Geforce's Avatar
Site Moderator
Level 63 High Grandmaster Modder


Hello there, stranger! Welcome to my PMC profile page.

I've known about Minecraft since 2010 and have been playing it since Beta 1.1_02. Oh, how I loved the un-smooth-lit graphics and cave generation back then. <3

I have been a moderator of the Minecraft Forum since December of 2013. I am also the creator of SecurityCraft, a mod which adds security-related gadgets into Minecraft. Don't want any of those pesky creepers getting into your home, do you?

Don't worry, I play games other than Minecraft as well (I know, preposterous, right?). Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Rocket League are some of my favorite multiplayer games, but when I get tired of dealing with toxic teammates, I break out some classics like Company of Heroes or FTL. Those are always enjoyable.

In non-gaming-related news, I am currently studying Communication Technology at university and working as a student assistant in the writing center there. "Writing center," you say, "Why are you working there?" I originally signed up for that job just to do something with my free time, but the staff members there are incredible, so I keep going back.

I am also a bit too much of a hardcore Swiftie for being a guy (for example, this is my laptop wallpaper), but there's no shame here. Want to hear me (poorly) sing some songs? Here is a link to many of my covers.

Well, that's about it. Don't want to make this too long, or else people won't see all of the hard work that I put into this! If you want to talk to me, feel free to add me on any of the platforms below.

- Discord:
- Twitter: I_Mod_Minecraft
- Website:

Thanks for reading!

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Mar 5, 2014Joined PMC
GeforceMinecraft Name

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