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CaelChan's Avatar CaelChan
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart uwu
For Ohhithere1543's writing comp
Good luck to every contestant!

Woo, I finally finished writing it.

I really wanted to go into more detail and throw other layers of complexity, but sadly was restricted to 5000 words. I did write more but deleted it, because it went way over. WAY over. Maybe I'll add it on once the competition is over. You can probably tell since there are a few details where I meant to hint to later scenes which I never got to

Word count: 4358
Also, dialogue in italics means that it's thought through the mind, just clarifying
And in 1st person POV = Melody's

Check out the companion skins! = Melody / Mathias

Part 1:

Weak, clumsy, and forgetful. I’m a living definition of a disappointment. I could never keep a job, and forget socializing. Talking never came naturally to me, as I would trip on my own words and be cautious of each phrase.

I closed my eyes shutting out the distinct sounds of the cafe bustling around me. The quiet chatter, the clatter of plates, the memories that were shared with each other. I sighed. So many story opportunities.

“Melody! Stop daydreaming and get back to work!” The shrill voice of my boss shook me out of my thoughts, and I snatched the tart labeled for table 4. I picked my way over to my destination, nearly colliding with Collin, a fellow employee.

He steadied me as I stumbled against him, preventing the tart from toppling to the floor, peering down at my tiny form, spiky blonde hair and tanned skin reflecting against the afternoon sun streaming from the windows. “Careful there. Can’t have anyone receive a face full of food now, can we?” He flashed a winning smile and chuckled, nudging me back towards the kitchen. I grumbled quietly, but relented, trudging back behind the counter.

I stood over the sink scrubbing a plate, silently sulking. This was all I was good at, the simple mundane tasks that require no talent. This was my life. School and work. If only mom had never met that man and left my father and I. He could barely stay sober these days, weeping into a drink and staring at old photos. I couldn’t blame him for being so heartsick. In every photo, she was beautiful. Her hair was a brilliant bronze, so different from my drab brown. One of the few traits we shared were our eyes, both a brilliant verdant. She always appeared serene, carefree. So unlike me. For the last eight years, it had been my duty to be the adult, provide for the two of us. Humans were such fickle creatures, never committing, ready to backstab their loved ones. No, I didn’t need anyone to become a weakness.

Yes, but that’s where you’re wrong. People are stronger together. The saucer slipped from my grasp, clattering into the sink with a rattle. The phantom touch of a hand caressed my lower back, and I swore I could feel a breath tickle the nape of my neck. I tensed, waiting for that feeling to disappear. The voice came randomly, several times a day, always accompanied by that feeling of being embraced. It started three months ago, the moment I turned sixteen. Somehow, the husky voice always managed to make me shiver in delight. Was I going crazy?

I highly doubt that. I shot back. The voice chuckled but remained silent. Yup, talking to a voice in my head was a sure sign of madness.

“You’ve been washing that for the last five minutes.” A voice joked beside me, and I jumped, dropping the platter where it shattered against the floor. Collin stood beside me, already dropping to the floor to clean up my mess.

I bent down to assist, knocking over the broom in the process and bonking myself on the head. I toppled over, arms flailing as my rear end smacked against the chilly tiled floor. In my descent, I managed to smack a passing dish, and a sandwich tumbled to the floor. My drab, cocoa brown hair fell over my face tanned face, shielding my embarrassed expression and hiding my petite form. My emerald green eyes widened as my boss, a plump woman who wore enough makeup to drown in, emerged from her office.

“Who’s causing all the racket?” Her shrill voice rang out, and I flinched. Fingers pointed to my fallen form, and her beady eyes narrowed. “Miss Blythe, my office. Now.”

I ascended to my feet, trying not to tremble. What was going to happen to me? Collin winced apologetically, patting my knee.
Standing in the doorway, I took in the tacky items strewn about the room, the random knick-knacks and the simple desk with a waiting chair beside it.

My boss motioned to an open seat, and I tentatively perched on the edge, tense.

