Dronko fire blaster's Avatar
ᗪ尺卂Ꮆㄖ几丂 卂尺乇 乃乇丂ㄒ!
Level 45 Master Dragonborn

════卂乃ㄖㄩㄒ 爪乇═════

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about me
I am a long time player of minecraft 8 to 9 years 9000+ hours of play time, so I have a lot of experience with the game
dragons are the best

I have a lot of hobbies like
minecraft of course
legos (have some big projects)
spinning (its makeing yearn)
and more

art and maps
I'd be happy to do art requests
and for maps I can take requests to if I like the idea


about dronko
dronko is a gragon aka dragon, hes fron the planet zackrouse were they are from.
hes very stong and will send you in to orbit if you some how get on his bad side.
very mischievous but trys not to get in trouble.
generly nice and happy to help.
meny govermants have him at the top of there wanted list.
can fly, swim and run very well

Planet Minecraft


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