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BENT - Sisters of Sculk? (Canon!?) (Pop reel)

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GoldenScientist's Avatar GoldenScientist
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
An [​canon] event that takes place around June 13-15...

Allay sits in the subspace room of the main building's aquarium with Copper Golem and Glare. She'd been there before when she was stressed.
"I-I'm really worried... Golden and Greief disappeared again, and it's all because the Hollows escaped again, and... the Emeraldgate situation.... those 'Spritzee' and 'Marshmallow Cookie' girls, the attacks happening outside the campus... it's all too much for me to take in at once!" Allay exclaims with an extremely concerned tone.
She rubs her bandaged arm, which for some reason hasn't healed yet. Despite her natural accelerated healing, sculk-related injuries don't seem to be affected by it.
"I'm concerned-" Copper Golem starts, but he is stopped by an announcement on the intercom.
Attention voters, staff, and contestants - This is an important message regarding the Hollow situation. Golden has just informed me that she and Greief are proceeding with their experimentation and research regarding what I believe is related to the Hollows or the sculk. She didn't disclose much, but she informed us that she will be entering a portal that leads to an unknown location. I believe that both she and Greief will be entering this portal, but their current whereabouts are unknown. They would like the message to be relayed - be prepared for the worst.....

Hearing the message, Allay begins crying softly, and to make matters worse, her mind is quickly overtaken by someone else - her hollow.
'Why!? W-hy at a time like this.. do you decide to try and control me?!" she mumbles.
The Hollow kicks in and starts controlling Allay's thoughts, further adding to her distress.
Who am I but a twisted manifestation of something that you are missing? Do I see you as an older sister because I am you and I have memories that you don't have? Or do I see myself as a younger sister because you are longing for a second chance at something you lost long ago? What am I to you.... but a suffering shadow of your subconscious... longing to get back something, or shall I say someone that you lost long ago?
Allay looks down, still in tears, trying to stop the intrusive thoughts. The Hollow does not halt the control. Once again, Allay is controlled, but this time, she speaks her thoughts out loud.
"Your mind is a blur... Can you even tell the difference between me and your own thoughts right now?"
The weak control quickly halts, but Allay is still left overrun by what the Hollow had said. Overrun with blurry memories and sadness.

"Other than the situation with Golden and Greief - what you told us a few minutes ago, is there something else that is upsetting you?" Glare asks.
"There seems to be something else on your mind. It's ok to tell us if you feel comfortable. We wish to support you," Copper Golem adds.
Allay looks up, wiping her eyes. She takes a deep breath and starts to explain everything.

"Remember how I told you that my Hollow thinks of me as an older sister? The first time she brought it up, I felt a bit strange about it, but I soon forgot. Just last week, I read a news article about a series of shootings targeted toward children that happened outside of Kiruna. Families.. friendships... so many lives were shattered by these attacks... When I read this, a couple of very faint and repressed memories came back to me. They were events that my mind has been suppressing for my entire childhood... my entire life up to this point..."
Her eyes become watery as she speaks.
"That sounds terrible. Seeing that must've triggered something, as you said that those memories were being suppressed... Sorry, go on," Copper Golem says.
Allay nods as she proceeds with her story.
"The first memory was extremely blurry and choppy. I was with an older girl, perhaps 10, and I might've been 1 or 2. She saw something unsecured and mistook it for a toy. The next thing I knew, there was a loud bang, and then the silence was soon interrupted by blaring sirens. Suddenly, I was in an old building filled with grieving relatives telling me that I wouldn't see her again...
The second memory that I recalled after reading this article was much clearer than the last one. While it was still vague and faded, it was way more detailed.
I believe that I might've been four, and she was two. We were at the park when suddenly, I spotted two illagers. Now that I think about it, they might've been Illusioner's older brother and sister. The older sister was loading her crossbow and the older brother seemed to be investigating his bike. Regardless, I told the younger girl that we were in danger, but she didn't understand. I simplified things and told her that we were playing hide and seek and that we were the hiders and the crazy girl with the crossbow is the seeker. We flew to a high tower on the playground together, but suddenly, she flew out of our spot. I think she dropped her axolotl doll, and she wanted to fly down to get it. I told her to stay up there and that I'd go get her toy for her, as she wasn't very good at flying. She didn't listen, and just like that - the girl with the crossbow attacked. She was unable to move, and the bike boy took his chance to ride into her. I wanted to fly down and help, but I was really afraid. After the two attackers left, I flew down and called the hospital. I tried to stop her bleeding. I tried to treat her, but by the time the EMS arrived, it was too late.
I cried for weeks knowing that I had lost her too.
I'm quite surprised that my memory was repressed. I forgot everything and looking back at it, I feel absolutely terrible that I forgot something that important..."
Glare flies closer to her. "They were... your sisters? I am so sorry that happened. I really can't imagine what it must've been like to go through something like that - especially at such a young age,"
Copper Golem nods, and the two offer their support to their friend.

Still upset and stressed, Allay explains her situation further.
"The next day, I decided to write to my family and ask for some clarification about what I had just remembered. I wanted to know if I really did have two sisters, or if these memories were just some sort of manifestation thoughts... a figment of my imagination... or if they were just some sort of twisted nightmare. I was surprised that they wrote back so quickly, and the note they sent back told me everything. They sent me stories and pictures of these sisters. They told me that they knew that a point would come when I'd ask, so they were open to telling me everything I wanted and needed to know. As soon as I read the letter, I completely broke down and started sobbing uncontrollably. Eve came over to my suite to check in on me, and she was kind enough to stay with me for the night.
I didn't know my older sister Avery very well, as she died when I was very young, but my parents told me in their letter that she was energetic and adventurous. They say she loved it when it snowed, and that she'd go sledding using pot lids and baking trays.
Ashlie, on the other hand, was much closer to me, and I was absolutely devastated when she died, and to make things worse, we moved a few months after her passing. I don't know how my family got that fancy apartment, as we didn't have much money. I heard that a very rich family gave it to us. The apartment is amazing, and that was where I met two of the greatest people that I know..."

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by GoldenScientist 07/02/2022 8:24:00 pmJul 2nd, 2022

added more to her story.
looking at this, allay has a tragic backstory.
her sisters died due to bad parenting.
don't get me wrong - allay's parents are good people but horrible parents.

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11/11/2022 11:20 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Strawberry
ShadowGoldenScientist's Avatar
The name of this could infer something about Shadow Allay...
11/11/2022 11:19 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Strawberry
ShadowGoldenScientist's Avatar
But why does she have a sculk orb?
07/07/2022 1:08 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Strawberry
ShadowGoldenScientist's Avatar
Don't tell me it's a sculk orb...
07/07/2022 8:25 am
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
It is a sculk orb. Or at least I think that's what it's called.
09/13/2022 6:10 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Strawberry
ShadowGoldenScientist's Avatar
S c u l k
O r b
09/13/2022 6:10 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Strawberry
ShadowGoldenScientist's Avatar
Sculk orb is not ha ha funni
11/11/2022 11:19 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Strawberry
ShadowGoldenScientist's Avatar
Sculk orb
06/18/2022 12:31 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Farmer
StarbucksLatias's Avatar
Awww... poor allay. 🥺
06/15/2022 1:10 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
ikkefleresmaragder's Avatar
Wow! Mängden detaljer som lagts ner i detta är imponerande. Jag älskar verkligen karaktärsteckningen i dem. Mängden ansträngning du lägger ner på ditt arbete, Golden, det är beundransvärt!
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