First Skin Remastered! Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

First Skin Remastered!

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Kiryutojo's Avatar Kiryutojo
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Professor Nerd

Hopefully I time it just right so this skin is uploaded to PMC during right during the final Death Battle Cast. At least the last one under RoosterTeeth. So in case this is the end of the series... Well I made a remastered of a remake of my first ever skin! I don't wanna update them to show how far I come in my two years (I think it's actually a year and a half) of making skins so I made a brand new remaster!

You know it's funny. All of this started bc before I even made my first skin, I went around and sorta just put skins from other people into private collections of mine. I believe I was going to do a challenge to see how far I can go in a MC world, wearing a skin per day until I "ran out" of skins. But I found out there were some characters, that never got a skin so I decided to say screw it and made every combatants. And when I was finished with the then latest season. I went back and updated most of them bc I was a mad dog.

And then that evolved into me making skins for other series like FNAF and Yakuza. But still. If this is the endgame of the series, it's been a wild ride ever since I started to watched the series from at least when season 3 was airing. Well I'm sorry for the page of text if you happen to still be reading this but you know how it goes sometimes. Oh yeah I normally put down quotes for the characters, I make so here's some of the best dialogue in the show! You have no idea how long this took me lol.

And It's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle. - Wizard


I wanna beat you at your best. It's no fun if it's not fair. - Goku VS Superman

Alright Battle Cat, let's go do something normally perceived as impossible. - He-Man VS Lion-O

Good news, scum. You are no longer under arrest. - Terminator VS RoboCop

PFFT! What a rip! Seriously, what makes this chump worth 10 bucks more than me? C'mon! I'm me! *chuckles* What!? Am I right? - Deadpool VS Deathstroke

I don't know, Lex. Being a god can't be too hard. I mean, I'm the most intelligent capable person on the planet. I'm not playing God. All this time... I've been playing human. - Iron Man VS Lex Luthor

I'm not exaggerating when I say the success of my mission hinges on how I use this cardboard box. But in the end, a cardboard box... is only made of paper. - Solid Snake VS Sam Fisher

Oh no! - Donkey Kong VS Knuckles

(Thinking) Oh crap! My backup plans! I can't go out like this! (out-loud) Uh... what? I've never seen these before. Obviously my challenger snuck them into my robe to get me disqualified! Can't even face me like a man! - Hercule Satan VS Dan Hibiki

Hmph, I see. But if you're looking for the Left Eye, that would either make you an angel... or a demon! - Dante VS Bayonetta

You're in the Speed Force. MY Speed Force. I'm sure you feel it, the raw energy coursing all around you. This is the source of my power. And here, I AM KING! - Flash VS Quicksilver

Just... one more lesson, capiche? The best kind of punchline... hehehe... is the one you don't see coming! - Joker VS Sweet Tooth

I ain't done! - Balrog VS TJ Combo

What gall. Lucky for me, I'm my own best backup. - Ultron VS Sigma

I must stand... so you shall fall! - Optimus Prime VS Gundam

Huh, you jump good. - Samurai Jack VS Afro Samurai

Time, huh? Thanks for the tip! - Ben 10 VS Green Lantern

Hey! Did you say YOU'RE the next Falcon? Only one who can surpass Falcon can become Falcon! Show me your moves! - Johnny Cage VS Captain Falcon

Ahahahahahaha, so cool! The amazing costume, those bursting muscles, that magnificent hair! You must be a worthy opponent... for an arm wrestling contest! - All Might VS Might Guy

I can try! All I need... IS THE LIGHT!! - Yoda VS King Mickey

This power, it's like that of the gods. (scoffs) Beneath me. - Lex Luthor VS Doctor Doom

Maybe... Just one more... Model 58, the Nano Armor. Snuck it into your body back on the Watchtower. Friday, initiate self-destruct. - Batman VS Iron Man

Sorry, was that important? - Goku Black VS Reverse-Flash

You want blood, you disgusting monster?! Choke on your own. - DIO VS Alucard

I love it! The thrill of battle, the pounding of my heart, the taste of my own blood. I LOVE IT!! - Madara VS Aizen

I never thought it would happen! A serious fight... I found it!! Thank you... weird spinach mascot. - Saitama VS Popeye

Remember what I promised you? - Omni-Man VS Homelander

I told you. It's... no... USE! - Trunks VS Silver

Don't cry, sponge... Let's be... Super... Friends... - SpongeBob VS Aquaman

You have your tricks and your tools, but I created something beyond the limits of human existence! I operate on a scale you can't even comprehend... - Ant-Man VS Atom

You are liberated from Hell. Find peace in the next life. - Darth Vader VS Obito Uchiha

So we're both shackled to the dead. You foul beasts will not have his soul!! - Guts VS Dimitri

Victory comes with no certain satisfaction. I may never know why we were made to fight. If violence is ever truly justified. But perhaps, there is something... worthy in the battle. Something beyond my understanding. - Martian Manhunter VS Silver Surfer

Well... Heheheh... heh... It was worth a try... But still! Hehehe, I'm surprised. You don't recognize... your old home. - Bill Cipher VS Discord

Behold the mighty Lord Frieza, ruler of a dying planet. My planet. Where is your army? Where is your ship? So powerful, and yet you will wander the depths of space for eternity, all because of me! What a fool. - Frieza VS Megatron

I know your type: the nihilist know-it-all. But through all this wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey rubbish, there's one thing you never quite understood: I'm the Doctor, and I don't want to go. - Rick Sanchez VS The Doctor

Heh, almost had me there. That was actually pretty fun! - Goku VS Superman (2023)

I've seen your power, Bringer of Chaos, yet by my figure, thou hast much need. Witness the last fate that awaits you thus, for almighty Galactus must now feed! - Galactus VS Unicron


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