sniffercraft34's Avatar
Sniff Sniff
Level 33 Artisan Cookie


Hi, my name is sniffercraft34. My MC username is also sniffercraft34 because why not make your username your other username? My skin is on this page somewhere, which I made myself, and at the time of writing this it has 6 downloads! (Yay!(Just kidding, that's actually kinda sad😢)) Also at the time of writing this, I have 54 subscribers, so if you would like to support me, please feel free to do subscribe yourself. As you probably can tell, my favourite mob is the bat!
Actually it's the sniffer, the Minecraft bats are useless. When I reach 50 subscribers I will do a Q and A! My favourite video game is Minecraft, because it is good. Why? It just is. And everybody knows about the Pancakes vs Waffles, and I am #teamwafffles. Pancakes are nice, though. I have a youtube channel (That doesn't have any videos, I don't really do that you can find it here so if you would like to help subscribe. Anything you want to say, comment in the guest book. I can't think of anything else to say, so BYE!

Oh, wait, if you subscribe to me I will return the favour to you, because it will mean a lot.
So, subscribe.

BYE!(For real this time)

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Dec 11, 2023Joined PMC
sniffercraft34Minecraft Name

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