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Osria | Dark Fantasy Roleplay | 1.18.2

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Osria Roleplay's Avatar Osria Roleplay
Level 20 : Expert Scribe
Osria | Dark Fantasy Roleplay | 1.18.2
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  Dark Fantasy | Create your own story! | [1.20.2]
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Osria | Dark Fantasy Roleplay | 1.18.2 Minecraft Server

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Osria | Dark Fantasy Roleplay | 1.18.2 Minecraft Server

Welcome to Osria, Seekers!

Osira Roleplay is a 16+ whitelist Dark Fantasy server dedicated to a ttrpg roleplay style that encouraged a coorperative environment where players are encouraged to use their strategy thinking, building and progressing their characters through levels and preparing character gear to help them easier in events. Our community and roleplay styles is mainly centered around Player versus Environment where players will engage in story lines according to either players, regions or server arcs.

°❈° Features of the server include °❈°

Do you wish to create your own story? How about being able to craft items? Engage in events and level your character to the best of their abilities? You can do that here!

  • Realmseeker System - Realmseeker is a system designed for customization and simplicity. It takes dnd 5e and pathfinder elements and build your own class system mixing them together. Realmseeker has over dozen races, 5 themes to base a class around, and largely freeing crafting system that is easy to use. It is an evolving system that gets update and balancing as needed.
  • Discord - While our main platform for roleplay is on a minecraft server, half of progression, communication, community and applications are done through our discord servers! Discord makes it far easier for players to engage with our staff members within their own channels about the path of the characters depending on which Branch of Progression they go or what story they want to tell and for easy discussions and fast approvals. Our discords are also where players can interact with each other, share stories or funny roleplay moments or engage in any community activities.
  • Crafting - Players are able to craft their own items or sell them accordingly. This crafting system is apart of the Realmseeker System. People submit their applications in their own channels and are able to create whatever they wish, so long as they have the materials! Players can make alchemy potions, enchanting items weapons, armour, guns, airships, sea ships, even invent entirely new inventions!
  • Settlements - Settlments are Osria's player regions! You can choose to become your own settlement and grow to become an empire through roleplay and dedication.
  • Character Creation - Players are able to pursue their own character stories and where they would like to take their characters. Their alignment and stories will always impact events, arcs and even specific areas or items that may trigger and event line.
  • Events - The environment within the roleplay world is alive with NPCs and creatures. You are able to explore the world through events run by dms and begin your adventures in Sunnydale (spawn) or any player regions that arise. Events are often triggered by player actions and will create interesting arcs for character development, character involvement and world building simply by having your character purpuse what they desire.

Like what you see? Join us on Osria here; [Forum Link] |
[Discord Link]

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03/06/2024 8:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Typler's Avatar
This place is fantastic, for as good as the advertisement is, there is reading it and then there is being there and experiencing everything listed and more first hand. Amazing staff and community that truly care for each other and are extremely welcoming to new people. Staff work very hard to keep things running smoothy, and the server just updated too 1.20.2 !!!! Wooo!!!
02/11/2024 12:56 am
Level 1 : New Collective
DigitalCafe's Avatar
When I first found Osria, I had been missing participating in MCRP for quite some time. After participating in livestreamed RP, I wanted to take a crack at this as I thought it would be a good substitute for what I have been missing. Boy was I in for a ride!

The Great:

The People - The people are all very kind, accepting, and do NOT bully each other. If that does happen, staff is quick to handle the situation cordially and neutrally. I found that very good given that everyone is friends here, the staff can still maintain a neutral standing when handling disputes. No cliques in sight!

Characters - Characters are constantly thought provoking and very interesting. Some come from far off places looking for glory. Some come to simply find a new place to come home. My own character is trying to escape their past and find her own semblance of repentance, aiming to find her long lost friend. It's really amazing seeing the melting pot of different cultures and people come together. I am in love.

The World - Ruu (the owner) alongside staff has created an enriching and vivid environment that fluctuates throughout the player's time on the server. Things have certainly changed since I've join many months ago! The monsters and NPCs I've faced are always a hoot and sometimes I wish I could marry them. Looking at the bunny girls LMAO! I've experienced... quite a lot. Especially given my character, there are certainly consequences. I wouldn't go into the server thinking you'll get away with murder.

