way across the glade. Then I reached the river.

It looked peaceful enough, but I grew up learning to not trust rivers by the way they looked. Just to test this theory, I stuck my hand into the river. I yipped and pulled it out. The water was as cold as ice! Coming from a glacier, I wouldno t have doubted it. And the current was strong enough to knock me off of my feet. But how could Vizian cross such extreme waters?

I looked around to see if anything could help me cross the river. To the left, the river wound back into the forest. I turned my head to the right. It was like a gift from the gods. To my right, roughly 10 meters away, a fallen tree stretched across the river, serving as a sort of bridge. I sighed with relief and made my way over to the tree.

I reached the log and found it to be rotten and covered with moss and lichen. Beetles, spiders, and other types of insects I could not identify nested in the wood. I tested the strength of the wood by stepping on it. With the slightest amount of pressure, it fell apart. Did I really have to walk across this log? It was either that or be swept away by the rivero s current.
Uttering a silent prayer to Urato, the god of water, I stepped onto the log. Taking one careful step at a time, I made my way across the log. The log groaned in protest. Halfway across the log, I heard a muffled crack, and the log split in half, sending me into the water.
Shock. Shock in its purest form hit me as the freezing water slammed up against my skin, soaking through my clothes. I cried out for help. Nothing happened, and I was swept away by the river.
Suddenly, an arrow shot past my face and planted itself into the bank. Attached to the arrow was a rope. A lifeline. I grabbed ahold of the line before I was dragged too far, and pulled my way to the shore.
Once on the shore, I fell to my knees, stunned, cold, and soaking wet. I wrapped my arms around myself in attempt to preserve what body heat I had left. I didno t even care about who, or what, had shot the arrow. I was focused on heating my body back up.
I couldno t be sure, but about half a minute later, a figure shaped like Vizian walked over and pulled on the rope attached to the arrow. The arrow came straight out of the wet mud, and into his hand.
o That,o he said, cleaning off the head of the arrow, o Was my last one. I can easily make more, though...o
I shivered in response. The voice was Viziano s. Shivering wasno t much of a response, since I had been shivering since I pulled myself out of the river.
Vizian wrapped something around my shoulders and helped me up. Instantly, I felt warmth spread throughout my body, reaching places that have had all of the warmth sapped. I felt much better.
o Next time, dono t try to cross a river by a rotten log. It would save both of us a great deal of trouble.o He said, and walked me over to the other side of the glade.

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The Tropiconable
06/24/2012 2:28 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
The Tropiconable's Avatar
Awesome :) cant wait for the next one
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