“In the last week, you’ve broken four plates, dropped three orders, and caused over six commotions doing something. Is there any specific reason why?” Her double chin quivered and those beady eyes burrowed into me.

‘Sorry miss, I’m just clumsy.” I muttered, holding in the uglier comments.

She sighed, shaking her head. “Sorry doesn’t cut it, Miss Blythe.” Leaning back in her chair, she steepled her hands, emphasizing each word. “You’re fired.”

I shot out my chair, sputtering. “Please reconsider. I can do any task, ones no one will do. Please. I can’t lose this job.”
A check fluttered my way. “That’s your paycheck for this month. Please leave before I call security on behalf of a trespasser in my private quarters.”

My hands shook as I read the amount. At least she wasn’t underpaying me. Slipping off my apron, I flung it against the desk, shuffling out of the office. I held my head high, even as tears started to gather. As I exited the cafe, I could feel the eyes of every individual resting on my form and set my jaw in a stern line. No crying. Not until I was home.

Part 2:

I unlocked the door to our shabby two and a half room apartment, stepping inside. “Dad?” I called into the gloom. I received no reply. He must’ve been out drinking again. This would be the fourth time this week.

The fridge held nothing but an unappetizing stale pizza, my meals for the last two days. I ate robotically, the tough dough tasting like ash against my tongue as I took in the piece of the world I considered home. A minuscule kitchen consisted of a stove, fridge, and microwave with a scratched up table shoved into the corner. In the other room that contained the doorway, stood our second-hand couch, facing a worn bookcase sagging with the countless novels. That was dad’s place, where he kept his pictures and slept.

To my opposite adjacent side stood my room, furnished with a simple cot, dresser, and desk. The only detail I was proud of would be the numerous drawings tacked onto the wall. Four months ago they contained the messy scrawl of my thoughts, whatever came to mind. Lately, though, I could only draw one thing. Him. His playful smirk, the stocky build, shoulder-length crimson hair resembling a roaring flame, wild but intoxicating seafoam green, similar yet so different to mine. He never looked older than twenty, barely even showing stubble. Always, the environment was repleted with a futuristic feel, sleek walls, numerous flashing lights, the simple yet elegance of the future. Whenever I tried to draw anything else, the scratch of my pencil felt wrong, each stroke yearning to become a depiction of him.

I quickly wrapped up, breezing through homework and the lul that had become my routine. By the time I had finished my math, the sun had set, turning into dusk. After a quick clean up, surprising myself by tripping a grand total of zero times, I slipped into a tee and shorts, collapsing onto the bed.

Reality hit me then, solidly like a slap in the face. I had been fired, and our only source of income was gone. Tears tumbled down my face freely, and I made no move to stop them. What was I anyway? Why couldn’t I keep a job? Why couldn’t I do anything? Questions circled my mind, and I fell into a distressed slumber.

Part 3:

Blinking my eyes, I looked around in confusion as I stood, the gloom surrounding me. Where was I? Footsteps rattled against a metal rafter, and I leaped back into the shadows as a being raced past me. It was humanoid, but that’s where the similarity ended. In the moment I managed to view it, I could spot the sheen of metal, and the fluorescent bulbs that served as eyes. A droid? That was some Star Wars level weird.

I took a tentative step backward, only to run into something solid and fleshy. I whirled around only to be smothered into a chest, strong arms encircling my body. Bucking, I attempted to break free from my kidnapper, veins shooting adrenaline through my system.

“Stop squirming. I’m not letting go anytime soon.” A harsh husky voice muttered into my ear. I froze. This wasn’t possible. The voice matched exactly with the one that spoke to my mind. Reluctantly I held still, feeling his chest rise and fall with each passing breath.

After what felt like forever, he released me and I stumbled backward, tripping on my own two legs. I fell with a quiet thump, by hardly felt any discomfort, my eyes widening at the sight of what I beheld before me. I rubbed my eyes, once, twice, attempting to discern if I was hallucinating.

