TailsSquidMan's Avatar
Work on Voria Legacy 4.0 will start June 2nd or will it?
Level 31
Artisan Architect

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  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    June 10, 2024, 7:47 pm to Public
    Alrighty guys it is time.

    Voria Legacy 4.0 is done and released!

    Anyways ill go back into my little hibernation state for 3 weeks

    Have fun with the new map!

  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    June 8, 2024, 11:40 pm to Public
    Oh no Guys I found herobrine111!!11!1!!11!11111!1

  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    June 8, 2024, 5:17 pm to Public
    Hey guys so like this isnt gonna be so serious but i found what i want to be for halloween already

    im gonna be steve from minecraft BUT! LISTEN

    Me and my dad are gonna like make the costume out of cardboard and hopefully it will turn out good and ill surprise everybody on halloween and hopefully i get extra loot lmao

    Anyways when i do make it ill try to post a picture of it on here anyways cya guys

  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    June 6, 2024, 2:06 pm to Public
    Alright alright i just Remembered this so let me get to what i was talking about.

    So basiclally ive just taken the time lately tor relax and all that good stuff and taking the time to play horror games and horror modpacks. and ive gotten really really burnt out from Voria and i dont really want to get more burnt out to the point where i wont even make anymore updates ill just need that spark of motivation one day yk

    Like i said before ive been playing horror kind of modpacks like MCSX which is just minecraft if it was on the PS1 but theres like herobrine ofc and another couple things but yeah and plus i just finished the school year 7 days ago i need a break because running through the halls at full speed everyday does stuff to your body so ive been kind of just healing from the mental torture the bullying i went through and the physical pain in my legs from running everday

    And the thing im really happy about is cause we have state tests where i live and for the first time since ive been in this state i passed the state tests i mean back when i was up in Pennsylvania idk if i passed or failed but they didnt matter when i lived there it was just to track your progress and down here in the red neck filled state called Florida if you fail you lose your electives or whatever and the elective slots are like an extra reading or math class which i had a extra math class this year but i got a low two on the test last year and this year i passed both so im good i can finally have PE

    Oh Yeah the school i got to PE is not mandatory which honestly is kind of well DUMB like your making discord mods out here like your making kids who should be on 600 pound life lmao nah thats not the case most of the time but yeah good part is i might be getting a Xbox Series S becuase i got the moolah for it only reason why im getting it is so i can play GTA 6 when it comes out :D

    Anyways im always rambling on these things so sorry for that thats what ive been really doing right now ill make another update on whats going on in a couple days or weeks idk anyways trust me ill be working on Voria Legacy 4.0 like i said before lets hope this isnt a Voria Update 5.0 Situation all over again alright ill see you all later bye

  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    June 6, 2024, 1:07 am to Public
    Alright homies I’m typing this on my phone so spelling might be fucked anyways lately ive been just vibing not doing much but trust me work will continue later on and I don’t feel like typing anymore so I’ll just like give another part to this when I wake up tommorrow alright bye

  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    June 3, 2024, 3:48 pm to Public
    Alright so i havent really worked on Voria Legacy 4.0 lately since ive been busy with other stuff and i havent had the motivation because im making the area myself this time which the tunnels and stufff for it is a PAIN IN THE ASS ik i can do it but still that fact is just eeeehhhhh

    i will finish it soon! hopefully this isnt a Voria 5.0 Story all over again

    Also thank you all for Level 31

  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    June 2, 2024, 7:57 pm to Public
    so i got voria legacy 3.0 on bedrock edition.

    ty chunker

  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    June 2, 2024, 12:32 am to Public
    uh oh

    Minecraft PS1 Edition is Horrifying
  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    May 24, 2024, 9:18 pm to Public
    Work on Voria Legacy 4.0 will start June 2nd

    or will it?
    TailsSquidMan replied to TailsSquidMan's comment below 2024-05-29 19:51:39
    TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    yuh huh
    TailsSquidMan said 2024-05-25 17:13:35
    TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    nuh uh
  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    May 22, 2024, 6:36 pm to Public
    Alright guys y'all passed the goals pretty quickly and i guess i have to go with my word!

