Exposed // CE Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Exposed // CE

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_FroznBee's Avatar _FroznBee
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Blob
I spent literally ten minutes trying to remember that exposed is a word
First like 7 min thinking my brain dead then realising what it is in norwegian then translating then realising that it was 'exposed' and that I am the stupidest idiot in the world
I am too dumb to get left alive


Sum lore

So dis man, he was a normail human explorer once. He l7ved in those times before the modern minecraft player existed. And he was one of the bravest, of not THE bravest of all his civilasation. He was the first, to enter the NETHER (haha I'm writing dis just as I'm entering the Netherlands lol)

And he agreed that he was ONLY going to look and explore, no suvenirs or anything. But of course, as greedy as humans we are and he was no different. When he came there, he instantly wanted to know EVERYTHING abput dis place, and he found a little witch's hut. He asked her to give him all knowledge about dis world, and she did, but she was no good witch, nonono she was an evil withc. She took away his ability to skeak with humans, cus he could still speak, but no human would be able to understand his words.

When he realised this, he jumped at the witch like an animal. And this helped change his brain, from a humans brain, to partly an animals brain. But with this great knowledge came also great understanding. He felt like the animals felt, as the creatures felt, so much that in his body he decidrd to house the creatures outside of any ecosystem, the creatures that were alone, and the ones that seeked help. But he was also hiding. In his camouflaged outfit he now had, he could hide in the warped forest. But what was he hiding from?

When he didn't rrturn from his trip to the nether after days and weeks (the time goes faster in the nether) the humans became anxious. But at this exact moment, they were hit by a plague. Called the endermite plague. When you got this plague your skin turned pitch black and your limbs were streched out to the extreme.

But their minds remained intact, so they went to the nether searching for him, and that, is what, or rather, who, he was hiding from.
He is still hiding now, or was, until a blue shirted man just a little taller dan himself entered the warped forest, accompied by a girl dressed in leather pants and a green tunic. (as you would've been able to see in the drawing, he is quite shorter than Steve and Alex if I knew how toget the url to an image on phone ;-;)
He recognised these as people, and his human instincts told him to go towards them. All the creatures he was hiding screamed 'nooo, no pleeaaase, noooo' but did he listen? No. Should he have listened? Yes. Because his first time meeting Steve and Alex (or basically minecraft players) was not a happy time.

Steve took his sword and exposed multiple of the creatures, that were all screaming. The man now ran away, terrified, and decided he would stay hiding for the rest of his life.
(which btw doesn't exist cus the witch wanted to punish him for his greedyness by making him invincible)

Sum inspo from dis skin but I swear I didn't copy anything besides the idea of glowing eyes from it


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06/07/2024 7:49 pm
Level 41 : Master Button Pusher Droid
jellyfishh's Avatar
is good
06/07/2024 7:57 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Blob
_FroznBee's Avatar
07/18/2023 8:17 pm
Level 25 : Expert Skinner
FroggyEvan's Avatar
Is that a beanie at the corner of his head?
07/19/2023 12:51 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Blob
_FroznBee's Avatar
Yes haha, or maybe it might be a top hat, idk lol
07/19/2023 1:07 am
Level 25 : Expert Skinner
FroggyEvan's Avatar
hehe, tiny hat.
07/12/2022 10:35 am
He/Him • Level 35 : Artisan Goblin Procrastinator
hurklesthecrow's Avatar
whoaaa this is so pretty :0 the story is just *chefs kiss*
also all the spelling errors (intentional or not, no offense, please don't kill me D:) made this 10x more fun to read xD
07/12/2022 10:49 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Blob
_FroznBee's Avatar
Haha I do know gow to spell but like uh I wrote this on my phone lol and I don't have any english autocorrect haha
:D I'd say intentional :DD
thankiiees again!
07/08/2022 8:49 pm
Level 20 : Expert Modder
Molmten's Avatar
can i use this in a mod im working on? i will link this in the description
07/09/2022 3:41 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Blob
_FroznBee's Avatar
Of course! I'm happy to help
Would you also please link the final thing in my guest book or sumthin when you're finisjed?
07/08/2022 10:30 am
Level 32 : Artisan Artist
MerBatPhan89's Avatar
Cool skin! Reminds me of Tangela, my favorite Pokemon! Like how you included a story to go with it! 🙂
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