It was the boy in my drawings, an exact replica, down to the tufts of his hair and the smirk on his face. I took in his towering form, the lanky body the way his simple cotton clothing clung to him, the holster that served as a pouch for numerous weapons, many I didn't recognize.

He cocked his head and after a moment of thinking, scooped me up, cradling my form in his arms. I clung to him, terrified of the circumstances, acutely aware of his arms curled around my back, the heat seeping through my thin tee.

Switching on a neon filled stick that reminded me oddly of a glowstick, he took off running faster than humanly possible. With the dim light, I could barely discern the structures that could only be described as pieces of a factory, with towering machines and dusty conveyor belts.

Bursting through the wall of the factory, he leaped off the edge, and I glanced down, stifling a scream. We were clearly ten stories up, with nothing between us and the pavement below. I opened my mouth, ready to curse him, before we landed solidly onto something, floating mid-air. I peered at the device that had just saved my life, bewildered to find a hoverboard.

Upon further inspection, I noticed the environment I was in. Even in the dead of night, it had the uncanny likeness of my drawings. On the ground, vehicles zoomed, clearly too agile to be piloted by humans. Skyscrapers filled the sky, sleek and architecturally impossible. I swore I saw a building with the upper half completely detached, floating like it belonged.

Between my savior, or kidnapper, the scenery, and the voice that matched explicitly with the one in my head, things were too close to be true. Was I hallucinating?

Do I seem like I seem like a hallucination to you?
The voice challenged, and my head snapped up, staring into his grinning face.

Stop doing that. I snapped in my mind. If it’s really you, then speak normally.

Can’t do that luv, soaring at such high speeds, the sound waves would be ripped away before you could hear them.
I remained silent, grudgingly admitting he was right. I can see you’re curious. Ask away. We’ve got thirty minutes before the need to land arises.

What’s your name?
I queried. Also, how do you know what I’m thinking?

Mathias. Don’t ask for the last name, ‘cause I got none. As for why I know what you’re thinking, you should ask Tinket. He’s the brains behind everything. But as a rough explanation, we’re connected. When you have a surge of emotion, I feel them, and if I probe into your mind, I can hear what you’re thinking. Mainly because you’re untrained, so you can’t shield your mind from me. In theory, with some training, you should be able to do the same to me. Not that I’d let that happen. Can’t have you learning all my secrets, luv.
He playfully poked my nose, and I scowled.

Don’t call me luv.

He smirked again and leaned in close. Why not? I know almost everything there is to know about you, Melody Blythe. Even things you are unaware of.

Why don’t you mind your own business, you-.
I began, but my thoughts transformed into a silent scream as Mathias stomped on the hoverboard, spiraling into a dive. Missiles whizzed by, missing us by mere inches. I peeked over his shoulder, terrified to spot two flying droids, resembling high tech airplanes, pursued in our wake.

Hair flying, I twisted my head as we narrowly bypassed a skyscraper, threading through the populated metropolis. I took in the sprawling city, as we zigzagged, Mathias clearly a competent pilot, even with an extra passenger in his arms.

My mind whirled, attempting to formulate an attack plan when it was clear this board had no offensive weapons.There. I pointed to a densely packed avenue. Off the board, blend in. They can’t shoot pedestrians, right?

Mathias shot me a look of uncertainty, but made a sharp right, lowering ourselves until we were behind a sleek looking subway entrance. I hopped out of his arm and he pushed a button on his wrist, the hoverboard collapsing in on itself until it resembled a small cube. He then did the same with his gear, until they were cleverly concealed beneath his attire.

His wrist flashed, and a holographic pop-up screen appeared. A list formed, and to my surprise, was in English.

After some scrolling, he selectedMCC1/2, and a pair of olive green pants appeared, accompanied by a simple collared shirt. An identical set of clothing appeared in my hands. Disguises. This is the normal attire here, at least for men. I ducked into a neighboring alleyway, shooting glaring daggers at Mathias’s direction. He grinned but rotated himself until he was facing the other direction, proceeding to change as well.

