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Voyager: Chapter 1

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ThatKidAh's Avatar ThatKidAh
Level 28 : Expert Skinner


Salty. Crisp. Breezy. It was all an 18-year old boy like me could ask for. I sat on a metal roof, my legs dangling over the side. I watched the sea in front of me, seemed quite endless really. The questions of ‘What is out there? Things to be discovered?’ still hadn’t been answered; at least not for me. I stayed here in wait for my 16-year old friend Calypso, who would most likely be arriving shortly. I had been here all night after getting here, to this dock, by off and on travel periods of boat and carriage. My mother sent me to pay my respects to my father, and try to bring advertisements to her business. Now I wasn’t complaining, yet talking to a person who was dead..? Seemed quite silly in my head. My thoughts were then interrupted by a French-accented, high-pitched, scream.

‘’WYVERN!’’ The boy yelled.

‘’ Hey, Calypso. I was wondering when you would get here..’’ I replied.

‘’ You know, travel stuff.. We should probably board now, the ship is going to leave any minute!’’

‘’ Alright then, I will follow you.’’

I followed, just as I said I would, unto a wood and metal ship, loaded with crates, barrels and any other thing of storage imaginable. Calypso was already trying to look into one of these crates, not surprising in my case. Calypso was a character; a French 16-year old whom I had been friends with for years on end, didn’t plan to leave him any time soon either. A unique person, and I can’t say anything more…

We eventually set off around 7 A.M. By the time I knew it, I couldn't see anything but water. Nothing. Abruptly, My thoughts were once more interrupted by someone tapping on my shoulder. I jumped. Who was that? Calypso, of course.

‘’Wyvern..?’’ He asked, seemingly fearful for no apparent reason.

‘’What is the matter?’’ He had now piqued my interest.

‘’On the other deck of the ship behind us, I was looking around and on a couple of barrels and crates.. Um.. there is a boy. Looks about my age and he’s not moving much.’’ Calypso explained.

‘’What-..?’’ I muttered. ‘’Show me.’’

My friend took me behind the ship, and just as explained, there was this boy. Just laying there. It could have been nothing but it came to my mind that something may be wrong. I was petrified to even try to speak to him though.

‘’I would like to speak to him, however I am afraid to.’’ I spoke aloud, turning to Calypso.

‘’I think you’ll be fine! Just go over and ask what’s wrong.’’

I just shook my head ‘no.’

‘’Fine then.. I’ll come with you? If that helps?’’ Calypso offered. I accepted with a vigorous nod.

I wasn’t very talkative, I never knew what to say after all. Why should I talk if I didn’t know what to say? I followed Calypso over to the boy, who happily started the conversation the moment we walked up. I was grateful I didn’t have to speak yet..

‘’Hi there! Are you okay? We saw you sitting here and uh.. Just wanted to check on you I guess?’’ Calypso explained this to the boy as he sat up slowly.

‘’I need some help if you are able to..’’ The mysterious boy said. His voice was Australian.

‘’Sure! What’s wrong?’’ Calypso arched an eyebrow.

‘’You see.. I can’t walk. My ankle and leg is cut up and I have been laying here in the heat.’’ The boy explained. I felt quite bad honestly and decided to cut in before Calypso could reply.

‘’We will help you. Calypso here knows some medical practices as his mother is a doctor. Could you please show which leg it is?

The boy held up his left leg, which had a messy piece of cloth wrapped around it. It seemed like he had tried to wrap it himself but.. It didn’t come out well.

Calypso had now started to clean and wrap his ankle properly with some medical supplies I had gathered around this supply ship. I stood there silently as my mind traveled back into the thought pattern I had before. I simply waited. Wasn’t anything else to do anyways.

“Done!” Calypso exclaimed abruptly, stepping back from the boy.

“Thank you, mate! I appreciate it.” He thanked us. “ Say.. I’m so sorry! Where are my manners, what are your names? Mine is Sorren.” He said pridefully with a grin.

