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Welcome all!! :)) “We chose to do things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard!” -JFK
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Go past low expectations and become who you were made to be.

Wall Post by PMC Rebelution

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  • PMC Rebelution's Avatar
    PMC Rebelution post by TheMountaineer's Avatar TheMountaineer
    May 6, 2024, 5:42 pm to Public
    ☔Monthly inspiration!🌼

    I haven't done on of these in ummmm who knows when :/

    Too long of time gap x,D

    I know I was planning on having the monthly inspiration be stories based off people's lives who have done hard things, (I still plan to do those... maybe just not every month) I'm planning on just posting inspo, and things to help you get along with doing 'hard things'

    So without further a do.. Lets do this. :D

    Have you ever thought about dreams of things you wish to do. Picture this, your sitting in front of your computer, scamming through lists of goals that you haven't ever gotten started with doing yet. Your thinking of all of the things you wish you could do, but here's the thing, you don't think you could EVER possibly do them. Its just to impossible right? Maybe its trying to grow in a certain area in your life, for example laziness, or maybe its someone you've wanted to talk to for quite some time but can't get the nerve to do so, or maybe you've been wanting to accomplish something like running a marathon. Whether I listed it or not, I think we all have something we really want to do.. but for some reason can't get ourselves to do it. (I know I've been there done that)

    But.. what if I told you that I may have a solution?

    Right now, wherever you are reading this I want you to grab something and write this down. Have something to write on? At the top head it 'What would I do if there was nothing to stop me'

    Than under that I want you to put down everything you wish you could do if nothing could stop you, and do it! (Now, Reminder: Somethings are impossible for you to do, don't put anything life threatening down pleasee x,D)

    I hope this helps!
    TheMountaineer said 2024-05-06 17:44:28
    TheMountaineer's Avatar
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