To the subway
. I commanded, jogging ahead as I finished my transformation.

He reluctantly followed, obviously not pleased with my improvising. Did he not realize that by going underground, it was impossible for an airplane to tail us?

We melded into the dwindling crowd, a surprising quantity for this time of night. We boarded what appeared to be a cylindrical tube, along with another half a dozen people. I felt a tingling sensation in my stomach, and suddenly the scenery changed before me, instead of towering skyscrapers stood an underground subway, clearly more advanced than home.

The crowd stepped forward, dispersing. Within moments Mathias and I were left alone, as he stood there, thinking.

Don’t take the direct route.
I cautioned. He nodded once, and stepped towards a ticket dispenser, flashing his wrist towards a scanner. “Two for Morrowsview.” He stated, and a pair of tickets dispensed out of the machine. Nearby. We can walk about two blocks to the base. Mathias explained, walking on ahead.

Won’t the system pinpoint our destination? I believe that’s an identification chip.

My clothes from earlier prevented an identity scan.
He rolled his eyes. We aren’t that careless.

We boarded the train, passing the slips to a droid. I tapped on Mathias’s shoulder, signaling to sit near the exits.Just in case.

Stop being smarter.

My brain is the only thing I’m proud of, don’t ruin it for me.
He huffed, but I could spot the smile playing on his lips.

We took the two adjacent seats next to each other, and I didn’t even notice the train until it sped forward, passing the underground walls at breakneck speed.

Don’t ask me.
Mathias grumbled. I wouldn’t know. Magnetics? That’s what Tinket told me.

I sat there, finally allowing the tenseness and exhaustion to catch up with me.

Part 4:

A hand nudged my shoulder, and I blinked, the stars dissipating from my eyes. Mathias motioned for me to follow, exiting the subway onto the platform. I trailed behind, following close.

We blended into the crowd, and I moved with them, a sea of robotic movements. Peering into eyes, I noticed the deadpanned expressions, the mechanical movements of each person, and attempted to mimic them. My eyes wandered, eyeing the droids scattered throughout the crowd. Mathias expertly weaved us through the crowded, out of eyesight, not out onto the street, but farther into the subway.

We entered a dimly lit corridor and a mechanical hand clamped onto my shoulder. I resisted the urge to flinch. I turned a 180 to be face to face with a droid. It wasn’t humanoid thankfully, with claw arms and tank treads for mobility. “Citizen. Unauthorized personnel cannot proceed further. Please reroute to a public passage.”

“We have a pass.” Mathias lied smoothly, flashing out his wrist. The robot reached to scan the microscopic chip buried in his wrist, but quick as lightning, Mathias snatched the arm of the robot, snapping it. The robot whirred in alarm, retreating. Mathias lunged, smashing it against the wall. How he did this with minimal noise, I didn’t know. He opened a panel, ripping at cords.

After a few moments, the robot lay still. I gaped at Mathias. That exchange must have taken less than a minute. He grinned, picking up the droid.Tinket might want a new cleaning bot. The thing looked a good fifty pounds but he carried it with the utmost ease. He chuckled at my thoughts, and I kicked him in the shins, motioning to lead.

He tossed a small contraption in my direction, resembling a compact button.Place it on the ground in front of the entrance and push the button. I compiled, and within moments a wall shimmered into view. I stuck my hand through it, wiggling my fingers.



Why are we going deeper again?

He rolled his eyes.It’s because, luv, the closest entrance is down here. The catacombs have existed for centuries. No one knows how they’ve come about, or why they exist in the first place. I don’t question it. As long as there’s a place to remain undetected.

We continued on, making twists and turns until I was hopelessly lost. I managed to track around twenty of our movements, but there was no way to keep track of our direction. Each corridor was identical, every fork in the road dividing into indistinguishable paths.

Eventually, Mathias stopped at a seemingly random hallway, and set the droid on the ground. He rapidly knocked twice. Paused.,
Then four. Pause. Another two. “Password?” a garbled voice asked. It was impossible to tell the age or gender.

