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Marioood's Avatar Marioood
Level 38 : Artisan Crab
Makes the Minecraft title screen logo more accurate.

I honestly don't really care about the whole chat report thing, I just made this because I thought it was funny.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.19.1

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Phil-StatesBall Animates
03/23/2024 9:55 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice System
Phil-StatesBall Animates's Avatar
If Minecraft was Orwellian:
08/03/2022 3:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Moten's Avatar
Just like 1984!
08/03/2022 8:59 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Artist
ZakShei's Avatar
how much you wanna bet this isn't gonna be an issue anymore in a few months, like it's still gonna be a thing but nobody is actually gonna care anymore
08/05/2022 7:26 am
Level 44 : Master Kitten
Akisephila's Avatar
:33 < thats probably pretty likely, considering theres no actual real-time chat monitoring like people k33p claiming there is
09/24/2022 12:01 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Explorer
Lunk's Avatar
The main problem isn't that Mojang can access private chat messages, it's that it is very to get falsely reported. For example:

A: B, what do you think of children?
B: What?
A: Ok, nevermind.
A: How do you get wither skulls from wither skeletons?
B: You kill them.

Person A then reports Person B and only sends the first and last messages, which means that Mojang sees this:

A: B, what do you think of children?
B: You kill them.

Now it looks like Person B is threatening to kill children, so they get banned, even though they didn't do anything wrong. This problem could easily be fixed in many ways, but Mojang ignores any criticism on the chat reporting feature.

Even if people do forget about it, someone will probably get false reported, and then everyone will care again.
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