enuoia's Avatar
Level 32 Artisan Narwhal

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  • enuoia's Avatar
    February 27, 2019, 12:13 pm to Public
    honestly, why do teachers go on rants about how students don't turn in work... all my work is turned in, teACH THE CLASS ALREADY :eyes:
    etqtay said 2020-05-23 17:05:02
    etqtay's Avatar
    eee, I miss seeing your art and posts, hope you're doing okay <3
    thatscool said 2019-04-28 05:23:36
    thatscool's Avatar
    y did u die
  • enuoia's Avatar
    February 21, 2019, 10:45 am to Public
    honestly my last two brain cells are desperately trying to do schoolwork or work on requests, but the only thing that's going on in my head is "EAT FOOD- WATCH YOUTUBE"
    Whiteout- said 2020-04-11 16:03:07
    Whiteout-'s Avatar
    thats my life right there
  • enuoia's Avatar
    enuoia shared Marma's post
    February 14, 2019, 12:40 pm with Public
    Original post was deleted by the original poster. Post ID (116223)
  • enuoia's Avatar
    February 11, 2019, 9:22 am to Public
    procrastination in class=fanart of an artsy lady

    enuoia replied to thatscool's comment below 2019-02-27 08:02:20
    enuoia's Avatar
    thank you T - T
    thatscool said 2019-02-27 07:59:12
    thatscool's Avatar
    pro art
  • enuoia's Avatar
    enuoia shared Artsy_Lady's post
    February 11, 2019, 8:56 am with Public
    i think they look fine, but honestly I agree with everything else said smh
    Artsy_Lady's Avatar
    February 9, 2019, 9:27 pm to Public
    I'm starting a petition to burn low rise jeans. If you share this post, your helping the cause.

    For all the people that like low rise jeans, let me convince you other wise.

    1. Low rise jeans can easily show your butt crack accidentally, and makes everyone uncomfortable

    2. It can easily show your underwear, accidentally.

    3. They are uncomfortable to wear, and you can never find some that fit right.

    4. They don't look good. Fight me.

    Join the movement in burning low rise jeans.
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    enuoia replied to Dragan's comment below 2019-02-12 21:36:21
    enuoia's Avatar
    there would be a lot more duels and I enjoy that
    Dragan said 2019-02-12 18:25:08
    Dragan's Avatar
    Imagine if we lived in a world where clothing did not exist and people only wore stuff as armor for fighting.

    That would be pretty wierd.
  • enuoia's Avatar
    February 10, 2019, 4:31 pm to Public
    I went and saw hamilton live yesterday and omg it's fantastic

    their use of lighting, all the people performing, it was all great (obviously not the OG cast, but still 10/10!)

    one of the dancers messed up their moves and tried to be slick and correct themselves but it was really obvious and that was my favorite part.
    enuoia replied to HelloCello191's comment below 2019-02-10 17:44:59
    enuoia's Avatar
    when she sung that part everyone laughed aha
    HelloCello191 said 2019-02-10 16:52:36
    HelloCello191's Avatar
    and peggy~
  • enuoia's Avatar
    enuoia shared thatscool's post
    February 9, 2019, 7:24 am with Public
    I'm a judge, come join :)
    thatscool's Avatar
    February 8, 2019, 7:14 pm to Public
    Heelllooo!!! I'm currenlty hosting a Weather Skin Contest For anyone who's willing to join!
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    thatscool said 2019-02-09 18:00:30
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  • enuoia's Avatar
    February 5, 2019, 9:34 am to Public
    dude.... I was actually hella worried about school bc it said I had a lot of notifications so I was workin a lot... then I realized I didn't... they were all "missing" assignments my math teacher pre-uploaded
  • enuoia's Avatar
    February 5, 2019, 3:02 am to Public
    man, bo burnham's show "what" is so good
    but,,, kiddos, it is NOT APPROPRIATE FOR U LIKE DON'T WATCH IT INFRONT OF ur parents unless they're chill

    it's HD on youtube, but like I said don't watch it infront of ur parents or if you don't like... inappropriate jokes

    i won't put a clip bc this site is kid friendly and I'm a good role model smh.
    enuoia replied to fluffybootz's comment below 2019-02-06 09:50:08
    enuoia's Avatar
    they can do whatever they want. it's the internet. I told them what I recommend, if they don't listen it's their own fault.
    fluffybootz replied to enuoia's comment below 2019-02-05 22:38:48
    fluffybootz's Avatar
    yeah but thats not good
    enuoia replied to fluffybootz's comment below 2019-02-05 08:37:37
    enuoia's Avatar
    well, they can look it up if they really want to, idc man
    fluffybootz said 2019-02-05 05:24:55
    fluffybootz's Avatar
    well since you mentioned it now all the small kiddos are gonna go looking it up so
  • enuoia's Avatar
    February 4, 2019, 9:52 pm to Public
    did I win