“Damn it Lucas. We have no password.” Mathias growled.

“I made one up while you were gone.”

“How am I supposed to know it then?”


After a moment, the voice replied grudgingly. “Good point.” A scrape of metal could be heard and a hidden panel opened up, revealing a gangly Asian boy, no older than twelve. Raven obsidian eyes stared up at me, wide and questioning. “Who’s she?”

“An ally. You remember that project Tinket was working on? She’s the product of it.” Mathias gestured towards me. “Watch out for her sharp tongue though, she might bite.”

I resisted the urge to growl, settling for a scowl instead, stepping into the opening.

Lucas positioned the metal plate back into place, and Mathias trudged forward, traveling down what appeared to be the central hall. I trailed behind, peeking into the adjoining chambers we passed. In one I spied row upon row of weapons, consisting of various guns., swords, and other objects that I couldn’t recognize.

A shriek sounded and smoke billowed out from another room. A hunchbacked, pale skinned girl with wild blue eyes stumbled out, nearly running into our little party. We expertly dodged her and continued on.

Eventually, we reached the end of the hall, where it opened up into a larger central room. A figure sat in a large swivel chair, numerous monitors filling up the wall they faced. “Took you long enough.” A light, whimsical voice teased.

The chair swiveled around, and I took a small step back in shock. It was a girl, no older than 30 with russet tinted skin and chocolate brown curls. A doe eye stared back at me, wide but devoid of innocence.

That wasn’t why I was taken so aback. The right side of her face appeared normal, but the left was plated by metal, a mechanical eye whirring in its socket. Her left arm was replaced by a mechanical version. How did it work? Flesh couldn’t meld with metal, could it? I suppose, with how advanced this world was, it shouldn’t surprise me. Mathias grinned at me, obviously relishing in my shock.

The girl laughed at my expression and spread her hands in a welcoming gesture. “I’m not going to eat you.” She noticed my hesitation and sighed. “I’m Tinket. The brains, the smarts, basically the only one who knows what they’re doing around here. Am I guessing you have questions? That is the reason I had Mathias bring you, after all.” She clapped her hand, and a whirring could be heard from below my feet. Within a few moments, a pair of seats emerged in the center of the room, rising from the floor. “Take a seat?”

I perched on the armchair, on edge. Tinket shot a glance towards Lucas, who has hiding tentatively behind Mathias’s form. Tinket beamed at him. “Care to get us some tea?” He nodded and scurried off. She shifted her gaze in my direction as Mathias leaned against her armchair. “What do you want to know?”

“Why is he able to get into my head?” I blurted, finally unable to hold my questions back. It was obvious she was behind everything, and after the last few hours, numerous questions sprung to mind.

Mathias snickered and I wished Lucas would hurry back with the tea so I could splash it over his face. “Out of all the questions, not something practical like why you’re here or what’s going on or who we are?”

“Well,” I snapped irritably, “having someone like you be my mind reader is a very high priority on my list to solve why, and how to get you out.”

“That’s pretty harsh, luv.”

“Welcome to reality, you-"

Tinket raised her hands, stopping me mid-sentence. “This bickering isn’t going to answer your question.” She paused. “But you both do seem to act so similarly.”

I shot her a glare and huffed, but couldn’t stay angry. There was something about her, this feeling of belonging. Maybe I was insane

“Anyways, the reason you can communicate to each other is that of the the paracingulate cortex, the part of the area extending from the anterior cingulate to the anterior frontal pole. It’s implicated in self-reflection, person perception and in making inferences about others' thoughts. In theory, depending on how close both subjects are can determine this ability you seem to possess. I’ve been trying it on Mathias, and recently got the connection.” She frowned. “That wouldn’t explain why you appeared when you did. We were planning on pulling you over in a few days.”