Staff - The staff (excluding myself), have been nothing but understanding and wonderful. Even before, they were always willing to help you out and walk you through something. I was quite scared and intimidated at first upon entering, but the team has been so kind and patient. They are willing to go the extra mile and that always gave me a good warm feeling in my heart <3! Keep it up!


Pobody's Nerfect! These are just some improvements I think the server could benefit from personally!

Forum Upkeep - It is certainly a challenge and there are times that the forums are not updated to the current 'patch', including missing creatures, flora, fauna. I completely understand that as the team is small and managing time throughout the day is difficult.

Auction House - Some form of auction house or place to view what can be sold in a given area would be amazing. There are NPCs outside and around town that sell and buy items, but it would be cool to see an active 'stock market'. Maybe even an auction day!

Public Schedule - Be really amazing to have a public schedule of all active members of the staff team so people can get an idea of the availability of staff. Respecting the staff's boundaries of time and the likes so no one gets overwhelmed!

Ticket System/Comprehension - Seems some folks get lost in the sauce and are confused about certain things. This goes into forum upkeep. The system is being constantly worked on which is good! No stagnation nor out of wack abilities going unchecked, however that leaves some players vulnerable who aren't always up to date. The ticket system could also do with a rework. Perhaps adding some more variation so it's more clear to players?

Regardless, I've been welcomed here with open arms. I couldn't ask for more. Thank you.
Osria Roleplay
02/12/2024 8:30 am
Level 20 : Expert Scribe
Osria Roleplay's Avatar
Hello DigitalCafe! Both the positive and improvement sections are extremely helpful and help us clarify where we can shift our focus more. Thank you so much for you words and constructive critism. See you in Osria!
02/10/2024 9:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Apothesus's Avatar
Osria is server that has come far. When I joined it was falling apart but now it is doing amazing. The community is great, the staff is wonderful and its something that makes my day. The system while does change a lot is fun to play with, as the amount of customization is really enjoyable to tinker with.

I do not say this lightly, I think the owner and staff did a wonderful job keeping it going through even the hardest of times. I've met alot of friends on the server and it has given me something to enjoy every day.

Osria has its rough patchs or hiccups but it does one thing most servers don't, learn and adapt. Something that is rare to find. If you like high fantasy roleplay with dark elements and doing cooperative events this is a server for you.

Best of wishes to all those who join and have joined.
Osria Roleplay
02/11/2024 12:57 am
Level 20 : Expert Scribe
Osria Roleplay's Avatar
Hello Apothesus! We're so happy to hear our progress and growth through another pair of eyes, this gives us plenty of hope for the future. We're glad to see that you have stuck around, even through the hard times. Thank you so much and see you in Osria!
02/10/2024 9:09 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
TRASH1's Avatar
It's definitely one of the healthiest servers I've been a part of so far from what I can tell. Of course, there is some things that take a while. But it is reasonable due to the current number of staff that the place has.

Crafting is definitely a lot easier to do than some places once learning the system. Especially to get places off of the ground like cities once putting in the work. You don't have to break your back to get things done or jump through a lot of hoops to get stuff done. It's all about creativity which is something not a lot of places have any more for when it comes to enchantments.

I have two characters I am currently working on, and it forces people to not be in click groups to get started. This is something that can be very annoying in other places for servers. The conflict is at a low for when it comes to other players interactions and having to get together with other players to get the main campaign done or projects. There is a lot of positives that out way the negatives which is a rare few.

The community are very accepting, and you have to work for what you get. Which is very nice. There is some aspects that are dark fantasy and others are not. It depends on what type of theme you are going for which is what I was searching for in the first place. I didn't suspect to actually stay in this place due to the dnd like system and it normally confusing me. 8/10 system but 10/10 for the community.
Osria Roleplay
02/10/2024 9:52 pm
Level 20 : Expert Scribe
Osria Roleplay's Avatar
Hello Trash! Glad to hear that our community is accepting and healthy! We take great pride in it. We are happy you decided to stick around. Thank you so much and see you in Osria!
02/10/2024 8:31 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Fronslin's Avatar
It's A pretty good minecraft RP server. I've been playing on it for a few weeks now and feel like I don't have enough playtime to warrent a more complex review.

