Party Time! (Non-School Story 10-22-2023)

IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM10/22/23 11:29 pm history
6 emeralds 173
12/1/2023 4:48 am
RobertElliott's Avatar RobertElliott
So, last night, I went to a party hosted by one of my classmates at school. (It was from 7:30 to 11.)

The First Hour (and 30 Minutes): Upon my arrival, I immediately tried to find my friends. I recognized Kaylah’s hair over by the basketball shooting game and went over, and sure enough, there was her, Leela, Alex R., Solzy, ZJ, and Tamir! I tapped ZJ on the back and he was surprised at my new haircut. He told everyone to look at they all asked if I went to a Black barber for once. (I normally get my hair cut with my dad at a barber school where they’re normally Latino or white.) We hung out for a bit, and Leela soon asked in a joking way if I wanted to put my coat away. I asked where the coat check was, and she didn’t know where, so I looked for one of the staff members, who directed me towards it. On the way there, I ran into Duncan, who went with me while I checked my coat. We then went into the back room, which was quiet and peaceful, and Duncan and I took a selfie, which he sent to his dad with the message “#foundthequietplace.” The two of us left a few moments later and headed over to the eating area, where the rest of the group (Jai, Aydan, Eamon, Grayson, Henry, Karl, Asher, and Max) were sitting around a table having some slushies. We chatted for a while, and me and Jai helped Henry and Eamon hold back Grayson from eating the chicken nuggets before the food was ready (and he was allowed to eat them). There was one part where we started taking contact photos of each other, but when I did it to Jai, he chased me. I sent the two pics to Duncan and then deleted them, and the chase ended… until Duncan showed him the pics in his texts from me. The chase resumed, and I had by now saved the pictures back to my camera roll from the texts. Jai asked me to delete them and then show him my Recently Deleted, which I did after a few minutes. However, what Jai still doesn’t know is that I recovered them and then hid them. MUAHAHAHAHA!

The Second Hour: I spent the majority of the party hanging out with Duncan and co, but mostly Duncan himself, and he was texting back and forth with his parents to set up his Pokémon GO account. He eventually got it set up and played with Eamon. Things got a bit weird 20 minutes into it, when he discovered the camera feature and took a picture of me with a Squirtle on my head, and then showed it to the others and asked why I was doing dirty things with a Pokémon (I can’t say the exact words because the mods would probably take this thread down). He did this to the others, and when he did it to Jai, he was chased down the same way I was, and it ended in front of the men’s bathroom when Duncan deleted the photos because Jai genuinely didn’t want those pictures to exist, no matter how funny they were. Then Duncan took a picture with a Zubat on Eamon’s crotch… The food came out shortly after, and people swarmed to get chicken tenders, cheeseburgers, and fries. Karl made “alone nugget” jokes with a chicken tender, and I just followed my friends. Admittedly, I was hoping that one of my crush’s friends would ask me if I liked her (see this post for context), but no, instead I was left to simply admire how cute she looked that night from afar. I either did that (not much), talked to my friends, or worked on memorizing the lyrics for Avantasia’s “The Raven Child.” There was one moment where I got worried, because we had sat down and had some chocolate cookie things that a waiter was handing out. Duncan (who has a nut allergy) asked if they had nuts in them, but I didn’t hear the response. I’m allergic to cashews, hence why I was listening, but I guessed he said no and ate my cookie thing in four bites. Immediately afterwards, I started to feel that same sick, nauseous feeling I feel whenever I have something with cashews or carrots in it (carrots are my other allergy), and I asked Duncan if he heard the waiter’s response. Duncan said he wasn’t sure if there were nuts or not, and then asked if something was wrong. I said I was fine and powered through it, and I felt better after around 5 minutes. ai still felt nauseous for the rest of the night, though, which normally happens when I have an allergic reaction like that.

The Third and Final Hour (and 30 minutes): Around this time, Duncan, Eamon, Karl, Asher, and Max left, so me and Jai rotated between hanging out with Aydan and Grayson (which we rarely did) and hanging out with the Slightly Sus Friend Group (Kaylah, Leela, ZJ, and co.). Kaylah kept trying to put a pair of sunglasses on me, but I dodged her attempts. This was the time that the party started to die down as people left. The dance floor was significantly less crowded, and me and the SSFG spent most of the last hour with Nicky, Alex F., and Henry playing keep away with the three Nerf balls Elijah had won. At 11:45, the SSFG left, and by then, Jai, Aydan, and Grayson were also all gone. In other words, I was alone, but luckily, my mom arrived a few minutes after the party ended to pick me up!
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Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster

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