It made sense. “What do you mean pull me over? I don’t belong here. My home is back on Earth, away from wherever we are.” I grimaced. The words tasted bitter on my tongue. Did I belong on Earth, where I was the laughingstock of the world? Doomed to be nothing? I thought for a moment. Ever since arriving, I had stumbled much less, to the point where I didn't. It was bolder, and everything made sense to me.

Tinket cocked her head, thinking. “I suppose it is rude of us to pull you here, but we need you. Mathias is our only link to Earth, through you. As someone born without a chip, you’re the only ones they can’t track.”

“Who’s they?” I questioned.

Mathias pulled out a map, spreading it across a low coffee table that had appeared. The map depicted what appeared to be a continent, similar to North America back home, but not quite. It was more square, with fewer landmasses jutting out, and only a few islands were scattered in the ocean. “We’re here.” he pointed to the southwestern corner of the map. “In the center lies Aeromontuim, or Aero for short. He, well it is a supercomputer that basically runs this continent. You know all those guard droids that were after us? Well that’s him commanding them”

“He has access to every electronic device, including the chips that reside in each citizen. He can track their movements, what they buy, where they go.” Tinket interjected. “You’ve noticed how deadpanned each person appears? Security is tight, we have no freedom, and humans have just become Aero’s toys. He has bots test on us, trying to find the perfect mix of human and robot.” She pointed to herself. “I can tell you firsthand how unlucky it is to be chosen.”

I was concerned about how heavily we relied on technology since Aero could tap into any system. Tinket had rolled her eyes. “I’m not that dumb. Everything here has been salvaged and rebuilt, so we run on a different frequency. Each item loops back towards itself, meaning if we were hacked, it would only infect one item. All the crucial info is in here.” She tapped her skull.

I sat in silence, digesting the information, trying to find a logical solution. An AI gone wild? Human testings? I shook my head. This was too much.

“They killed your mother.” Mathias broke in. I froze. Impossible. “Very possible.” He continued. “She was born here. I can’t tell you why, but once you step foot in this world, there’s always a way back. I don’t know how she got over there.” His gaze lowered. “I know. I should’ve saved her.”

The way his shoulders were hunched, the bow of his head, the clenched hands. Tinket averted my gaze, completely still. Either both were very good at acting or they were telling the truth.

I nodded once. “When do I start?” My voice stood defiant, unwavering.

A boom sounded, too deafening to be friendly.

Mathias’s eyes locked onto mine. “Now.”

That's my entry! I hope you enjoyed reading it! <3
i doubt anyone actually read it all tho rip


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01/22/2018 7:59 pm
Level 47 : Master Peacock
GoldenGlider's Avatar
out of all the books/stories i've read
this is like in the top 3
HOW. THIS IS SO GOOD. IM LIKE OBSESSED.. you're really good at writing too :o if you continue it i'll 100% read it xD
01/22/2018 8:15 pm
She/Her • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart uwu
CaelChan's Avatar
:OO really???
Ack im so happy you like it!

I will definitely write more!
i have too many ideas for stories
01/23/2018 12:19 am
Level 30 : Artisan Botanist
Vritiger's Avatar
I also agree
I've read a lot
So I might know a thing or too
You are a great story teller!
01/23/2018 12:22 am
She/Her • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart uwu
CaelChan's Avatar
^-^ thanks! <3
01/21/2018 4:31 pm
He/Him • Level 62 : High Grandmaster Kitten Kitten
Chiaroscuro's Avatar
A fascinating story!
01/21/2018 4:32 pm
She/Her • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart uwu
CaelChan's Avatar
Thanks! ^-^
01/21/2018 4:08 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Llama
sadfqcee's Avatar
i love ittt!!! ♥

it took a while, but i did read the whole thing!
01/21/2018 4:11 pm
She/Her • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart uwu
CaelChan's Avatar
Eeeek thankss <3

wow im shook
01/21/2018 4:04 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Meme
Mangled's Avatar
01/21/2018 4:06 pm
She/Her • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart uwu
CaelChan's Avatar
good wow or bad wow?
Planet Minecraft


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