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Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy P5 (voting open) - Home Sweet Home?

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GoldenScientist's Avatar GoldenScientist
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Thank you viewers, voters, and all who read this and voted.
Welcome back to the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy. If you missed the first part, let me catch you up.
Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy P5 (voting open) - Home Sweet Home?

A select group of 30 Minecraft mobs are competing in a big contest to win the ENCHANTED NETHERITE TROPHY. You are one of the
judges of the contest. As the organizer of the contest, it is my job to tell you the rules of the contest. The rules are as follows:

  • One mob is eliminated in each contest unless otherwise noted.
  • You (the judge) will vote on who is eliminated.
  • Eliminated mobs can rejoin in special rejoining votes.
  • The last mob remaining wins.

Read the rest of the series

Here are the contestants
Team #1: Alleviation
- Allay
- Copper Golem
- Glare
- Axolotl

- Moobloom
- Cow
- Mooshroom
- Phantom
- Glow Squid
- Warden

Team #2: The Raiders (& the raided)
- Pillager
- Vindicator
- Evoker
- Iceologer
- Illusioner
- Ravager
- Villager
- Wandering Trader
- Iron Golem

Team #3: Everyone Else
- Cat

- Bee
- Enderman
- Piglin
- Wolf
- Frog
- Hoglin

- Tadpole
- Vex
- Piglin Brute
- Goat

"Alleviation has won like every game so far! Something needs to be done about it!" Illusioner exclaims.
"Yeah, like I know, right? I was thinking the same thing last time, and I came up with a plan to do just that," Piglin explains, pulling out a packet of paper.
"What's that packet, and how is it going to help us deal with Alleviation?"
"Well, to answer your first question, it's the itinerary for today's game. I snuck into the staff room late the other night and saw it sitting on the printer. It has details about today's elimination results and game. It even has the rules for today's game on it, and guess what?"
"What?" he replies.
"Sabotaging is allowed today! Yayy!" she happily exclaims, slipping the packet away.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Let's hurry and come up with a plan before the elimination ceremony! You are going to be safe today, right?"
Illusioner and Piglin head into the courtyard and start coming up with a plan until they are called to the amphitheater.
Hello all, and welcome back to the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy! Because the weather is so nice outside today, we are doing elimination outside today. Phantom hides under the overhang, despite being under a potion that protected him from the sun.
Last time, the voters voted for one of the eight remaining members of Everyone Else that they wanted to leave the game, and the results are in! I pull up a chalkboard and write down the votes. It looks we only got [​8] votes this time, which means that the number of votes dropped yet again. This can't keep happening or else we might have to sell the Enchanted Netherite Trophy and cancel the show, so voters, spread the word and share this. Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your pets. That put aside, time to see who is leaving the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy today!
Today, safe contestants will be getting a slice of pizza. We were originally going to have something else, but the person in charge of buying the prizes couldn't find the itinerary, so they didn't order the intended prize. Instead, I had to order this pizza from the place that makes pizza for school cafeterias, but let's stop wasting precious time here and get on to the elimination.
Piglin looks around, trying to act as normally as possible.
Bee, Cat, Enderman, and Wolf, you four are safe. No one voted for you this time. The next safe is Piglin. She didn't get any votes but seemed to be close to getting one. I write down on the chalkboard a comment.
Zibonzi says: "Awright. I know a lotta people want goat out. My first choice would have been piglin because I feel something dirty coming from her, but... it could be interesting seeing what she's up to.Goat is useless since the very beginning."
Piglin becomes defensive and eats the pizza, grunting something about the food being cold.
Now onto the three of you who actually received votes. Those three are Hoglin, Frog, and Goat. *flashback to the other two times Everyone Else lost* Now, I know that I said this the last time, and I'm going to say it again, but there are three quite dedicated voters who really seem to want you guys out of the game. Those users are Darkfap, TheEvokerQueen, and ImQuiting404 respectively. All three of them commented how they wanted you gone all three times you were up for elimination. Because we have a bit more time today, I can show what these voters had to say about you three. From last time, of course.
AfaPacks says: Okay, at least Piggy McBrutus was my second pick, but still. LETS MAKE SOME PORK FROM THAT ONE PIG GUY!
TheEvokerQueen says: Could we PLEASE get Goat, Frog, or Hoglin out this time??? Third time Everyone is UFE, third time asking for Frog to go away! Let's get one of them out this time, can we???
And Emerald_Number09 says: I want to Goat to be out! because I hate him in game.

Well, luckily for Emerald, enough people also hated Goat enough, and by that, I mean six people, so that means that he will be leaving the game! The guards have already set Goat's spawn point in the Elimination Dorms, which he is not cooperative in going to, so the guard smites him.
So now that the elimination is over, let's head to the edge of the campus for today's contest, but first, we need to go print out the itinerary again. Honestly, what happened to the original one?

