This Blog is an entry in the completed Story Writing Jam.

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Chasing Rainbows (jam entry) ~pop reel!

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Sushifox's Avatar Sushifox
Level 53 : Grandmaster Procrastinator

This is a story based on the idiom chasing rainbows for Kefaku and violiie

Chasing rainbows: to pursue goals that are unrealistic, fanciful, or unlikely to happen.
(in this story the dream is that their families will accept them for being LGBTQ+)

Chasing Rainbows

Amelie stared nervously down at her converse. “Beya?” she whispered, “I'm scared.”
“I know, baby.” Beya replied. “But I know you're brave. I know you can do this. Let's go.”
Together, the two girls left the room they had been sleeping in together and made their ways downstairs.
They were doing this.
“Girl dont look so scared,” Beya hugged Amelie and planted a small kiss on her cheek. “They will love you no matter what.”
“I sure hope so.”
Tentatively, Amelie stepped into the kitchen to face her family, who were having breakfast. Beya followed in behind as Amelie cleared her throat softly.
Amelie had been waiting for this moment for years.
She had seen it in dreams, her strict christian mother embracing her, in tears, choking out between sobs that she was sorry if she ever made her feel unwelcome due to her sexuality.
Or, in her nightmares, her mother glaring down at her, shaking her head in disgust, mouthing the words- “Heathen. Leave.”
Her mother and sister looked up at her cough.
“I, -I wanted to tell you something. I wanted to tell you the truth.”
God, why did she sound so awkward? She had been replaying this moment over in her head for ages, rehearsing what to say. Now, it was all gone.
Just her and her Mom.
She felt a warm weight on her shoulder as Beya moved closer and placed a supportive hand there.
Just her, her mom, and Beya.
Encouraged by Beya’s strength, she pressed on. “Mom, I like girls. I am a lesbian.”
Immediately, she saw her mothers face contort with hatred.
“Mom, they're my girlfriend.” A pause. “And their pronouns are they/them.” she added softly.
Amelie thought she saw her mum's expression calm down as her lips parted and softly formed one word.
The next night was spent at Beya’s house. Both girls slept rough. Amelie, feeling guilty for becoming a burden for Beya, lay still staring at Beya’s digital clock while Beya, tossing and turning, couldn't help thinking about what she was going to do in the morning.
Neither girl noticed themselves fall asleep, but they were both abruptly awoken by the insistent beeping of the alarm Amelie kept on her phone.
Beya sat up in bed and stretched. “I'm going to do it.”
Amelie turned to face her with a sleepy curiosity. “Do what?”
“Come out.”
There was silence for a beat, then Amelie tentatively put her hand on Beya’s shoulder. “Are you sure?”
“I'm sure. Worst case scenario, we’re both homeless. And I'd rather that than living pretending I don't love you 24/7.”
Amelie sighed. “ understand. But aren't you scared?”
“Of course. But I've got you and that's all that matters.”
They sat together on Beya’s bed in silence, enjoying each other's warmth under the sheets for another couple of minutes before Beya stood up decisively, like someone who knew they needed to do something before they changed their mind.
“Let's go.”
As the two girls reached the bottom of the stairs, Beya’s mom looked up from her frying pan. “Sleep well girls? I'm making pancakes for breakfast, they'll be ready in a min.”
“Thanks mom.”
Amelie squeezed Beya’s arm lovingly and she pressed on.
“Hm?” her mum replied, not looking up from the pancakes.
“Im bisexual.”
Her mother snorted. “Huh?”
“I like both girls and boys and I'm dating Amelie.”
Beya’s mother straightened her back and turned to face her daughter. “You're not bisexual. Women are attracted to men. I'm sure you like Amelie very much but it's not love. Love is between a man and a woman”
Beya stared at her mother in disbelief. Confused, and not grasping what had just been said, she frowned- “What?”
“You're confused, hun. Girls dont like girls.” she paused then jokingly added- “And don't tell me you're a boy because you're not.”
“Amelie, let's go.” Beya spoke sharply, holding back tears.