    give me a little while so i can create it then polish it and stuff yk all that good stuff

    uh i couldnt really like yk update this since i was in class all day and now im home!

    so yeah ima go finish eating my dinner than you all for level 30, 5k views on voria legacy, and 1k downloads on it like y'all got 5k yesterday and were almost at 5.1k y'all are crazy! not in a bad way though anyways

    ill work on it soon you got my word

  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    May 14, 2024, 5:26 pm to Public
    (Edited as of 5/22/24 6:34pm)


    So ive made the decision to go back on my word.



    Under 1 condition.

    y'all get Voria legacy to 5k views and 1k downloads and y'all get me to level 30 come on guys WERE ALMOST THERE! WE'RE SO CLOSE TO LEVEL 30 GUYS COME ON WE GOT THIS

    And Voria Legacy is close to 1k downloads so y'all close to that and level 30 is like 53% away! (as of typing this)

    Now. i will be editing this but for now here is the goals

    Voria Legacy to 5k Views (Completed)

    Voria legacy to 1k Downloads (Completed)

    Level 30 (Completed)

    Now. once we reach one of those milestones! it will be corrected to "Done"

    Oh and not to mention. Original Voria could get a update if y'all get those milestones after i work on a new area for Voria legacy

    So TLDR basically get voria legacy to 5k views and downloads and get me to lvl 30 and ill work on a big update for it.



    (Also im not fucking using y'all for this ive just wanted to get these goals done and if you do it ill get to work okay! i promise.)

    Anyways i hope this gets well Recieved im not clout chasing or whatever i just want to get these goals ive had for a hot minute done

    Anways ill see y'all later

    Bye bye!


    (oh and ill finally update the beta world.)
  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 8:05 pm to Public
    News flash! its my Birthday today!

    Today i planned on releasing some big projects but ive gotten even more busy lately so dont expect some new stuff until the summer

    i might do Voria update 6.0? i mean it may or may not be in the works 😉

    Ive also been grinding call of duty HARD lately and i got MW2 yesterday cause ive heard MW2 (The remastered one) is better than the remastered MW3 which i have the original MW2 and MW3 and i got warzone along with it but that aside ive been takin a break from minecraft i passed my exams Thank god so i dont have to have another math class next year.

    (by exams i mean like state tests which are basically exams ngl so im just calling them exams)

    Ive also found some of my old lego star wars mini figures and sets that i would play with about a year or 2 ago that my mom put away which it also includes my lego millenium falcon no not the UCS one thats like a thousand dollars no its the rise of skywalker one thats like 160 bucks on amazon

    i am so slow with picking what i want for my bday so i went to gamestop with a 125 dollar budget and got some call of duty games gta 4 on 360 which ive been just dying to get for over a year now and mario wonder and a massive and i mean MASSIVE charmander plushie that was like 45 dollars that ive been eyeing down for about a year.

    also back in march january? i dont rememeber when they were being sold but my dad bought me the matpat yootooz that matpat was selling i think about a week before he retired which led to a whole month long hunt to get a fredbear plushie which i eventually got

    and yes im still kind of addicted to minecraft beta ive made so much progress like i transformed the left side of it and i made the overall base in the mountain just better in my opinion and i use beta craft so i can have that natural beta 1.7.3 sounds, my java skin which i cant have when i use the launcher along with the beta sounds so i gotta use like beta craft or some other sort of thing and theres some old bugs that i guess are cool apparently so ive basically just switched the beta world to beta craft since like at most before i started work on the mountain which i guess could be like 3 weeks ago?

