Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

"ALPHA17 - Teens in Space!" Spaceship - Updated monthly!

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MCSilverLitClub's Avatar MCSilverLitClub
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect


Note: This world is in the 1.12.2 version, you have to install the Chisel and bits mod to see the complete map, it's strongly implemented.

If you can't find the ship, go to these coordinates: 50 86 944

Did you know this spaceship has a novel in process?

Got an idea and wanna share it? Feel free! --> alpha17bymc@gmail.com

Set in 2056, the UN developed secretely the "ALPHA Project", which plan is to build 35 giant spaceships with the latest technology, and to put 14 teenagers (half boys, half girls) from all over the world to inhabitate them and to find a perfect new planet for human life. The spaceship's rooms are divided into colors. For example, the Kitchen is yellow, the Meeting room is light blue, the Infarmary is white, the halls are red, etc.

You can follow and help my progress subscribing to my youtube channel: @ALPHA17byMC

Chisels & Bits Mod for 1.12.2: Chisels & Bits - For Forge - Files - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
Progress80% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by MCSilverLitClub 05/18/2024 5:08:52 pmMay 18th

Hi everybody! As the title says, the spaceship is monthly updated with a lot of new things, and this update is big! A lot of things have changed, and a lot of new stuff there's in the ship is thanks to the Chisels and Bits mod, which is not mine, but it's strongly implemented so it looks better and more realistic.

Check it out! You won't repent.


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05/18/2024 6:59 pm
Level 21 : Expert Artist
TrueZer0's Avatar
It looks old? like in a good way, a nostalgic way. cool map!
05/18/2024 8:49 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
MCSilverLitClub's Avatar
That's good! Thanks for the comment! Tell me if you have any ideas!
10/23/2023 1:19 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
shadow_walker_of_the_dark's Avatar
even tho this map is low in quality it will be great to use with mods
10/24/2023 3:58 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
MCSilverLitClub's Avatar
Great! It makes me happy you like my work! :D
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