Minecraft Servers

KryptonCraft SMP (Status - Accepting Applications) [YouTuber ONLY SMP]

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BenyaJamin's Avatar BenyaJamin
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
KryptonCraft SMP (Status - Accepting Applications) [YouTuber ONLY SMP]
Status Offline Pinged: 03/08/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Welcome to KryptonCraft SMP!! [YouTuber ONLY SMP]

OnionGaming and I started a new server called KryptonCraft SMP. To apply, you must read the whole forum post and fill out the quick application bellow. Comment the application into the forum and you are done! 

Updated Members List: http://tinyurl.com/KryptonCrafters

Server Info:

1. Hosted in Chicago
2. Spawn is @ 0, 0
3. Mindcrack SMP Inspired
4. Death Counter Listed
5. Helath Under Name
6. Lauching March 13, 2015 @ 6:30 P.M. CST
7. Vanilla
8. Whitelisted
9. Survival
10. 24/7


1. No Griefing
2. No Stealing
3. No Hacked Clients of Any Kind
4. No Senseless Killing
5. Treat Others How You Want To Be Treated
6. No Racism
7. Be Nice
8. Have Fun & Enjoy!!

Requirements Before Applying:

1. Must be 14 years old or older (we have some leaning room, just tell us why you should be accepted if you do not meet this requirement)
2. No subscriber amount required 
3. Channel must have a good look & feel
4. Post at least one video every week
5. Must have a Skype to contact you


1. Minecraft Username:
2. YouTube Channel:
3. Age:
4. Minecraft Skills:
5. Minecraft Accomplishments
6. What You Can Do For The Community:
7. Describe Yourself:
8. Anything Else:

You will receive a notification whether you have been accepted or denied. If you were accepted; we will send you a PlanetMinecraft Private Message to ask for your Skype and give you some more information.

Create an account or sign in to comment.

09/06/2019 3:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
LordCha0s's Avatar
Heya, my name is Lord chaos, and i would be interested in joining the server
i'm a small youtube channel dedicated to bringing fun to others.
msg me with the reply
07/16/2017 11:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
JustTakeThatL's Avatar



PVP, Building(Kind Of), Redstone(Im allright) and command blocks. im not very good at anything else.

Opening my own server :D :D :D

I will be able to record videos and people will watch them and will enjoy them selves.

I am a Mature enthuisiastic happy caring helpful person who started a youtube channel and has grown to 96 subscribers

I deleted all of my videos because i wanted a fresh start.

