This Map is an entry in the completed Fall Festival Community Event.

Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Super Heavy Pumpkin Theft

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Captain_JEK's Avatar Captain_JEK
Level 87 : Elite Deity

this is a heavy transport configuration with a dual lane trailer carrying a giant pumpkin.
It is my entry for the "Heavy Transport" building contest hosted by BaKonGaming.

I thought a large, gray box or cylinder on the trailer looked quite boring so I put a large, orange pumpkin on it.
This way I created something fall/autumn/halloween themed as well.

I know that in reality such large trailers are usually pulled and pushed by a truck at the front and one (or more) at the back.
However, I decided to implement only one truck to make that one truck look much stronger because obviously it is able to pull such a large trailer on its own.

To add a bit more dramaticness to the whole scene I let two police cars chase the transporter. They are modified versions of my Nissan GT-R.

The smoke coming out of the truck's exhaust pipes is made with particles generated by command blocks inside the pumpkin.

About the light rays
Since a giant, steaming and close to being alive jack-o-lantern being hauled by a single truck didn't make much sense already, I thought I could expand the almost fantasy theme even more.
I imagined that rays of light breaking through the pumpkin's shell would look pretty amazing. The light rays exiting a dying ender dragon proved to be excellently suited for this job.

So, the idea was to summon a dying ender dragon inside the pumpkin, let it die and summon a new one as soon as its predecessor has deceased.

To summon a dying ender dragon you can use this command:
/summon minecraft:ender_dragon ~ ~ ~ {Health:0.0f}
However, when the dragon dies it slowly floats upwards and would eventually exit the pumpkin through the roof.
To solve this problem, I changed the command to summon an armor stand with the dragon riding on top of it.
Since the armor stand is stationary and the dragon is "tied" to it because it is riding the armor stand the dragon is stationary, too and perfectly stays in place:
/summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Passengers:[{id:"minecraft:ender_dragon",Health:0.0f}],CustomName:"{\"text\":\"EnderDragonSeat\"}"}Super Heavy Pumpkin Theft Minecraft Map

I gave the armor stand the custom name "EnderDragonSeat" because we will need to kill the armor stand later when the dragon has died.
If we didn't kill it, there would be a ton of armor stands standing around because we summon a new dragon and armor stand every time after the old dragon has died.
Theoretically, we could simply kill all armor stands in the world but maybe there are some armor stands in other builds that should not be killed.
To be able to select only the armor stands the dragon was riding on, I gave them a custom name no other armor stand in the world should have.

Now, we also would like the armor stand to be invisible because it doesn't look very pleasing. To do this, we only need to insert an Invisible:true tag:
/summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Passengers:[{id:"minecraft:ender_dragon",Health:0.0f}],CustomName:"{\"text\":\"EnderDragonSeat\"}",Invisible:true}Super Heavy Pumpkin Theft Minecraft Map

In case the armor stand is summonend in midair we don't want it to fall down but to stay where we summoned it, so we give the armor stand a NoGravity:true tag:
/summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Passengers:[{id:"minecraft:ender_dragon",Health:0.0f}],CustomName:"{\"text\":\"EnderDragonSeat\"}",Invisible:true,NoGravity:true}Super Heavy Pumpkin Theft Minecraft Map

This is the entire command I used for summoning the dragon.
Now there is an invisible armor stand floating somewhere and it would be quite hard to find and destroy it by hand.
But luckily we gave it an explicit name and can use the following command to kill it:
/kill @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,name=EnderDragonSeat]
With a command to summon a dying ender dragon and one to kill the armor stand it was riding on, we can come back to the original idea.
I put a clock inside the pumpkin that first kills all remaining armor stands called EnderDragonSeat and after that summons a new EnderDragonSeat with a dying ender dragon on top of it. This cycle repeats itself as long as the clock is activated.

The only remaining probem is that optimally we would like to see exclusively the light rays but not the dragon.
Sadly, any potion effects like Invisibility don't have any effect on the ender dragon whether applied manually with splash potions or with commands.

But there is another solution:
As you may have noticed the dragon gradually disappears when dying. There is a texture in the resource pack that defines which pixels disappear first and which ones disappear later using transparency. It is called "dragon_exploding.png".
The more transparent a pixel is, the earlier it disappears.
So, if you make all pixels in the image "dragon_exploding.png" completely transparent or simply erase them (with an image editing program) and put that empty "dragon_exploding.png" back into your resource pack, the dragon already is invisible when being summoned:

For some reason no shader I know can display these light beams well. Most shaders don't show them at all including Sildur's vibrant shaders which I use.
That is why I had to take the last screenshots without shaders, so that you can see the rays of light.

Progress100% complete

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10/24/2019 11:59 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
spaceship092v2's Avatar
im sorry are you a boy or a girl 🙂
10/25/2019 10:36 am
Level 87 : Elite Deity
Captain_JEK's Avatar
Are you asking because of my profile picture?
I am male but I've got female profile pictures almost everywhere because they look so much better than male ones.
It simply is because of the aesthetics :)
10/21/2019 5:26 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Wizard_Engie432's Avatar
Do you think you could build this?
10/22/2019 10:57 am
Level 87 : Elite Deity
Captain_JEK's Avatar
Which one of them? There are 5 different subs in the image ^^
10/22/2019 4:29 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Wizard_Engie432's Avatar
3E, My bad
10/23/2019 10:51 am
Level 87 : Elite Deity
Captain_JEK's Avatar
Okay, I put it on my building ideas list but I don't know how soon I'm goning to make it!
10/20/2019 5:41 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Traswen's Avatar
Hello! could we use this for an MCPE map!? We will give all the credit to you and refer to this project in the description with a link! :)
10/20/2019 8:42 am
Level 87 : Elite Deity
Captain_JEK's Avatar
Yes, if you link this project and make obvious that I made this truck and not you yourself, you can use it ^^
10/21/2019 2:22 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Traswen's Avatar
Could you add a direct world download instead of a schem? Thankyouuuu!!!
10/21/2019 11:00 am
Level 87 : Elite Deity
Captain_JEK's Avatar
Done :)
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