Now onto today's game!
Everyone is at the far end of the campus. There is a lot of open space. There are also a lot of resources such as trees, bookshelves, and tools. You may be wondering what to do with all this, and I'm about to tell you. Today's goal is for your team to create a base that has a crafting table, a bed, a furnace, and an enchantment setup. There is no time limit and sabotaging is allowed, just no killing. You can have more, but you don't need to.
"Already knew that. Knew that two days ago," Piglin whispered to Illusioner.
Your base will be judged based on appearance and if it meets the requirements. Ready, set, build!

Illusioner heads towards where Piglin is collecting wood. "Hey," he says.
"Hey, Illusioner. What's the plan?"
"I'm going to make myself invisible and sneak into Alleviation's base. I'll wait until they seem close to finishing and then we'll attack!"
"Sounds like a great plan!"
Both went back to their respective areas to get to work.
Allay and her friends got to work.

"I think that we should make some aquariums. This cave would be very nice if we use some spruce and deepslate," Copper Golem suggested.
"I agree. Let's get to work," Allay replied.
Glare entered the cave, agreeing to help Allay light it up. Outside, Moobloom, Mooshroom, and Cow work on making a farm and a garden.

"Alright, Eve. You should hold the axe like this. A small axe like this one can be used with one hand." Vindicator tells his friend.
"Got it," she replies, gripping the handle of the iron axe in her left hand.
"You want to be careful and chop the tree like this,"
"Alright," she swings the hatchet at the tree, and in a few hits, she knocks the dark oak tree down.
"Perfect. It's a bit harder to stip the wood and make planks. I believe that we could use a few more trees,"
"Yes! Understood. Should I get this one?" the mage asks, heading towards a tree.
"Sure. I don't see why not,"
After she had chopped the tree, Vindicator instructed Evoker on how to make the logs into planks.
"You need to be more careful with this," he explains.
Unnoticed by any teammate, Piglin walks behind Evoker.
"Careful with your grip there, Eve. You wouldn't want to accidentally-" Vindicator says.
"Yo, either of you guys gonna help us in getting Alleviation totally rekt?"
Evoker is startled and her hand slips. "Agh! Dammit!" she exclaims.
"-hurt yourself..." her friend says. "Piglin, you get out of here. If you and Illusioner are friends and working together to gang up on Alleviation, then I don't want anything to do with it. I don't want anything to do with Illusioner, and I don't want anything to do with you either. I highly suggest that you leave now." Then he turns to Evoker. "Let's go to what's going to be our house," he says, escorting his friend who grips her arm.
"You alright? I know this room isn't finished yet, but you can sit on this bed while we work on the house," Pillager says.
Evoker nods, and she sits on the red bed while Vindicator treats her arm.
Meanwhile, the other teammates, excluding Illusioner, work on building the house, which comes together pretty quickly.

"Alright! Our cave is looking great! We're really doing amazing," Allay says.
"I agree. I'm sorry I can't be of much help here," Glare replies.
"No need to worry about it. I'm sure there's still something that you can do,"
"Well, about that... I have a feeling that we're being watched. Warden seems particularly interested in the corner where the library is going to go,"
Warden turns to face them. "Huh? Over here? Is there someone here, because I can definitely hear footsteps, and it's not Copper Golem," he says.
"I don't see anybody there. Perhaps Illusioner is spying on us. He can make himself invisible," Allay suggests, carrying a barrel over to the newly-made aquariums that Glow Squid and Axolotl swam freely in.
"I'll try to get him to leave," Warden replied.
"Thanks. That would help out a lot,"

Pillager places the final block on the roof of his team's house and jumps down. "It's done! Time to furnish!"
Vindicator gets up from the bed. "Alright Eve. I'm going to work a bit on the enchantment setup now. Are you feeling better?"
"Just a bit. My arm still hurts, but at least it's not bleeding," she replied.
"I'd suggest you keep it elevated. By the way, if it's not too much to ask, can you tell me why you and Illusiner hate each other so much?"
"Oh, well, I believe it started when were kids. I think it was over something dumb like I played with the ball that he liked during recess or something, so he cast his blindness spell on me. Our first interaction on the game was when he asked me to cheat, and that's basically what he did when we were young. He wanted to copy my homework every day, and would even bribe me with emeralds, she explained. "I wouldn't take it. Oh no... speaking of Illusioner..."

Piglin and Illusioner stepped into Alleviation's base, and Piglin grabbed Allay. "Hey, you! You are the one who got my brother eliminated!"
"What? No! I- I didn't pick your brother to leave. I had nothing to do with the choice. It all laid in the hands of the voters, and that's how votes work," Allay said, trying to pull away from Piglin's grasp.
Piglin changed her grip to the wings, only increasing Allay's efforts to escape.
"Don't try to pull away, you'll hurt yourself," Copper Golem said.
"You know what I mean! YOU were the one who threw that ball at Hoglin and we lost!" Piglin exclaimed.
"I don't see how that makes Piglin Brute's elimination solely my fault. That is what we are supposed to do in this game," Allay said, still struggling to escape.
"Yeah, but you- you- YOU RIGGED THE VOTE! You, and Glow Squid, and Phantom all rigged the vote to get my older brother out of the game!"
"How did we rig it? Why would we ever do that?"

