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Bullying - When Making Fun of Someone Goes Too Far

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Greytopher's Avatar Greytopher
Retired Moderator
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Hello guys, I'm Greytopher, and I'm here to explain the costly effects of what bullying does to people. I'd like to think of myself as a funny guy, but when it gets personal, it ain't funny anymore.

Now, before you post "Wut dos diz hav 2 do wit PMC?!", it has everything to do with it. Bullying happens all the time, especially on a social networking site such as this. It relates to Minecraft because of cyberbullying that happens all the time. Instead of picking at the post, read it for what it stands for. Thank you, and enjoy.

The personal experience...

I've been bullied ever since the 3rd grade (as far back as I could remember :P), and I never really wanted to go to school. Yes, I had friends, yes, I had the parents that would protect me no matter what, but I also had the nagging kids behind my back that would yell anything at you no matter what. I've done nothing wrong to them, I've done nothing to provoke them, but if I have a small zit on my face, or I got a bad haircut, or I answered a question wrong in class, I get constantly criticized about it in and out of school.

They say I should "man up". What the hell does that even mean? Am I suppost to be a certain way when I'm at a certain age? Am I suppost to not feel pain, and be muscular? Well, I can tell you this right now I'm none of those things. And that's probably the main reason why I'm made fun of even if it's a "joke".

The sad part is, I know every one of those kids. I know their parents, their brothers and sisters, the whole shin-dig. I'm too shy to just stand up for myself because frankly I'm like a stick. Even if I could of punched them (if it made it any better), I would of gotten triple teamed by meat-headed football players (american football, that is.).

I'm made fun of because I swim for a sport. I wear a speedo, and I'm surrounded by half naked kids wanting to beat eatchother in a swim race. Haha. Very funny. I want to beat my own time, I want to be physically fit, and all you do is laugh at me because I'm the queer in a speedo. Very funny.

Personally, I don't find it funny. I'm not laughing with you if your laughing AT me.

Bullying in general...

So, when it all comes down to it, bullying is just another thing you see in everyday life. You laugh at them, you make fun of them, but you think they're apart of the joke. They're not. They're dying as much on the inside as you are laughing. You probably don't realize it, but 1 out of 4 teens are bullied. Incase you didn't realize it, thats a CRAP TON of kids.

Bullying can range from an assortment of issues. It can go from pushing someone to beating the life out of someone. Either way, if your intentionally or not even intentionally hurting someones feelings on how they look, believe in, or do, then obviously your making someones life hell. I'm not trying to criticize what you MIGHT or MIGHT NOT do to people, but what I'm saying is you should ALWAYS be careful of what you say, because you probably don't know what that person is going through.

According to a recent survey as of 2011: "93% of middle schoolers are bullied online." Why am I NOT suprised. I get bullied ALL THE TIME on here, Facebook, or even the games I love to play. It's down right unfair to have a young kid who doesn't know what their doing, hide behind a computer, and tell how ugly your mom is to you. What the hell? I don't know how these kids cope with themselves in real life, but bashing out to other kids over the internet is a new time low.

A true example...

I know a kid, and he's on the brink of suicide. He hates life, he thinks his family and friends hate him, and the only thing that's calming him down is me. And he lives in the UK while I live in the US. He gets onto Minecraft to build, and, for once in a while he seems genuinely happy. Then the name calling wars begin. He quits immediately without putting up a fight since he's in too much pain to deal with someone hiding behind a computer. He can't take it anymore... and people hiding behind a computer aren't helping.

Treat others how you would want to be treated...

That's what my parents told me when I was a kid. I try to be nice to everyone that I meet, but in all honesty, I can be a dick to people. I do have my moments where I'm not the nicest guy in the world, and I can admit to it. But I'd like to say that majority wise, I am nice, and I want to see a change in the world where I can meet someone who isn't a bully, I would die to see a school where there ISN'T a bully. If these changes come gradually, then so be it, but if they don't come at all, then we have a problem to face.

I hope you all enjoyed this rant/blog once again by me (Greytopher).

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~ rspminecraft & Greytopher (rspgreytopher)

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Greytopher 06/27/2012 7:05:01 pmJun 27th, 2012

I'd just like to say, welcome my new 20 subscribers! This post is extremely popular, and without the subscribers I have now, I wouldn't be anywhere without you guys! I didn't imagine myself to grow this big, and I just want to say thanks!

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06/14/2014 9:38 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
King_Of_MC's Avatar
So sad
05/14/2014 5:27 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Cole5slaw01's Avatar
I want to go hug someone now.
11/25/2013 12:21 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Architect
NinamanOfficial's Avatar
This is great. Like so great. There are some people on Minecraft that have gone too far to mess with me to even going at me IRL from across the country...and nothing ever really happends. Seeing this and that other people actual give a shit about what goes on is really great. SO happy to see this. Cant say how much! Diamond and Fav and keep this up :,)
09/28/2013 1:01 am
Level 34 : Artisan Princess
Cloud33666's Avatar
My friend, you need one of these:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvspL4kMY54
01/26/2014 1:36 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
Seamore787's Avatar
Amazing.... Lol best comment ever
08/26/2013 12:57 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
dudefish3's Avatar
Bullying isn't a joke. At first, it may be a joke and everyone laughs, it becomes bullying when 1 or more people are putting another person down, or excluding them from something for a no good reason. I've bullied people, and I always end up feeling really bad about it in a matter of days. I'm sure everyone has felt that same way as me, and most aren't willing to go apologize. I've done it. It makes the person happier, and their heart may not still be broken, but it leaves a crinkle. Everyoneshould make up for that crinkle. :)
08/23/2013 10:34 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
geekgrl5000's Avatar
Yeah. In the way of Minecraft, I see plenty of n00bs on my usual server that all of the more experienced players ignore. Even I'm not the lowest rank and no one really talks to me most of the time. Ignoring someone just because they don't know as much as you is bullying too. I generally tend to give those players a bit of help when no one else will listen to them.

In reality, I used to get bullied a bit myself. I wasn't really comfortable in my own skin. Also, I had the tendency to cry very easily, which many people exploited so they could feel stronger. I see so many people struggling with bullying and discrimination. I wish the world we live in wasn't like that. But all I can do is my part to help them stay strong.

Thank you, Greytopher, for this very insightful blog. Diamond for you.
06/12/2013 10:53 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
presmar's Avatar
06/11/2013 7:17 am
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
PPG's Avatar
MY teacher says bullys are loaners that dont have anything to do, rather than pick on people online
06/11/2013 3:29 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Derpilicious's Avatar
You, good sir, may have ALL my diamonds.
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