Axolotl Defcon Playz (AxolotlArmyPlayz Fanovember) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Axolotl Defcon Playz (AxolotlArmyPlayz Fanovember)

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Guts N Pixels's Avatar Guts N Pixels
Level 56 : Grandmaster Collective
Out in the Minecraft Universe exists a general of the Axolotl army, this generals name is Playz. A Strange name for such an esteemed commander that leads an entire army of the axolotls, but they insist. Playz seeks to protect any Axolotl that cannot fend for themselves and establishes communications and resources for those that can exist on their own, just as a safety precaution to protect the Axolotl race. General Playz also actively seeks out recruitment of able-bodied Axolotls to join their Army.

But lately, communications have been going dark in established Axolotl military communities, bases, residents, and bunkers have been getting wiped out and companies of army axolotls have been identified as KIA or MIA. These skirmishes have begun putting fear into the army axolotl community and whispering rumors have been spreading like white phosphorous mortar fire amongst the companies and platoons, about a rogue axolotl operative.

The identity of this lone axolotl is unknown, just that it wears the highest and most tactically advanced axolotl equipment designed, tattoos are etched into its skin claiming to be the number of military communities it has destroyed, and each of those communities housed hundreds of axolotl military. The strangest thing of all about this axolotl is it has a barcode in the back of its neck, and it bears similar appearances to General Playz. The army axolotl community have begun calling it Defcon, for this lone soldier has become a national axolotl threat,

Axolotls are claiming it is Playzs sibling, others say it's an experiment to eliminate axolotl life, others even claim it is simply an alternate version of the General from a different time frame. Whatever the case may be, the soldier is here and is seeking to make the axolotls of this time extinct whatever means necessary...will General Playz prevail the lone soldier...or will their entire army be destoryed...?

If you love Axolotls, military, or even both. Go visit AxolotlArmy and subscribe to them, or if you already are, then go mortar them with notifications...
CreditAxolotlArmyPlayz Fanvoember

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11/17/2022 9:43 am
It/It • Level 49 : Master Fish Blob
AxolotlArmy's Avatar

its so good
Guts N Pixels
11/17/2022 12:57 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Collective
Guts N Pixels's Avatar
I was waiting for you to respond...glad to see your response is positive...
11/17/2022 2:27 am
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
Haza's Avatar
Well hazcumber is a character I created who is a twisted ice cream maker. He squeezes the guts out of children and puts them in ice cream. Over the years he has developed a poison that will turn the revolting children into mindless space that help him round his factory. So I guess you could make a corrupted twisted ice cream maker. And by the way hazcumber was my first try of pronouncing my name 'Harry's when I was a baby so ever since that's what my dad has called me.
Guts N Pixels
11/17/2022 2:32 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Collective
Guts N Pixels's Avatar
I enjoy the story you came up with, and my apologies if I have offended. But perhaps for your character, another name...?
11/17/2022 10:32 am
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
Haza's Avatar
I have came up with a new name for my character Haza. Oh and by the way thank you for the apology although I wasn't offended.
11/17/2022 12:16 am
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
Haza's Avatar
Could you make Me a fanvoember?
Guts N Pixels
11/17/2022 2:11 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Collective
Guts N Pixels's Avatar
I can, but what are you exactly...I'm thinking a literal moldy hazy cucumber...
11/16/2022 6:31 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar
I really like how you did the goggles. This feels very unique.
Guts N Pixels
11/16/2022 6:43 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Collective
Guts N Pixels's Avatar
Thanks, I tried making it similar to the tac gear I used myself in the army, but we only had one night vision sight instead of a whole face covering...
11/16/2022 9:23 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar
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