Christmas.exe Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed All I Want For The Holidays Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins


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eclipsedxmikah's Avatar eclipsedxmikah
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd

Even in a land of misfits, I'm considered a misfit.
A misfit of misfits. Catchy title, huh?
I pulled my wool scarf tighter around my neck as I trudged through the snowy streets of my hometown.
It has no name, or location. To humans, we don't exist.
The mistakes.
We've always existed, and we're unsure of our origin. One day, one of us appeared and started a town as the rest of our population began materializing. We've becoming intelligent enough to figure out where the new ones spawn from, but that knowledge is usually scoffed at by the average citizen. They don't care about anything except their existence, money, and over-stressing about the date. The termination date.
Everyone has one, and from the day we are deposited into our hole of a life, we have a mental timer of the exact time we vanish from reality. Any neighbors, family members, or enemies lose memories of you. It's as if you never wasted oxygen. Well, if you use oxygen.
Not all of us do.
We're monsters.
Some of us are animals. Some are aliens, robots, plants, spirits, elves, fairies, inanimate objects that were given life, and the rare fusion.
I am a Fusion.
Part computer, part human.
The others categorize me as a robot, though one look at me clearly defines I am NOT a robot.
I have flesh from the neck down, but an outdated computer serves as my head. It's a depressing life, yes, but today is different. Today is December 1st. My favorite day.
In a few hours, Christmas.exe activates and I get what I lack any other bleak day of the year. Emotions. Joy.
I have a heart, for 31 days.
As I continued down the street, pondering the existence of misfits, I glanced at a store window. There was my reflection, seeming to radiate warmth for a cold, "robot."
My screen had already began flashing crimson and emerald, a sign of my inner files activating. With great joy, I began proceeding down the road, towards a little store that sold ornaments and other festive items. I passed by a few misfits, all glancing my way. My insecurity began whispering things in my head, but my Christmas spirit spit in its face. 'Not today!' I chortled, static flashing across my screen in joy. I opened the door to the small, brick building and ran for the strings of fairy lights, grabbing as much as my arms could take.
"Hello, Buttons! That time of year, huh?" The shopkeeper asked with a patient smile. He was a short, pudgy man with obsidian colored skin and eyes the color of a tropical sea. Most people assumed we were friends, but in all honesty he liked me because I always spent 650 dollars every year at this shop alone. I nodded. "Yes sir!" Now that I had greeted him, and done my daily socializing, I began grabbing the necessities off the racks; stockings, ornaments, wrapping paper, holiday socks, and pretty much every bow in the stock.
I dumped my truckload of items on the counter and slapped a credit card down, bouncing with happiness. The shopkeeper scanned my card, and sent me off.
With great enthusiasm, I ran back towards my home, feet pounding on the sidewalk, and my scarf fluttering behind me.
I got some weird looks from some reindeer-like human fusions, but my cares were elsewhere as Christmas.exe began fully activating.
I carefully held back from bursting into spontaneous Christmas carols, having to put my volume on MUTE. It's not my fault sometimes.


With the speed I had achieved, I was soon at the door of my apartment and I kicked the door open, not bothering with keys. Too much to do!
I barely acknowledged my cat, Donnalyn, who mewed at my abandonment. He didn't understand my Christmas fiasco. He was a cat.
I began stringing lights around the living room and rapidly turned on my radio, kicking it until it began playing Holiday music. Humming along to the first song (Carol of the Bells) was a great way to go insane with the decorations. Lights, sparkles, stockings, sparkles, gifts, ornaments, did I mention sparkles?
Within an hour, my apartment was decked out with fairy lights and everything imaginable.
I even forced poor Donnalyn into a tiny cat sweater.

I knew he would be scratching my ankles later for this, BUT CHRISTMAS!!!

I lit my fire and sat on the couch with a blanket over my slender legs, staring out my window at the bland city. My apartment looked like Heaven compared to everything outside my window, separating me from the cold hands of reality.
I'll take my haven though.
At least for a month.
My presents and Donnalyn's were neatly wrapped under my scraggly tree, brought to life by the fairy lights and glass ornaments adorning it.
I pet my tabby cat's head, smiling sadly at it.

"Merry Christmas. From today until new Year's."

Because in this world, nothing changes. And it never will.
CreditMadtato for the Shoe inspiration. Meggles for the Hat inspiration
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