Back up in her room, Beya dashed around pulling clothes and cash from drawers and shoving it into a day-bag.
Amelie interrupted Beyas tearful scurrying.
“Girl, this is not the way to go about it. I know you're mad at her but we will not survive if you don't stop, and think even for just a second. If we leave now, we will have eaten nothing since yesterday. If we leave now we won't have what we need to live. Have you thought of where we're going to stay? I thought not. We're only 17. You need to stop and think.”
Beya angrily wiped tears out of her eyes. “I know.”
“Look. I know you're angry. I get why. But let's stop and think.” Amelie gently kissed Beya on her cheek.
The two girls sat together on Beya’s floor, putting together piles of clothes, batteries, bottles of water and snack bars, blankets, and money. A few hours passed, and eventually everything was sorted into two separate bags, one for Amelie and one for Beya.
A shout came from downstairs. “Girls! Pancakes are ready!”
Beya sighed. “We should go.”
There was silence around the breakfast table as the three women awkwardly tucked into their pancakes. Amelie finished first, then Beya who stood up swiftly and stormed back upstairs, Amelie following her.
Back up in the bedroom, Beya stood holding both bags. She silently beckoned to Amelie and opened her window.
“What?” Despite the foreboding feeling in her stomach, Amelie couldn't help but feel excited.
“It's fine. I've climbed out this window loads. I will go first and help you down.”
Beya climbed down from the window with ease, and Amelie followed her, cautiously, grateful for Beya’s help.
“Now what?” Amelie asked.
Now what? Beya didn't know.
“Follow me.”
Beya and Amelie walked in silence down the road.
“My car!” Amelie burst out suddenly. “Why don't we get my car!”
Beya turned round to face her suddenly, eyes bright.
“It's Sunday, my parents will still be at church. We can get it without them seeing if we go fast.”
“Let's go then!”
10 minutes later, huffing and puffing, the girls arrived outside Amelie’s house.
“It's in the garage, round the back.”
Together Beya and Amelie moved through the garden towards the back and the garage. Beya pushed up the folding door and light shone through onto Amelie’s car.
“We don't have keys.”
Beya gave an exasperated shout. “Arghh! Why does nothing ever work for us?”
“God hates gays I guess.”
Amelie sat down next to her defeated girlfriend. “It's not the end of the world honey, they're just inside the house. We can figure out how to get them.”
Just then Beya’s phone rang.
Amelie jumped up, “I have an idea!”
On the other end of the phone line was their friend Josh. He was well known for sneaking in and out of his house in the dead of night to go to parties and bars.
Beya whispered excitedly as she pressed the answer button, “We should ask Josh!”
One phone call later, a plan had been formed. It wasn't great, but it would have to do.
Beya, the stronger of the two, would use Amelie’s Father’s sledgehammer (found outside the garage) to break a hole in the window which they could put their hand through and open the latch. Amelie, the smaller one, would then be able to climb through, run through the house, and grab her keys.
The plan went perfectly.
One problem though: the big hole left in the kitchen window.
Beya was all for leaving it, “It's not like we care about them though!” but Amelie hesitated. In the end Amelie climbed back into the house to write a note explaining what they had done and that they would attempt to pay it back in the future.
Keys in hand, the girls raced back to the car in the garage.
They started the car, put it in gear, and drove off.
After we paid my parents back for that window, we left the state. We changed our names, Beya’s to Bear, and mine to Amity, and got jobs. We live in my car, and shower at our local gym. We’re happy. We understand that there are people out there that will never accept us for who we are. It's time we stopped chasing rainbows.

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02/09/2023 6:00 pm
Level 22 : Expert uwu
Boba_Mushy's Avatar
Your art is absolutely amazing
02/10/2023 3:07 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
Sushifox's Avatar
Thx sm >///<
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