Procrafter's Avatar
Jesus. Family. Fellowship.
Level 36 Artisan Dragon


Hi there, my name is Given and I'm passionate about many things in life. My hobbies include playing the ever-popular game of Minecraft, eating great food, teaching Bible studies, drawing, and writing stories.

When it comes to Minecraft, I am an avid player who has been playing the game for years. I love exploring the vast world of Minecraft, learning about the game's mechanics, and building amazing structures. For me, Minecraft is a great way to stimulate my imagination, creativity, and problem solving skills.

I have a never-ending love for food. Whether I'm cooking with my family, trying out a new restaurant, or just grabbing a bite to eat with friends, I am always looking forward to the next meal. Eating good food helps me stay energized and excited for all the things I have going on in my life.

Teaching Bible studies is another passion of mine. I love sharing my knowledge of the scriptures with others and learning from the discussions that ensue. It's been an eye-opening experience that has strengthened my faith and helped me grow as an individual.

Drawing and writing stories are some of the activities I enjoy the most. Through art I'm able to express ideas that may not come to me verbally, and writing is a great way to put my thoughts down on paper. Both activities, when combined, really help bring a story to life.

All of these activities have helped me stay creative and motivated in life. I encourage anyone who is interested to try out any of the hobbies I mentioned. You never know where it may take you.

Thanks for reading!


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