The ForgeG1's Avatar
We may not be as active as before, but our fire keeps burning.
Master Clan
Level 43
Welcome, Masters and Aprentices, to The Forge, the place for true brotherhood and fellowship.


What is The Forge?
If the About Page wasn't clear for you, we are a group focused on a Medieval/Blacksmithing/High Adventure themed content as well as a simple community for fans of such ideas to commune.
How do I join?
1. Read through FAQ, About, and the four classes at the bottom of the page

2. Decide a class (BlackSmith, WhiteSmith, RedSmith, YellowSmith)

3. Comment in the guest book that you would like to join and what class you want to be

4. Wait to be accepted/Invited! (If you are not invited within 48 hours then you may ask again, but otherwise please be patient.)
Who can join?
Anyone can!

Even if you aren't very involved in this group, you are still welcome to claim your title as a member of The Forge!
What are ranks?
Ranks are how you 'level up' as an individual member of The Forge.

Based on different metals and materials, there are many special ranks that you can become!

You can become a higher rank mostly through involvement, although there are specific tasks that can be completed to help boost your potential further!
What am I allowed to do on here?
Unfortunately, this is still a new group and thus we are still trying to focus what The Forge is meant to create-

For now, just follow the PMC rules and only post things that fit the theme of our beautiful Forge!
What am I NOT allowed to do on here?
Well as said earlier you must follow the PMC rules at all times-

I also don't want anything political, religious, or anything that could easily stir up an argument (This includes promoting of religions, LGBT, or political standpoints. I respect anyone's opinions on these matters, but we are meant for another purpose, and there are other places to post such things. Although if something that you post is within parameters and subtly includes content that relates to those topics, then it should be fine!)

We do want a bunch of involvement on here, but that doesn't mean you should spam! Please try and keep your posts nicely spaced out so that we can let anyone have a good chance of being seen!

But there is one rule of UTMOST importance, one that you must ALWAYS do no matter what-

Have fun!

Why do people keep commenting registered under wall posts and content?
It's a note to other councilmen that prestige has been given to the poster(s) for this content, that way people don't get more prestige than they should.

(Also, if you can't read the question on the group page, view the full FAQ.)
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