I am very much unfamiliar with how alot of things work on the backend but to me, it seems like staff has set itself up very well and everyone works very hard.

I'll speak on my own experience to level 5 and what I did to get there.

I started off as A fletcher cut off from their village, willing to experiement to make new arrows. That was the gimmick I decided to go for and as it branched out I was able to figure out what I wanted to learn research and explore. There are people willing to work with you to make custom stories, and custom item creations. You can even level up too, through crafting Though there's a bit of rules in place to prevent people from leveling up very fast.

My character was able to find a job at a potion shop, figure out that she wanted to roam around and adventure, and sell her arrows while she looks for her lost family. The sort of concept I could Play out until end game until I figure out what is IS exactly I wish to do. And that sort of freedom is valuable to me. I'm very anti player vs player conflict, So While I understand why some other people would be hesitant to be nudged against that way, I think avoiding those sorts of conflict until it's absolutely called for makes sense, and gives value to people who Have more than one character, As the intention is to sort them into different settlements, Which I don't really see much problem with.

Right now, My current goal lies in figuring out spell structure in general As I am not A DND player first. So understanding spell balance is a little hard to get my head around. Over all though this server is pretty refreshing. It's probably a lot more fun your second character around, once you're familiar with the back end, But it's kept me interested the entire time I've been here.
Osria Roleplay
02/10/2024 9:49 pm
Level 20 : Expert Scribe
Osria Roleplay's Avatar
Hey Fronslin! Nice to see you here! We are incredibly excited to see where you and your character end up! We are always more than happy to help you out with the spells as not everyone is well versed in DND. See you in Osria and thank you!
02/10/2024 4:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Nat20Crit's Avatar
Firstly I should say that to call Osria "Dark Fantasy" is entirely a misnomer; The server has extremely light and humorous themes ranging from chaos entities who chew on hair and cough up sentient hairballs, literal maid cafes, and a fair deal of joke-y light hearted characters. The only time the server truly delves into the "dark fantasy" style themes is in events that only cursorily imply the dark nature of the world, never actually looking into it. That isn't to say the server isn't inherently good by any means, just that you shouldn't head into the server expecting that sort of thing in any sizable quantity. For those who are fantasy setting purists you should also know that there are a few folk running around with radiant revolvers as well as magically propelled 'fighter jets'- If that's you're thing, go wild, but that sort of thing does turn me off ever so slightly. Conflict on the server is almost entirely between players and events, never players between players. This doesn't mean you can't play an evil character only that the story team is generally against PVP and has iterated that they choose to separate goodly aligned players and evily aligned characters so that 'negative' interaction is scarce. Yet again this may be something you prefer, but I personally find that player conflict enables the server to stay active without the need of staff interaction and prevents everything non-event from boiling down into 'tavern RP'

  The server itself is fairly decent regardless, ignoring those bits, with a decent system that allows for a great deal of customization and character expression. Basically every race is viable to play as and lore, for the most part, is sufficiently well done. Events, as much as the staff team likes to say to the contrary, are heavily railroaded unfortunately. Characters can alter minor aspects of the story contained within the event, but ultimately it will end the way the person running it planned from the get-go and as such an individual's impact upon the setting is already factored in. Whether that be through the means of a dues-ex-machina jumping out of nowhere, a supremely overpowered entity, or the event ultimately having less impact on the overall story that it is able to proceed regardless of the player's agency. That's fairly common among servers though, being able to actually take player actions deeply into consideration is extremely difficult and requires time and effort that few of the volunteer staff have to offer. That's just the nature of the platform.

  The main issue facing the server, in my opinion, lies in the staff team. About 50% of the staff do just about nothing at all, another 25% do only the most simple and short-form tasks, leaving about 25% to do just about everything else. This leads to rushed events, backlogs, poorly balanced abilities or creatures, and failure to moderate system related errors. Ruu, the owner, has a good head on their shoulders but in their attempt to make everyone happy is far too easily pushed-over by members of the staff team. This typically is not an issue, but when it is, its a doozy of one and comes across like that staff or staff members run the server themselves.

  I'd say the server is still worth the try however. If you can look past its flaws its genuinely a good community with a fun system. Ultimately I might just be too jaded to see past these myself.
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