    Anyways im getting off topic here i hate how i always ramble on and on in these posts sometimes and it just looks like im explaining my life story. 💀

    But anways ima go grind some call of duty and play some mc beta and potentially work on Voria 6.0 😉

    Anways ill see you all later

  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    May 3, 2024, 6:13 pm to Public
  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    May 1, 2024, 10:17 pm to Public
    o yeah btw i always have my status on invisible but im online most the time so just in case if u guys ask why im always offline
  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    April 28, 2024, 12:55 pm to Public
    I Can now offically say.

    As of 12:51pm On April 28th 2024

    Voria Legacy is now my #1 Map

    So Basically Voria Legacy has passed the Original Voria map with all the extra stuff in it which it passed it by 6 views and like 155 downloads or whatever

    BUT I DID NOT EXPECT VORIA LEGACY TO PASS IT LIKE it passed it in downloads a week or 2 ago Honestly im just surprised you all like it more than the original voria map which i do like Voria Legacy more because its basically what i wanted Voria to be exept there isnt a sewer which i had planned for it which ehhh i might add it later on idk though

    Ive started work on that "Big Project" thats suppost to come out on may 11th but i started it like 2 days ago and i had tests coming up im playing Beta 1.7.3 more. so bascially i think its gonna come out this summer around mid june hopefully but for now im gonna go dormant again

    ill see you all later

  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    April 7, 2024, 8:31 pm to Public
    Sorry for being radio silent for the past few days with my only connection being the busy status on my profile.

    just have had lots of stuff to do and focus on lately.

    Not much to be honest going on ive just been really tired.

    And also the fact me reconnecting with old online friends from a long time ago is making my inactivity on here worse.

    For me i always get addicted to minecraft one way or another. If i had to be honest. whenever i start on a mc server and i actually have fun on there. i dont really take breaks from it for a long time. thats whats been happening for the past 2 months ive been hooked on this one server. i probably wont stop playing until it eventually shuts down one day.

    Anyways just telling you all about whats kind of going on.

    Anwyays ill see you guys soon i hope.

  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    April 1, 2024, 6:53 am to Public
    I need help with smthn rq guys.

    So when i try to post the easter update log for voria it doesnt work like at all and it still just says it was updated 3 weeks ago on update 5.0

    wat i do?
    Zitzabis replied to TailsSquidMan's comment below 2024-04-01 08:15:45
    Zitzabis's Avatar
    Try it again and if it still doesn't work, open a ticket.
    TailsSquidMan replied to Zitzabis's comment below 2024-04-01 08:13:41
    TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    Alright thanks for telling me
    Zitzabis replied to TailsSquidMan's comment below 2024-04-01 08:08:15
    Zitzabis's Avatar
    From what I can tell, everything looks accurate. It just seems the update log wasn't saved properly.
    When viewing it from your gallery, the last updated time is accurate to the logs. Last updated 3 weeks ago. I don't really see any indicator that the update log did save.
    TailsSquidMan replied to Zitzabis's comment below 2024-04-01 07:37:26
    TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    Zitzabis replied to TailsSquidMan's comment below 2024-04-01 07:25:01
    Zitzabis's Avatar
    Can you send a link to the submission?
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  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    March 31, 2024, 9:24 am to Public
    Voria Easter update is out! i spent like a couple days on it hope you like it tbh Voria legacy update 2 will be out when this wall post comes out so hope you enjoy that!
  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    March 30, 2024, 9:15 pm to Public
    God Damn.

    You guys really love Voria legacy.

    i am updating it since i realized the lake was cut off since i built it on the original 1.0 map which had the lake cut off which ill post an updated verison tommorow along with the Voria easter update

    Anyways. thank you guys for the support on Voria Legacy.

  • TailsSquidMan's Avatar
    March 29, 2024, 2:16 pm to Public

    Voria Legacy (My probably last Voria based map) IS FINALLY FINISHED!

    took me 2 hours.

    Thank you all for the support on this profile and such it means alot to me. Honestly.

    Soon when you download The Voria map you will get all of the Voria maps even if its a holiday themed one.

    Still thank you all so much and now.

    I will do what i must. and rest.

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