    cryystaline replied to enuoia's comment below 2019-02-04 22:11:18
    cryystaline's Avatar
    thats how you truly play uno
    enuoia replied to cryystaline's comment below 2019-02-04 21:56:52
    enuoia's Avatar
    also, we broke the game bc I got all the cards from the deck and they were on two cards so they couldn't draw any
    cryystaline said 2019-02-04 21:53:46
    cryystaline's Avatar
    o h w o w
  • enuoia's Avatar
    February 4, 2019, 9:48 pm to Public
    oh man what is this tag thing is, I didn't get on for like one day smh
    I was tagged and I was like "???? dude this is wild" so thank you inactiveaccount444
    I'll go on ahead and tag etqtay and Fawne!
    Your names / IGN: I just go by enuoia/enu/eggy(?) and my minecraft ign is enuoia
    Gender / age: I am a girl, and I probably won't share my age aha
    Place on Earth: The united states, specifically the east coast!
    Hair / skin / eye color: My hair colour is blonde(hair down to my waist smh), my skin is ridiculously pale, and my eye colour is veryy saturated blue (not like a ridiculous amount, but they're not very gray like a lot blue eyed people, they're more blue)
    Favorite outfit: I just wear big sweaters and jeans, I don't really have a favorite aha
    Your character(s) / OC(s): I have a ton of OCs I don't make skins of, some of which you can see in my art blog (check it out b, u know you want to c; )
    Your personal skin(s): my namemc
    Favorite color(s): blue (ik, how creative)
    Music: falling in reverse!!!! I like a lot of rock, but not really the screamo... not too into that man
    Books: I actually don't read that much,,, but if you have any suggestions I'll check them out man
    TV Series: (I'll consider this anime, bc I don't watch much anime or tv.. but I watch more anime) one punch man, bnha, elfen lied, ect.
    Favorite art style: a mix of cartoony and anime ;'O
    Favorite food/drink: i LOVE MILK and I also like ice cream mochi!!!! please try it, it's so good i promiose u
    Hobbies: making 100k OCs and loving them all too much, skinning, drawing, honestly drawing requests too bc of how many I just got so nOW IT'S BASICALLY A HOBBY
    Other things you love: MY DOGS AND FAMILY!! and I guess ambro, flor, logan, hoop, and honestly just anyone who likes me and my art lmao

    thanks for tagging me!
    fluffybootz replied to enuoia's comment below 2019-02-05 22:38:36
    fluffybootz's Avatar
    never seen it
    enuoia replied to fluffybootz's comment below 2019-02-05 08:36:44
    enuoia's Avatar
    role??? no.... it's a tagging thing that dinowcookie made
    fluffybootz said 2019-02-05 05:27:08
    fluffybootz's Avatar
    is this like some role thing or
    etqtay said 2019-02-04 21:58:58
    etqtay's Avatar
    welp, I guess I will do it XD

    Ty for tagging me <3

    enuoia said 2019-02-04 21:51:07
    enuoia's Avatar
    i forgot to put this in the things I dislike tab; public school.
  • enuoia's Avatar
    February 3, 2019, 3:45 pm to Public
    gluten free pizza is actually *so* bad im so sad smh :pensive: :punch:
    enuoia replied to ebbony's comment below 2019-02-04 09:08:45
    enuoia's Avatar
    yeah, i'm glad it's not that bad for you, I don't think I would get very long without milk aha
    etqtay replied to enuoia's comment below 2019-02-03 20:36:20
    etqtay's Avatar
    ebbony replied to enuoia's comment below 2019-02-03 19:41:57
    ebbony's Avatar
    I’m allergic to grains, dairy, eggs, peanuts, and maybe a few other things, idk. It’s not as bad as you might think :)
    enuoia replied to Manticoren's comment below 2019-02-03 19:36:41
    enuoia's Avatar
    oh man, i think i've tried to cauliflower crust before, but I'll maybe have to try that again ;'o
    enuoia replied to ebbony's comment below 2019-02-03 19:35:57
    enuoia's Avatar
    oh no, are you lactose intolerant ;'0

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  • enuoia's Avatar
    February 2, 2019, 10:38 pm to Public
    hello!!!!!! I'm on hypixel with kactous and we want friends pls join

    limited time offer!!! the offer of a lifetime!!! 10% off!!!!!!
    fluffybootz said 2019-02-02 22:46:01
    fluffybootz's Avatar
    im not able to get on rn sadly

    i might be able to in an hour or so idk
    etqtay said 2019-02-02 22:41:56
    etqtay's Avatar
    Sure!!! :D

    My user is CreeperTNTKing, cuz It's mah brother's XD
  • enuoia's Avatar
    February 2, 2019, 1:17 am to Public
    that downtime scared me smh
  • enuoia's Avatar
    February 1, 2019, 6:12 am to Public
    praise the lord-

  • enuoia's Avatar
    enuoia shared LosingMyMarbles's post
    February 1, 2019, 4:57 am with Public
    LosingMyMarbles's Avatar
    February 1, 2019, 3:14 am to Public
    fresh socks, life rocks
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  • enuoia's Avatar
    January 31, 2019, 12:14 pm to Public
    *me doing a math problem on the board


    my math teacher is so extra???
  • enuoia's Avatar
    January 31, 2019, 10:45 am to Public
    it's cookie dough
    enuoia replied to DinowCookie's comment below 2019-01-31 12:03:17
    enuoia's Avatar
    no, it was cookie dough so it wasn't you, it was---

    actually, I'm not going to finish that sentence...
    ziggy like stardust replied to DinowCookie's comment below 2019-01-31 11:11:12
    ziggy like stardust's Avatar
    you are :o
    DinowCookie said 2019-01-31 10:54:55
    DinowCookie's Avatar
    I'm a cookie though ;-;
  • enuoia's Avatar
    January 31, 2019, 10:44 am to Public
    hm, is this cookie dough or some kind of other food that looks like it?

    I will make an informed decision and decide to try some.
  • enuoia's Avatar
    January 30, 2019, 7:47 pm to Public

    i swear too much to be on this family friendly website, i don't think I've said a single no-no word on here... this is actually wild

    ieryana said 2019-01-31 09:11:53
    ieryana's Avatar
    Why is this me?
    Miickster said 2019-01-30 23:42:26
    Miickster's Avatar
    haha i feel the same
    im just glad that they didnt ban me for swearing yet XD
    enuoia said 2019-01-30 19:49:08
    enuoia's Avatar
    honestly if I get like banned or something for this wall post i would laugh way too hard
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