this is my first application and need somewhere to record my videos so if you accept i will be eternally grateful
02/18/2016 11:50 am
Level 1 : New Miner
JDGAMING94's Avatar
1. Minecraft Username: JDGAMING94
2. YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UC0gKo_IA9sghwgHzOHgWlqA
3. Age: 22
4. Minecraft Skills: good at most things apart from redstone lol
5. Minecraft Accomplishments made awesome stuff on single player but apart from that nothing really
6. What You Can Do For The Community: Record the videos to get more people to watch the server and how its run
7. Describe Yourself: Small youtuber funny helpful caring always wanting to help out as much as I can and make new friends
8. Anything Else: looking for a decent server for youtubers only to make new friends and gain more experience will help out as much as I can
06/30/2015 1:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
titiusa's Avatar
1. Minecraft Username: titiusa
2. YouTube Channel: TeamAdmiral 200+ subs
3. Age: 14 almost 15
4. Minecraft Skills: i know all of the crafting recipes i can easily gather resources and finish the game also i know that i could build big or small redstone mahcines games and other stuff
5. Minecraft Accomplishments: i finish the game in hardcore i did a minecraft speed run and finished the game in 20 minutes witch was Crazy fun to do.
6. What You Can Do For The Community: i could build fun games and buildings and i got some cool plans witch they did do in Mindcrack but i know a way to make it better
7. Describe Yourself: I am a friendly person and enjoy playing survival with people and doing Redstone devices. i not allowed i could restrain myself from cursing if needed i do have skype and i am able to record 1 a week !
8. Anything Else:  A few month ago one the owner i think from this server left a comment for a SMP world and gave me the link so i accepted because i love Mindcrack and always wanted to join a server like this so i will record alot. If i do get accept i can't wait to start the adventure!
06/13/2015 6:56 am
Level 1 : New Miner
BAWmonster's Avatar
1. Minecraft Username: BAWmonster
2. YouTube Channel: BAWmonster
3. Age: 14
4. Minecraft Skills: Not Many, I haven't played in a while and do not only focus on minecraft for my channel. I am only looking to join this server so i can have the ability to learn more about the game while playing with others
5. Minecraft Accomplishments: I have done a few puzzle maps and adventure maps with my friends but thats really it beside me spending 24/7 on a server about 2 years ago
6. What You Can Do For The Community: I can bring what we all wish to achieve: Entertainment. I love entertaining others and spend hours a day on my videos. I plan to work very hard to bring creative and new things to the table through this server.
7. Describe Yourself: YouTube is life. I love doing it. It's pretty much all I do. JK. I do really enjoy Youtube, but i am also a very outgoing person irl as well.
8. Anything Else: Nope
05/30/2015 1:32 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Ethanplaysgames's Avatar
1. Minecraft Username: Ethanplaysgames
2. Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvAuesrKtBsVfQHGI5jyhkA
. Age: 13
4. Minecraft Skills: Building, A bit of redstoning
5. Minecraft accomplishments: Finding Minecraft
6. What can you do for the community: Anything you say
7. Describe Yourself: I'm a person who plays minecraft when i can
8. Anything Else: I might make videos on this server
05/10/2015 8:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
FrancisPlays_'s Avatar
1. Minecraft Username: FrancisPlays
2. YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/user/FrancisPlaysMC
3. Age: 14
4. Minecraft Skills: Building,Pvp,Other
5. Minecraft Accomplishments: Built a Minecraft Server Spawn
6. What You Can Do For The Community: Your Choice I Do Anything lol
7. Describe Yourself: Im Francis And Im a Guy
8. Anything Else: No (IM NOT A GIRL XD)
04/18/2015 11:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CrazyPotato_Original's Avatar
1. Minecraft Username:JustThatPotatoYT
2. YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCA4XleXzI1rklUbJ5aLKDrw

3. Age: 14 almost 15 In May

4. Minecraft Skills: Building,pvp, and traps

5. Minecraft Accomplishments: I made a huge mansion with som building aside

6. What You Can Do For The Community: I can help find resources and help make traps for mobs

7. Describe Yourself: Funny,Kind, and mature

8. Anything Else: I Hope I get In it would be amazing! :D
04/17/2015 8:41 am
Level 1 : New Miner
braminer's Avatar
1. braminer

2. www.youtube.com/c/braminermc

3. 16

4. redstone,some building skills,parkour

5. I made all the auto farms and made beautifull houses

6. Build auto farms and Mini-auto farms

7. I always end builds when i start them. I like challenges/complicated redstone problems. And im patient i also try to grow on youtube and help people who try the same.

8. I make minecraft animations and do some intro's for people who need them. Im in the scouts and could be on camp and not able to pre-record for a video that week.
04/07/2015 10:51 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
thatdamncreeper1's Avatar
1. BdoubleoIOO (gonna change that because i was hacked xd)

2. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMGEWLfJK0of4oh1c0A2Kdw (uploading minecraft videos when my new screencard is installed!

3. 15

4. Building, Survival, pvp

5. Made my first server, my first skin, my first texturepack, my first mod, made a villa 80x150Blocks pretty nice, made a HUGE castle and town around it.

6. "I am and will always be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of imporable dreams"

7. I am an optimist, always positive. Quite the builder and i am very easy to make friends with! I love helping everyone, and meeting new people! When i start a project it will scratch the back of my head until its finished, so you dont see many unfinished projects from SkillArt_ICE!

8. I have a friend playing on the server already,(skillart_matti) so im not the only one who is happy if you add me ;) And also as mentioned my minecraft videos will be up as soon as my new screencard is installed! :)
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