Luigra's Avatar
Level 23
Expert Skinner Artist

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  • Luigra's Avatar
    June 4, 2024, 2:13 am to Public
    Hey there! :'D Wanted to do a little update on the Skinsider project!

    Unfortunately as you can probably tell it has been put on hold lol... It was a large scale idea that was a little too ambitious for me&, and not really feasible to organize or contribute to while I& had university and two zines going on. And now I& have one more project added to the pile, so it'll definitely have to wait.

    I& think we all know this feeling of having a super cool idea that you were not actually able to execute, so I& hope y'all understand me& :'D

    HOWEVER! That does not mean that it's never going to happen! It has been on my& mind the whole time, so quite a few ideas for articles and page layouts have brewed up. I& don't know when I& won't be so busy anymore, and by then all the skins I& asked for permissions to show off are probably going to be ages old (which is fine! Old skins deserve some love too). It might take quite a few months!

    If any of you thought the idea of a skin fashion magazine was cool, but you don't want to wait ages for it to become reality, then you are fully welcome to take the idea for yourself and put together your own zine! :D In fact, I& would love to give some small help to anyone that wants to do so! Just not something I& can fully commit to myself& in the moment.

    Hopefully this wasn't too disappointing... It was just a fun hobby side project idea after all...
  • Luigra's Avatar
    February 25, 2024, 8:24 pm to Public
    Guys I& don't know if anyone has done this before but I& had an idea for a skin fashion magazine!!! :0 It could be called Skinsider (like Insider but Skin get it) or maybe something else, leave your suggestions!!

    It would be like showcasing really cool skins in a professional photography style and maybe even have little articles on like what's trending or advice on how to design and make your skins!! I&'d contact various skinners and such and ask if they'd want their works showcased and if they have some articles they want to write :3

    Here's a mockup of what the cover would look like!

    retrospective said 2024-02-27 14:01:03
    retrospective's Avatar
    fancy looking ;D
    JustaFlqmingo replied to Luigra's comment below 2024-02-26 17:12:27
    JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
    all of them /j

    I personally think that making it a blog under it's own group would be the best option :)
    AutumnAura49797 said 2024-02-26 12:40:16
    AutumnAura49797's Avatar
    LogMaiden said 2024-02-26 08:24:55
    LogMaiden's Avatar
    Sounds like an awesome idea for creators to discover each other! :)
    autumn said 2024-02-26 05:10:27
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  • Luigra's Avatar
    February 23, 2024, 5:38 am to Public
    Need to move away from Tumblr for my& own sake and make some friends here! Not yet sure how though... didn't think that far through ( •̩̩̩̩_•̩̩̩̩) Well, if anyone wants to chat or give advice, I&'m up for it! :D

    Also my& previous post ended up being a lie so far because I& still haven't even posted any non-commission works yet, but! I& still have the plans to to experiment with HD skins and reshade contests! I& want to build up a portfolio with HD skins :3
  • Luigra's Avatar
    January 27, 2024, 11:53 am to Public
    Also, I& REALLY need to start participating in contests and community and stuff U_U Kind of boring when every single skin I& make and post here is some paid work, I& need to channel my& inner creativity! I& still have a Cogsmeade!Joe Hills design sketched out (attached below) that I& want to turn into a skin bc it actually looks cool, but after that! Lots of things to try out!
    Angelonasher said 2024-02-26 00:47:16
    Angelonasher's Avatar
    :000 love this drawing and the colours are just so nice!!
    ajthepeach replied to Luigra's comment below 2024-01-27 12:47:14
    ajthepeach's Avatar
    tytytyty very appreciated
    Luigra replied to ajthepeach's comment below 2024-01-27 12:38:22
    Luigra's Avatar
    Colour theory is one of my& FAVOURITE TOPICS EVER it's so deeply interesting I& could ramble about it forever!!! You just gotta research it and try things out in practice!! Generally as a rule of thumb I& keep my& colour count as low as possible so I&'m forced to reuse colours in places where I&'d be tempted to add new ones (such as using the shirt's shadow as the pants highlight) and you gotta get weird with it! Weird colours look cool and are fun to work with! I& have a lot of more specific advice and tips but that's maybe not for a comment reply lol
    ajthepeach said 2024-01-27 12:18:11
    ajthepeach's Avatar
    mcrjellyfish said 2024-01-27 11:59:26
    mcrjellyfish's Avatar
    omg i love this design!!! the colors you used are reminiscent of copper it’s awesome
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  • Luigra's Avatar
    January 27, 2024, 11:47 am to Public
    A bit of a diary-esque rambleeee

    I& think literally half the promotion and advertisement I& get on my& skin commissions is people who have already commissioned me& telling their friends about me& lol. People! If you're a talented skin artist people WILL commission you more! Never give up :D And on the other end, if you liked how something you ordered came out, sharing it with your friends goes a long way!
  • Luigra's Avatar
    June 29, 2023, 9:16 pm to Public
    One of these days I gotta start uploading all my fanskins and commissioned skins -_- clearly I do not make enough OC skins to make only publishing OCs sustainable
    Luigra said 2023-06-30 11:03:09
    Luigra's Avatar
    doing exactly that now :3
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