Minecraft Servers


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DigitalThreat's Avatar DigitalThreat
Level 23 : Expert Ninja
Status Offline Pinged: 03/09/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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--Tell us why you want to join the server!--
E-Mail: official.team.co@gmail.com
**Put subject as "StayCrafted Server"**

Join our discord: ( https://discord.gg/3f8KvqP )

TEAM presents:

StayCrafted (SEASON 3)
24/7 : Survival : **Whitelisted**

The survival server is based on YouTube severs such as HermitCraft and MindCrack. Our goal is to influence individual to achieve higher purposes collectivly through playing together within the StayCrafted server.

StayCrafted was created in 2012. It was brought back in 2017 and now is a striving community with creative builders and mastered redstoners. The server is set to bring a simple style to minecraft with survival as it's main objective. We are currently on season 3 of StayCrafted and this will be the last reset and we will continue on this world with every update.


13 Update Logs

Update #13 : by DigitalThreat 02/08/2017 7:45:08 pmFeb 8th, 2017


It is a whitelisted server so please check the description to apply for the server!


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07/09/2016 9:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
guyatthemarket's Avatar
So I guess I missed the day that you go around and check your forums but I still want to let you know that I sent you an email and my IGN is guyatthemarket so yeah. I hope that I get on the server :p please msg me or something to let me know if I got on the server or not. In case you didn't get my msg I just copied and pasted it below. Bye. (P.S Everything below is what I sent in the email)

(Here's like an essay and I underlined my info :p please read it I spent a lot of time on this)
In all the time I have played minecraft I have always been motivated to do better by popular youtubers. Slowly everyone I watched was joining the mindcrack server and some of them joined hermitcraft and I have wanted to play on those servers for a while and I have been trying to find servers that match that kind of feeling of community creations made possible by teams of people collaborating on something great. I am very patient and I tend to just try to make a mini game land on all the vanilla servers I find, but then I am ruthlessly pursued by people wanting to put my head into their hall of death. (that last one was a previous server and was why I quit it) The reason I play minecraft is to hang out with people who want to achieve the same goal as me and are willing to put time and effort into the game. I really want to join the server because I love to just hang out chatting with people. I hope you at least consider letting me onto the server because I have no life so I will always be looking for what I consider a great minecraft server and this one seems the most promising to me by far. I am 14 years old and my ign is guyatthemarket I am great at redstone and I can make builds that are considered good by other professional builders I have no life outside of my room so I won't have trouble investing hours into this server. Also, I love the anagram and am thinking of starting a youtube channel and I want to have a nice server to record on. If you don't want me to record on your server I won't record but I would love to still play on it.
I hope to see you on the server soon!-guyatthemarket
07/01/2016 4:42 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
__JustAFridge's Avatar
Hey just letting you know I emailed you. (IGN-Spellign)
07/03/2016 2:07 am
Level 23 : Expert Ninja
DigitalThreat's Avatar
I replied!
06/21/2016 1:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
usamattman's Avatar
Just getting back into Minecraft and looking for a great mature community to join, hoping this is the place.
IGN: usamattman
Age: 25
I am a Network Engineer and attending college for Cyber Security
Been playing Minecraft for 6 years now
I play pretty much everyday unless something pops up
Central time zone, live in Alabama
I created the OverEnder ( on my youtube if you don't know what that is )
Youtube: usamattman1
(Haven't recorded in awhile due to school, but hopefully in the future I can get back at it)
07/03/2016 2:07 am
Level 23 : Expert Ninja
DigitalThreat's Avatar
I haven't seen you on in a bit, I hope you like the server though.
02/02/2016 9:13 am
Level 1 : New Miner
HaloNest's Avatar
I would like to join this server because i'm a very good builder and a expert  redstone engeneer
ign: HaloNest
age: 14
I have been playing minecraft since 1.3
I'd love to join you :)
01/12/2016 11:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xCBASSx's Avatar
I would like to apply for Dev or admin.
Ign: xCBASSx
ALSO i've been playing minecraft sence 2012 and started doing server work in early 2014
01/04/2016 10:57 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
MineHamadYT's Avatar
I would really like to apply for Developer on this amazing server. I really love this server,
IGN: UltraBuild
Language: Java
Age: 14.
01/12/2016 10:13 pm
Level 23 : Expert Ninja
DigitalThreat's Avatar
Thank you for commenting!
How long have you been playing minecraft?
When we get a reply we'll whitelist you asap, thank you.
07/14/2014 5:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Michael_Digs's Avatar
This is my favorite server everyonr is nice and it is just perfect
Planet Minecraft


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