Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Spooky Space Sorcery - An 'Aderlyon' Trial Build

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How to find on server: You can't normally locate this on the server as it's in a private Build Trial world, but it's there!

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Uknownymous's Avatar Uknownymous
Retired Moderator
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
I feel like it has been a while since I last posted, but supposedly it has only been 24 days since I shared Falshire! It feels like ages ago. Anyhow, this build was made for when I applied to the Aderlyon build team a few weeks ago. :) The time limit was 7 days to build something, and that... was it! So, I was completely free to make whatever I so wished, of whatever scale I wanted, and my girlfriend suggested a space castle when I asked whether she or my friend had any ideas for a completely random theme I hadn't tried before. My Extraterrestrial Earth build came pretty close to the theme though, so it was a tough challenge to make sure they were absolutely undoubtedly differentiated from each other, but I think I've made them different enough to say it's a whole different theme I haven't tried before! :D
Spooky Space Sorcery - An 'Aderlyon' Trial Build Minecraft Map
I seem to have a bit of a habit of my builds in 1.16 being a little bit clustered though, so there are magma blocks everywhere. See, initially I didn't quite want a lot of magma blocks - I was trying to paste a bunch of stars and messed up the command and crashed the server! So... well, uh, I removed around... 60% of the stars that happened after that command? And it's still pretty messy, but I like the aesthetic - it definitely works better in-game than in the screenshots though, because I really don't feel I've done a particularly good job of screenshotting it, to be honest. Still, I'm quite happy with the build. :D
Spooky Space Sorcery - An 'Aderlyon' Trial Build Minecraft Map
The build includes an absolute horde of flying things, whether it be floating ships soaring across the sky with magical sails carrying them through the abyss of the void, piercing comet-like asteroids of magical energy shooting forwards endlessly, giant spaceships powered by engines of flames keeping them going, small magical spaceplanes zooming across the dark, tiny little planets rotating endlessly in the sky, giant oversized galactic fish swimming through the black, or even huge destructive octopi looming around and clutching onto anything they can get and consuming it with a wild hungering passion for desolation.
Spooky Space Sorcery - An 'Aderlyon' Trial Build Minecraft Map
It was really satisfying to see it all come together bit by bit, and then to work on the little castle down below, which... ended up being fairly underwhelming compared to what I had in mind, as I wasn't really sure how to go about the theme! I do not have much experience with castles at all. I've practiced a little bit since though so next time I post a build with a castle, I can at least assure it will be a very nice castle. Definitely not the best you've seen (unless you haven't seen many), but it will be nice, because it's an aspect I realised I lacked experience in and had to practice, so I've put in some extra targeted effort to ensure I get better at them. Regardless, I did feel pleased with the structures here, but I couldn't fairly call them a castle in the end so I settled on it just being an alien base. :) I was really pleased with the satellites though - I thought they were a pretty cool addition to it.

And lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I used the build as a staging grounds to practice huge organics, which is something I've seriously barely ever tried before. The closest, like mentioned earlier, is Extraterrestrial Earth, where I made the huge aliens, but in that I didn't really have any experience so that was my first attempt, and I barely knew what I was doing. The one here, however, I made sure to put a good deal more effort into. I researched how people usually do it, I checked up on various references, I used a mix of my own experience and awareness of commands and tools and hand-building and planned out how I wanted to go about it, and built it up, and I feel this is my favourite part of the build. It may not be the best part - I mean, to me it's the best part of the build, but I could be skewed by not trying before -, but, even if it's not the best part, it's a milestone for me. :) I haven't done something like it before, so I'm really, really happy for it!

And of course, again, thank you to those of you who've somehow been curious enough to read through all of this! I appreciate the amount of time spent looking at what I've made, and I hope it felt worth it and was nice to see. :)
And if anyone's curious, I did pass the trial. :) So, I'm now a member of the Aderlyon build team. ^~^
And hey- for once I added a download when I didn't need to, so feel free to look at the build ingame if you want. :) Although, as a head's up, you absolutely aren't going to find much use for it, but it can be fun to look at anyway despite that! :D
CreditAdditional credit to TME, Sildur's, BSL, Chocapic and KUDA shaders. :D I... don't know which one I used anymore! I forgot so I credit them all! I also used WorldEdit!
Progress100% complete

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09/28/2021 10:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Baixun's Avatar
Amazing work, Can I put this SCHEMATIC on my Server? no commercial on it.
I will credit u. This is good work for RPG scene
04/09/2021 1:24 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Dylan_Craftsskins's Avatar
Damn this is insane how long did it take?
04/09/2021 4:50 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Thank you! :D It took roughly 5 days to make, as it was within a seven day trial and I missed the one day while I couldn't get on for another day. :)
02/18/2021 1:28 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Network
Aderlyon's Avatar
Great Work!! An incredible trial build.
02/18/2021 1:52 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Thank you again. :D I appreciate it quite a bit. :)
02/17/2021 5:22 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Vampire
CP07's Avatar
56 diamonds that not right we can do better than that people \

and this looks awesome again this build would be one of my favorites to live in UK and dont forget to spam him with A lot of diamonds work like this deserves more credit :P
02/17/2021 6:17 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
o: Thank you, Wannabe FallOutBoy. It's nice knowing this would be one of your favourites to live in - I wasn't totally sure about the build and how it turned out in the screenshots, despite really being happy with the individual things like the ships, so knowing that the outcome is so appealing that you would even want to live in it is quite a reassurance. :) I appreciate it. The encouragement for people to diamond it is also really nice, so thank you. :D
02/17/2021 6:20 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Vampire
CP07's Avatar
np and thx for the spam UK
02/17/2021 6:24 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
You're welcome. :D Thank you for the spam too. :)
02/17/2021 3:27 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
Koyoharu's Avatar
I had an epileptic seizure but good job
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