[Kari] Fact or Fiction? || OC Minecraft Skin
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[Kari] Fact or Fiction? || OC

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TsukiaKari's Avatar TsukiaKari
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Necromancer
wow those palettes make him seem even paler

this is alaine, who is actually a relatively new oc compared to the others I'm skinning now

he was originally just a random design I thought looked interesting and then after a dream I had that inspired me for his story I turned him into a character from that dream

now he's actually one of my fav ocs, not as high ranking as say kari or silver but still pretty up there for being a new oc

also his backstory isn't completely figured out yet, specifically with what his ring's power does and how he got it, but I think his story is pretty solid compared to most of my other ocs

may or may not have not known what to title this lol

oh yeah I did some special shading for his shirt, idk why but I did

Name: Alaine (haven't figured out last name)

Age: 16

Species: human

Gender & Pronouns: male, he/him

Hobbies: light napping, combat training

Likes: fighting, training, his job, orange lollipops

Dislikes: having to go to school (he was convinced to go so he could protect the school and because Nate was there), his ring/power, anyone who defies/hurts or even jokes about defying/hurting the queen, the royal guard uniform (but wears it when mandatory)

Height: 153 cm

Magic: power from his ring - unknown

Status: alive

Personality: distant, cold, blunt, always wary of everyone, doesn't care about taking extreme measures as long as it's to protect the queen, serious, can't take a joke, actually pretty smart but just needs to chill lol

Status/Job: student/royal guard sector 4

Relationships: Nate (royal guard partner, captain of sector 4, pretty much his only friend), Anastasia-Marie Bonavitz (queen, will do his job to protect her even if it means turning his blade on the other members of the royal family), prince and princess (really dislikes them because they don't really respect their mother and always jokes about taking over forcibly which he takes literally just in case)

Extra Info: There's this powerful, mostly evil magic that is found in certain gems and he has one of those small gems in his ring. Knowledge of this magic and the presence of these gems are usually hidden and well-kept so the general public doesn't know his ring is this worrying to have. Only a select few even know his ring's gem is one of those magic-carrying gems, and they're the Queen and whoever has one of those gems themselves (ones who have a gem can identify others who have one as well). Not even Nate knows about this, and he's the closest person to Alaine. Although Nate acts like he's actively keeping Alaine from using the ring, it's actually a coincidence and he has no idea Alaine even has this power. He has never been seen using the gem so no one knows if it should be concerning or not.

In reality, he hates this power but keeps it because it's like a safety measure just in case the worst happens. Usually the gems are illegal but the Queen has made this one exception because he was a very powerful asset due to his unconditional loyalty to the Queen. Since he was never seen using the gem, and the gem seems relatively small, his power level and ability to wield it is unknown.

His right eye was indirectly caused by this ring/power.

(currently not 100% sure what the power exactly is or does so I'm keeping it vagueeee)

oh and the power changes visuals depending on the person wielding it and the type of gem, so like Alaine's power would look like butterflies while this bad guy I'm working on has power that would look like electricity

Ref Sheet
is just sketch cuz if I did clean lineart it would've taken me forever and I just wanted to get it done lol

left is casual/normal outfit, right is uniform for when it's mandatory to wear it (he wears the top over his normal shirt, he uses the same thigh knife holder thing for the uniform outfit as his normal one)

also I hate the waist up drawings in the middle, I could probably do much better now xD
[Kari] Fact or Fiction? || OC Minecraft Skin


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09/04/2020 7:48 am
Level 19 : Journeyman uwu
CharacterKill's Avatar
Wow, this looks like touka kirishima from tokyo ghoul. Nice skin!
09/04/2020 11:53 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Necromancer
TsukiaKari's Avatar
Thanks I guess? Don’t think it’s a good idea to tell people their ocs look like characters lol but I’m okay with it for this one cuz it’s completely understandable
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