“Wyvern.” I responded dryly.


“Oh wonderful, I like both of your names.” Sorren said.

“You seem hot, I think we should try to get you into the haul of the ship if that is okay with you.” Calypso explained to him.

“Please. That would be wonderful.”

“Alright then. Wyvern, could you help?” I nodded in reply and walked over.

“Can you stand?”

“I can try? You may have to help me walk though.” Sorren said, now forcing himself to sit up.

Both me and Calypso now helped the Australian boy up and slowly guided him towards the haul of this rustic ship. He seemed to barely have any strength based on how much he was relying on me and my friend. It took about 10 minutes, but we got him in the haul and set him down on another pile of crates and barrels.

“Thank you deeply.” Sorren said.

“It’s our pleasure! I am glad we could help you out.” Calypso, as always, responded first.

Sorren now turned to me with a bit of a head tilt. What did he want from me?

“I see you don’t talk much, yeah?” I nodded, not sure what to do otherwise. “Mind telling me a bit about yourself?” He asked.

I was hesitant to do so, not sure of his motives but complied and started to speak.

“My name is Wyvern, I am an 18-year old British male. I grew up in South Britain of the United Kingdom. My father is a veteran who is no longer with me and my mother. My mother is a sewer and clothes maker. For myself, I hope to join the British Navy or Army as my father did to honor his time serving.” I explained. I sounded quite stupid but.. What else was I supposed to do?

Sorren nodded, seemingly enjoying my ‘bio.’ “That’s awesome! And sorry for your loss.”

I shrugged briefly, it had been 9 years. I barely knew him anyways.

It was now around sunset time and the ship was still traveling across the seemingly endless body of water. Calypso was chatting with Sorren and I sat on the side, merely spectating. I had no part in their conversation, but I didn’t want to anyways. Conversations were exhausting.. And I was tired enough. The two chatted on and on but then eventually proclaimed they were both going to bed. I would watch, I figured. They drifted off to sleep as I sat on the planked floor in wait for the morning, or when the ship would reach its destination of Britain. I pondered what my mother was doing at this exact moment. We were very close after all, since all we had was each other. I could be honest with her and she could be honest with me. She was one of my only friends in the town, in the country, nation or even on this earth.

Hope you enjoyed! Now updated with Chapter 2 link!
Chapter 2: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-2/
Chapter 3: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-3/
Chapter 4: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-4/
Chapter 5: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-5/
Chapter 6: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-6/
Chapter 7: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-7/
Chapter 8: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-8/
Chapter 9: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-9/
Chapter 10: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-10/

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12/16/2023 10:22 am
Level 39 : Artisan Loremaster
LightFiendish's Avatar
i read the first bit and all i could think was "mmm potat chip"
12/16/2023 10:24 am
Level 28 : Expert Skinner
ThatKidAh's Avatar
Fr yes Lay's Potato chip is the narrator yum yum
12/14/2023 10:40 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
GracieMockingjay's Avatar

12/14/2023 10:44 pm
Level 28 : Expert Skinner
ThatKidAh's Avatar
Do you have any feedback for me, suggestions or anything else you want to say? : D
12/14/2023 10:51 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
GracieMockingjay's Avatar
The first three things spoken have a space before the first word, but other than that, you're good!
12/14/2023 10:54 pm
Level 28 : Expert Skinner
ThatKidAh's Avatar
Oh thanks for pointing that out! Also, I remember you saying something about a collab? Let me know if I am wrong haha
12/14/2023 10:57 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
GracieMockingjay's Avatar
No problem! Also, yep! I invited you rn
12/14/2023 10:58 pm
Level 28 : Expert Skinner
ThatKidAh's Avatar
Alright thanks! I accpeted, what do you want me to do? :)
12/14/2023 10:43 pm
Level 28 : Expert Skinner
ThatKidAh's Avatar
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