Warden walked up. "To be honest, I could totally comprehend Glow Squid rigging the vote, but definitely not Allay,"
"Hey, Piglin," Copper Golem said,
"What do you want?" she replied.
"Look, I have gold. Do you want the gold? You want the gold, don't you?"
"Gimme that right now. Of course I want the gold,"
"Let go of my friend and you can have the gold,"
"I'm not letting her go unless you give me the gold first,"
"Well, I guess you won't be getting this super shiny gold ingot with your name written on it,"
Piglin lunges forward to check the gold, releasing Allay when she tries to grab it. "OMG! You're right! It does have my name written on it," she said.
Allay flies freely and hid behind Copper Golem, who asked her to leave. "Yeah, I wrote your name on it with a red crayon a few minutes ago. Now could you please go now?"
Pigin agreed and ran out of the base.

"Ok, Illusioner, it's time," she says.
"We're ready for this. You're ready, right? Because I know that I am!"
Both stormed the base, exclaiming that they were back. The members of became shocked.

Outside, Ravager and Hoglin trampled the crops and garden outside, while Bee did nothing but circle Moobloom.
"I'll steal all the books and sell them back," Wandering Trader said, "and even better, I'll scam them!"
"Sounds like a great plan!" Villager replies.
Several members of the other teams, led by Piglin and Illusioner, raid Alleviation's base.

"Hey, do you think our base is done?" Evoker asks.
"Sure. I'll go tell the staff," Vindicator replies.
Meanwhile, Enderman teleported over to turn his base in.
A guard went to Alleviation 's base. If they were given more time to fix the damage, it would be too late. Because of time limitations, their base will be turned in as it is.
Now, it's time for judging.
The Raiders (& the raided), your house looks stunning! I love the mansion look to it, and the yellow flowers in it too. Where did you guys get those? I love your house and I think for now, you guys win.
Everyone Else, however, your pathetic joke of a 'base' looks absolutely terrible. I mean, despite the fact that it is just basically a gazibo with the required things under it, I'll have to give it a pass since it technically has what it needed.
Alleviation, your base doesn't have any of the requirements. Where are the members of your team?
"They are probably inside having some kind of crisis because they lost," Piglin joked.
Anyways because of your combined dirty griefing tactics, Alleviation is up for elimination!

"Let's go! We did it!" Illusioner cheers. He looks over at Wandering Trader and both nod in agreement.
"Seems like we've finally found common ground," the scammer replies.
Evoker and Vindicator sit atop the roof of their house, the mage holding her arm.
All the animals on Everyone Else run freely around the remains of the garden and farm that Alleviation made, much to the losing teams' despair. Copper Golem steps out of the griefed cave, Allay holding onto his shoulder. Her wings droop downward, as does her gaze. Glare soon exits the cave, joining their friends outside.
"The last time I experienced a loss like this was last October..." they sighed
Allay, still riding her friend, looks up with a sad look, her eyes wide and misty. "All of our hard work is gone!"
"Hey, we still put in the effort and we all tried our best. Hopefully, we won't let this happen again," Copper Golem said.
As the other contestants celebrate their victory, the members of Alleviation retreat to the main building.
Out of rage, Warden suddenly attacks Illusioner, and he responds by casting the blindness spell on the attacker.
"How foolish of you to attempt that. You are aware that I am already blind, right?" Warden responds.
"Wow, what sore losers they are!" Piglin said to Illusioner.
"Yeah, I know, right? Suck it up you little crybabies, you lost!" He shouted at the losing team.
Warden charged at Illusioner and Piglin and killed them both in one shot. "Come on now, let's go back. We will do better next time. Besides, next time they lose, I'm sure Illusioner is getting out."

"I wish I could tell them..." Evoker said, looking at Vindicator.
"Tell who what?" He replied.
"I wish I could offer Alleviation my support and them my condolences. I hate Illusioner too,"
"I understand. Also, while we're already here, and no one else is up here... We've know each other for so long, and I just want to tell you how I'm feeling..."
Evoker looked him in the eyes before speaking in a tired tone. "I was thinking the same thing......" Folding her arms, she fell asleep on him, and he brought her inside.
"You have the bed. It's been a long day, and quite honestly, I'm tired too."

Vote on a member of Alleviation to be eliminated. Whoever gets the most votes will leave the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy. Part 6 will be released when voting for this is over.
Credit¦ illusioner is a jerk

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03/28/2022 11:58 am
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Kefaku's Avatar
Why are you always posting this as a Blog and as a Forum Thread?
03/28/2022 12:02 pm
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
The blogs are where i write them first. i usually start them on the 2nd day of voting
03/27/2022 11:23 am
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
ImQuiting404's Avatar
Yes! Goat is out in this episode!
03/27/2022 11:25 am
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
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