Enderlord VII : Wrath Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Enderlord VII : Wrath

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nicknackqw's Avatar nicknackqw
Level 19 : Journeyman Spelunker
The 7th enderlord of the fallen council. unlike his sisters and brothers Wrath was not exposed to the power of the ender dragon so Wrath was conciderd the weakest of the 7. But the he also gets his powers from the amulet on his chest which was not empowerd by the ender dragon but instead his amulet was forged by dwarven hands and empowerd by the moon then given to him. his weapon is the legendary Kusanagi. ALTERNATE RELIGIOUS BACKSTORY

The story of the masked man, <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

A long time ago, in a land that was stuck in the ancient times, a land where dragons hoard treasure, and phoenixes roam the skies and the demons plot deep below the earth and sometimes, walk among men. This is the story of the masked man, an angel dragged down to earth and tortured until he became insane, and as a result he was cursed to become a warring demon forever, with no memories and only emptiness in both his mind and heart, he never did find redemption again until he died. This is his story, before he returned to the light and how he returned to it, enjoy!

The masked man had stood on a hill,

Reminiscing of the times he could remember.

He had fought many a bloody battle,

Because he was a warring angel and now a warring demon,

And yet, he has forgotten the love that angels were made with.

One day, when the leaves had all fallen, and the first snow had just arrived,

Word had come, about gemstone, which could give him redemption and his memories along with

It, but it would require his demon sides blood lust, as this single gem was locked in a castle far north himself and was searched for by many other demons.

And yet, for redemption, he strode on, unwilling to give up on a chance to return to the light.

On the way he befriends a little girl, whose family was slaughtered by other demons, they formed a bond, almost like father and daughter.

The bond strengthens over time and they become the best of friends.

But this girl, Victoria, has a secret, she knew what the gem was, a fake, she knew it was a lie for the sake of capturing the demons, but she could not bring herself to crushing the masked mano s spirits.

But when they arrive the find all the men of HarvenDale wielding everything from pitchforks, to maces, all of them stood in position as the first demons entered the keep, the masked man, being a clever strategist knew that in case of an ambush, not to storm in.

The first demon was skewered on a long pike, and just as the demons realised what had happened, all the men came out of hiding and charged them.

Unfortunately, then men had forgotten one thing, demons are DEMONS, and the mortal men were no match for the higher ranking demons, who quickly slaughtered the majority of the men. In seconds the battle was decided, and there was one man left, his name was Gerard and he was the father of Victoria, but in a desperate act of greed and evil, he shouted out to the demons, o ITo S HER, SHE IS THE CATALYST OF REDEMPTION, KILL HER AND YOU WILL LIVE AGAINo . Anyone could tell he was lying, because of his tone, but the demons, so desperate to be reborn, turned on the masked man and demanded he hand over Victoria. The masked man tried to reason with the demons, because he was undeceived by Gerard, but the demons would not listen. So caught between which life to try to save, he chose to save the girlo s, and unsheathed his blade. The battle was long hard but in the end, there were just 24 out of the original 12000 demons left alive, but the masked man could do more, with his left arm severed below the elbow, and both legs broken, he lay on the bloodied ground, with a demon spear lodged deep though his right shoulder and into the ground, keeping him from rising to his feet. Then with his final breath, he pivoted around, realizing he had lost, decided to give Victoria, the only mercy he could, and said o Io m sorryo , Victoria, realising what he was about to do, nodded, understanding what worse would come from being handed over to the demons. With tears in his eyes, he put his hand over the girlo s heart, gently applying his magic. o NO!o shouted the demon behind him, but it was too late, her heart had stopped. Then the masked man too faded into nothingness, using the last of his essence to provide Victoria with a quick painless death. The masked man blinked, no it wasn't a dream, God had found his last act a redeeming one, now as the masked man stood on the single cloud, and Jesus walked up behind him, o what is it thato s troubling you?o He asked. The masked man made one request, only one and God had granted it, for the rest of eternity, Victoria, would stay in heaven with the masked man, as a family, as friends, and as brother and sister. THE END

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10/27/2012 1:48 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Pony
ShadowOfAGamer's Avatar
I cannot decide which one to use as my skin! Blue, Yellow, or Red!?
09/09/2012 1:22 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Ranger
mechman119's Avatar
Wow, interesting backstory. Expand on it!
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